97 I Smell Trouble

Name:Love Unfolding Author:viLelouch
Chapter 97


The new semester started and graduation was nearing. Students were anxious coupled with excitement.

And with Andy and I, we're holding on: both in academics and with our relationship— going stronger.


I woke up one morning earlier than her— weekend.

I already had my coffee along with some bread but still no sound of her.

So I crept back into our bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed.

I stared down and admired her. Her messy hair spread all over the pillow; her face— innocent and lovely.

'Just where did I find this girl?'

I allowed my finger to run over her arm up to her shoulder. I did it to and fro gently.

A smiled curved at my lips as I got reaction from her. She stirred and her eyes slowly opening and blinking.

"Good morning." I greeted without stopping my hand to what I was doing.

Then she got a hold of it and pulled me down to join her back under the covers wrapping me around her.

I giggled and she just stayed still and got back to closing her eyelids.

I smirked.

'I don't need a log today'

My hands roam under her shirt and playfully pressed her stomach. She flinched at the contact of our skin but refused to move.

My lips brushed hers but she moved away.

"I've got morning breath," she whined.

"I don't care," I said then moved closer to press my body against her and caught her lips once again.

"So, what's the plan for today?" I asked between our kisses.

She groaned but still kissed me anyway.

"I've got no plans… except for loving you I guess," she answered.

I bit my lower lip with that, suppressing a smile as butterflies flew inside my stomach.

Then she rolled over me. So I wrapped my legs around her waist pulling her closer.

Our nose touched.

"We can stay in bed all day then," I said.

She smiled and caught my lips in a moment.


All this time, she still swept me off my feet. And she's becoming more desirable everyday.

"I'm about to get hungry Love," she hummed against my neck.

The warmth from her breath radiated throughout my body.

I just groaned.

I tilted my head as she moved down to my shoulder then she's back to grazing my ear.

I gripped her hair in response— encouraging her to go on.

So she kissed my lips once more and I ran once again my hands under her shirt.


I love mornings like this—

Just making out, teasing, pillow talking that would last hours or a day.

Then her hips moved against me sending sensation I craved.


I moaned in her mouth.


The mood was playful. Intimacy was great and she's smirking in arrogance that she can make me this weak.


And then the ringing of her phone interrupted us.

We pulled away for a moment: panting.

"Ignore it," then she claimed my lips back.

Until the ringing didn't stop.

If I could only paint her face…


She get off me—grabbed her phone on the bedside table, sat on the edge of the bed looking grumpy, pissed off and annoyed.

I laughed at her state.

She shot me a glare before answering the call.

Her complexion immediately changed after hearing the voice on the other side.

My brow arched as their conversation progressed.

"I'll be there later tonight."


"I miss you too."

I propped myself up on my elbows waiting for Andy to turn her head on me as soon as the phone call ended.

"Who was that?" I curiously asked.

"Remember the restaurant the first time I took you out for dinner on Valentines?"

A time lapsed as I was scanning my memory.

"Valentines…" I repeated as it registered to me.

"What about it?" I asked

"The owner is a friend," she explained.

"And she wants me to come over later tonight."

My brows arched more in question: demanding more information.

"It's kind of important that she can't tell me over the phone."

I arched my brow more and more— I was curious damn it.

"Look Erika, she's almost fifty—."

I smiled guiltily right after hearing it.



Why didn't she tell me immediately.


I got up and kissed her to make up for my 'almost' act of jealousy without ground.

"Wanna join me in the shower?" I flirted with biting my lower lip in addition.

And the idiot smiled like she won a lottery.




I arrived in the restaurant around eight in the evening.

Lynda, a waitress I know, led me to a small office inside.

Waiting for me was a fifty year old woman: amicable, gentle and has a homely demeanor, greeted me with her motherly smile and wrapped me for a hug.

I hugged her back with the same gladness.

"I miss you Terry." I mumbled.

She patted my back before releasing me.

Then we sat on the couch and I just noticed that we're not the only people around.

Standing in the corner, a darker part of the room, near the closed window, a woman of great beauty smiled at me as soon as our eyes met.

She slowly showed herself, getting away from that darkness as she made her way to us on the couch and my mouth hung low as I took the whole of her presence.

She's undeniably a beauty— sharp eyes, prominent cheekbone, sculpted figure and an aura of a smart person radiating from her.


Then she greeted me.

I blinked out of my trance.

"H…Hi…," I stuttered then I reached for her extended hand then—


No spark.

No current.

No voltage.

Nothing like with Erika's.

"This is my daughter, Claire." Terry introduced.

Then I got scared suddenly— 'cause I smelled trouble by the time she let go of my hand.

Before letting go, she squeezed it in a way that's hinting something or maybe I was just imagining things.

I hope it would be the latter.
