102 The Argumen

Name:Love Unfolding Author:viLelouch
Chapter 102


I just followed Claire going to her apartment. She went inside as soon as the door was unlocked.

I took a deep breath.

I hesitated to get in making her looked at me.

"Well, are you coming in?"

I looked back at her and I was really hesitating.

She laughed then pulled me inside.



And— nothing happened.

Nothing naughty happened.

No pinning in the wall, no hungry kissing, nothing at all.

Typically in a situation like that, something like those would happen— and I know that.

Well, of course, I know since I studied.

… right?


But really, nothing happened. I just stood there checking out Claire as she walked to her bedroom with her back in mine.

'Should I follow her there?'

She left the door open.

Isn' that an invitation?

Well, I contemplated and I'm going to admit that I'd been tempted.

I will not deny that there was a part of me that's giving in but—

… but I found myself sitting on the couch instead by the living room.

Claire joined me on the couch, handling me a can of beer, and to my surprise, she sat at the farthest end curling her knees and with both of her hands on her beer.

"What are you going to do now?" She asked.

I flinched.

Suddenly it was hard to breath, I gulped a lump on my throat and my eyes just stared at her.

Then sensing my state, she laughed hysterically.

"Look, I won't deny that I'm really very interested in you." She said.

"I think I did not fail to let you know about that everyday."

"But know that I won't take advantage of your vulnerability tonight."

Then she smirked and then laughed again while I sat there feeling embarrass and blushing.

"I was just asking about you and Erika," she cleared.

"Discard your naughty thoughts baby."

There she goes— so sly.

"Even if I how much I want you now, I know you wouldn't do it anyway," she added as she looked at me straight in the eyes.

Composing myself, I relaxed my body on the couch and twitched a smile.

"Try me." I flirted.

She just smiled while gently shaking her head.

"It would just be a vain effort in my part 'cause I know you wouldn't."

"Why are so sure I wouldn't?" I pressed on.

"Because you 'love' her."

I was caught off guard with that.

"You love her that it's kind of envious." Claire continued.

"Being with you everyday makes me daydream, hope and ask... when would someone like you comes my way?"

"...who only has eyes for one person; who loves genuinely— so pure."

I chuckled after hearing those because—

… yes, I do.

I really do.

I certainly do.

I love Erika beyond measure.


I pulled myself out of my car and treaded the way to my apartment. My head throbbed due to hangover and my back ached as I slept on the couch while Claire comfortably slept on her bed.

I shoved my key into the door and dragged myself in but the sight of Erika at the counter shocked me.

It was almost noon, I thought she'd gone to school.

"Where were you?" She asked and it's crystal clear she's mad.

"I stayed at Claire's." I plainly answered without stammering.

And it broke me as she crumbled and held a silent cry.

"You slept with her?"

I wanted to hug her but the air around told me not to.

"I didn't."

She got up and walked to the living room; I followed.

"What was that last night?" She confronted.

"What about it?" I feigned ignorance.

She shot me a glare.

"How could you just introduce me as a 'friend' ?" Her voice raised.

"Why not?" I lifted my voice too.

"You introduce me to everyone as a friend and I can't ?" I sounded sarcastic and I intend to sound like that.

"It's a different matter Andy!"

"How come it's different?" I countered back.

"Because it's Claire!"

I sneered.


"You're missing the point here Erika!"

"Now you know how I feel everytime you deny me to the world."

Then I left her in the living room, slamming the door of our bedroom behind.


I felt really bad.

I felt worse making Erika cry.


It's been a while since I slumped myself to bed, with my face buried on the sheet.

Then I felt a weight dipped on the bed, indicating someone sat on it but I ignored it.

"I'm sorry."

I didn't say anything. I just stayed still.

"Could you give me more time?"

I heard Erika's voice cracked.

"I'm trying."

"I really do."

Then she sobbed. I gripped the sheet but I still didn't move.

"I'm building up the courage I need."

"Just give me a little more time, please."

"Please Love…" she pleaded.

"Just a little more."


'fuck it'

I rolled over, grabbed her hand and hugged her.

I can't endure more seeing her in pain and hearing her cries.

She's really the death of me.

She cried more, sobbed more and my hugged tightened for comfort.

After awhile, she calmed down and small sniffles remained. I ran my hand through her hair while the other patted her back slightly.

Then I flinched as I felt her lips on the nape of my neck, giving me small kisses, trailing up.

I gulped and—


She bit me!

I squeezed my eyes and bit my lip as I was feeling aroused.

'the fuck Erika'

She shifted her weight and claimed my lips. She was kissing me hungrily, exploring every corner and—


I quivered beneath her.

She smiled and broke the kiss.

She trailed a finger on my jawline.

"Claire didn't do anything to you?" She asked seductively.

I pulled my lips inward then shook my head as an answer.

"I don't have insecure moments often—" she paused.

"… but it's really very different with that Claire."

I smiled and tucked some strand of her hair to the back of her ear.

"You, Erika Leigh Parlam is the only one who owns my heart, my body and everything I am..."

"… and I would never choose to ran away to someone I just met over coming home to you everyday for the rest of my life."


I could see her widely smile at that, then bit her lower lip suppressing a giggle. Then back to smiling again that went up to her ears.

I rolled over with Erika beneath me now. Closing the gap, I kissed her.

Then that kiss turned out to be something like: because we were smiling so much that we can't kiss properly anymore.

Until we pulled away, I rolled on her side and we both went to a fits of laughter.


'I didn't know so much happiness until I met this girl'
