For a long time, Ruan Xiaoxi didn't speak. With tears on his face, he looked at Qiao Yisen, stunned.

Bin didn't know what to say, so she had to go out first and let herself calm down.

"Thank you. I'll have dinner."

As he was about to step out of the door, bin heard Ruan Xiaoxi say so.

He didn't say anything. He turned his mouth a little and went out.

"Joyson, I eat for you. I don't want to starve myself to death. If you don't want to starve to death, wake up quickly. "

Ruan Xiaoxi said as he picked rice in his mouth.

But there was no sound in the room except her own voice and the sound of eating.

I don't know what the Bento that bin brought back tastes like. Anyway, Ruan Xiaoxi ate it all.

She just wanted to make herself strong, so that joyson would wake up hungry and thirsty, and she could help him.

Little by little, joyson didn't wake up. Ruan Xiaoxi tried several times and finally got up from his wheelchair.

She was about to go out and ask joyson's attending doctor when bin came in with the doctor.

"Sister in law, why did you get up? Go back and have a rest. " As soon as Bin came in, he helped Ruan Xiaoxi to bed.

"I'm much better. I want to know when he'll wake up." Ruan Xiaoxi said to bin, but he looked at the doctor.

"I'll check for him first." Then the doctor took out the stethoscope and began to listen to the heart beat.

The doctor checked a lot of items, and Ruan Xiaoxi's heart almost reached his throat, for fear of any bad result.

After the examination, the doctor sighed.

"Doctor, what's the matter with him? Isn't that bad? Will you die? "

Ruan Xiaoxi's mood is very excited, one problem after another.

The doctor took a look at bin. He didn't dare to be a good advocate.

Joyson's woman is not so easy to fool. Bin nodded to the doctor, indicating that he was telling the truth.

"Mrs. Joe, your husband's situation is not optimistic. But it's not a good time to make a conclusion. It's ten o'clock in the evening. Whether there is a miracle depends on tomorrow morning. "

There was room for the doctor to speak, but Ruan Xiaoxi could hear it.

What is a miracle? It is a very rare situation.

Whether joyson can wake up or not depends not on medicine, but on miracles. That is to say, the hope is very slim, just like winning the lottery.

She felt as if she had heard a bolt from the blue.

Bin was not much better. After hearing the doctor's words, his heart suddenly fell to the bottom and his eyes were red.

"Doctor, you save him, you must save him, he can't die, he really can't die..." Ruan Xiaoxi suddenly came down from the bed, as if out of control. He grabbed the doctor's white coat and kept repeating it.

It's common for doctors that their families can't accept the departure of their relatives. However, for Ruan Xiaoxi out of control, doctors still feel quite helpless.

"Mrs. Qiao, you can rest assured that our hospital will do its best and will do its best." The doctor dodged Ruan Xiaoxi and looked at Bin's face carefully.

Although the doctor is helpless, Ruan Xiaoxi's small fight is a piece of cake compared with Bin's big fight.

Just now in the doctor's office, when he heard the bad result predicted by the doctor, bin directly picked up the doctor and threatened, "if he dies, you will go with him to be buried!"