105 Family is Love

Name:Love Unfolding Author:viLelouch
Chapter 105


I drove off to my family's villa as Friday came to have that dinner with our family friend.

I was still wondering who might it be 'cause I was invited. That would just mean, the guest is acquainted of me.

I enthusiastically let myself in as I reached home. I could hear indistinctive chatters by the living room and mom was the first to spot me as I walked towards everybody.

Then everyones's head turned in my direction.

"Oh, look at you," an elderly woman around seventy years old got up from her seat and warmly meet me halfway and hugged me tightly.

"You've grown so much Little Kate," she said, her voice cracked while squeezing me tighter.

Yeah, I'm 'Little Kate' to her for the reason that I resemble my mother so much.

Were it not for the lines on her face I would say she doesn't look her age. She moved in a swift motion and her articulate speech sounded like that of a youth in someone so old.

"How have you been Emily?" I hugged her back with the same warmth.

She released me but held my shoulders, longingly scanned my entire being.

"You're a one fine young lady sweetheart," she complimented.

"Thank you Emily," I smiled then I spotted her husband smiling at me while his arms spread wide anticipating a hug from me.

"Mr. Trevor," I acknowledged then I made my way to him.

He chuckled, "Come on Little Kate, it's Henry for you."

We hugged, he patted my back while we're at it.

"Sir Henry," I stressed 'Sir' once we pull away.

'tsk tsk tsk'

"She's still stubborn as she was back then," he said addressing to everyone around which earned a laughed from them and a smile from me.

The couple were a close friend of ours. I don't know how did the relationship started, I think in business with my dad, but as far as I could remember both played a significant role in my younger self.

As far as my memory serves me, I knew them since the beginning I gained understanding as a child.

They never missed to drop by for me everytime they visited the country.

I have the atmost respect and admiration to both of them.

They spent time with me, a silly child as I was. And in the passing of years, our closeness strengthened our bond.

But our bonding underwent a change as I grow older, specifically when I started living with my grandpa John at Green City.

Our interaction became less and less and now, it has been four full years since the last time we've seen each other.

Looking at now, even though physical interaction was less, conversation lesser, but the basic foundation of our relationship is way too stronger.

I could feel it and—

I could see the longing in their eyes and it warms my heart.



We sat around the dining table with platters of food handpicked by mom.

We happily gathered around, slowly feasting and chatting while we ate.

"I'm sorry Kate, my granddaughter was not able to join us tonight ," Emily apologized to mom.

"It's okay, there's still a next time," mom reassured.

"But this would be the perfect time for her to finally meet your family Kate," regret marked her expression.

"Mei is around your age Little Kate," Henry said looking at me.


The name ring a bell—

… then I choked which earned me a knowing look from my brother.

We glared at each other for a moment.

'Mei Trevor'

What a small world.

It took me a while to compose myself.

Anyways, Mei is Mei but another idea came into my mind.

'a crazy idea'

"I remembered, you mention some time ago that you have two granddaughters," I said making sure I sounded casual.

"… it would be great to meet them both."

The couple paused a second and a pained expression washed over their face, especially Emily. And my family noticed that.

Mom gave me side glance while father threw me a quizzical look.

"Alex," Henry uttered in a sad tone.

"She's no longer with us."

Mom gasped, "She died?"

Oh Mom, she's clueless in that matter.

Henry bitterly smiled as he shook his head, "She ran away from us, chose to hide and she's doing a really good job in that 'cause even how hard we tried to look for her, she hid herself pretty well."

"Why is that?" My mom curiously asked.


'Go mom'

I don't have to pry them myself.

I was taking advantage of my mom's cluelessness of the matter.

Henry contemplated and reluctantly glanced at his wife on his side before answering my mother.

"It was seven years ago, she—," Henry paused.

"… she came out 'gay' and the family couldn't accept it."

"She was given a choice: to stop her delusion or the family will disown her and… and she chose the latter."

A moment of silence passed, and my mother has the most shocked reaction.

Glad my father broke the silence.

"Well, Kaileen here is gay," he said like it's just a normal thing to say.

"She's even got a girlfriend more beautiful than her, "he added.

"How could you Dad?" I complained.

"I should be the most beautiful girl in your eyes," I whined.

He shook his head sideways, "No my dear, your mom is."

He winked at mom.


My mom smiled the sweetest there and reached out my fathers arm squeezing it gently.

"Get a room, you two," Kevin said.

"Kevin!" Mom and Dad eyed him.

Then our family's little moment broke by a small laugh from Emily.

"How I wish my family is this accepting, way back those years," she said with a longing tone.

"How could you let seven years to pass without reconciliation?" Dad asked as he continued to eat.

"We tried to look for her after a month of her running away but no luck," Henry defended.

"Her mom and my son, trained her to be capable at such young age and —,"

"… well, she just proven how capable she has become even without resources."

I smiled inwardly.

I could sense pride in Henry's voice— capable.

Then I felt uneasy as I noticed Emily intently looking at me. I know she has something to say but she's hesitating so I gave her a push.

"What is it Emily?" I asked with a smile that somehow encourages her to say what's in her mind.

She timidly smiled, "You're like a granddaughter of my own Little Kate."

"I know this is rude but— your gay."

That was not a question but more of a statement.

I inhaled deeply, nodded then smiled.

"Were you disappointed?" I asked.

She chuckled, "I already lost one, I'll never be able to handle it if I lose another more."

I bit my lower lip then I got up from my seat, walked towards her and hugged her from the back.

"Thank you Emily," I said and kissed her cheek while I'm at that.

Everyone curved up a warm smiles from their lips as they watched.

Then our evening proceeded with a loving warmth surrounding us.


'family is love'