94 How Long Will I Wai

Name:Love Unfolding Author:viLelouch
Chapter 94


Overlooking at the enchanting scenery of the resort, the perfect choice for vacation immersed in a relaxing atmosphere was just what me and my companions need.

After a hell of academics work, especially that final examination, this vacation would surely help ease the stress building up in us.

And El Seraph Beach Resort, this stunning resort is mine and I won't tell them that.


"Hey, what took you so long?" Erika asked Mei as the girl arrived late at our spot.

We were seated around a small round table sipping our lemonades under a shade of a colorful umbrella.

"Know this my cousin, that it's better to arrive late than to arrive ugly." Mei answered enthusiastically then pulled out a chair to sit.

Donna smirked with that.

"And what are you smirking at?" Mei arched her brow to Donna.

"Nothing." Donna deadpanned.

Mei just rolled her eyes.

Both Erika and I just exchanged our gazes and to my surprise Donna said something that triggered an all out war.

"You would be likable if it's not with that hole in your mouth that noise comes out of it."

'What the…'

Literally, our jaw dropped with that and much more to Mei.

"What did you just say?" Mei asked with annoyance.

Donna smirked again.

"And if you are not deaf too." She deadpanned again.

I pinched my brows, just what's with this two?

I could already see the anger in Mei's expression. She's gnashing her teeth too.

"At least I'm not weird like you." She countered.

Her eyes were throwing daggers by then.

"Me… weird?" Donna snapped and glared.

"Yeah, you are weird." Mei glared back.

"Aside from being bipolar…"

"You… your being 'all knowing' too is weird."

"Everything about you is weird!"

"Even your face is weird!"

'Oh my …'

'Just what happened with this two?'

The tension around became hotter than the scorching heat of the sun.

"Huh…" Donna chuckled.

"You've got a judgmental cousin here Erika."

"It's funny how someone knows me the least has the most to say."

She eyed Mei.

"And me, weird?" She snapped sarcastically.


"I'm not weird!"

"I just fall… outside your exceptionally narrow view of the world!"



With that, I jumped in between them, gesturing my hands to a stop at each of them.

"Oh right, I don't know what happened to both of you…"

"… but we're here to enjoy and relax not to start a war."

Then a cold wave ran down my veins as soon as I heard a voice coming from someone at my back.

"Is everything okay here?"

So I turned.

I think my blood went dry for a second there.

"Holy shit!"

That was Mei then she immediately covered her mouth realizing her language.

The man, with his proven award winning smile beamed at us while having a concerned eyes made everyone froze for a second.

Looking at him, he's wearing an Aloha attire with unbuttoned flowery polo, flaunting his abs.

"K…Kevin Lewis." Mei stammered.

"I am."

Then she turned his gaze to me and to Erika.

"Aren't you students of that field trip?" He asked.


What an actor. He didn't even flinch with that lie.

Well, he's not technically lying just that he's good at pretending on not knowing me and Donna around.

Then my mind rumbled at the thoughts running, like... why he's here then the next thing I know, he's already sitting with us around the table.

'Just what happened?'

Then everyone introduced, including me.


He became suddenly the center of attraction especially to Mei that she's even fidgeting in her seat.

"I thought you like girls." Donna stated with a mocking tone.

She addressed that to Mei.

"I don't label myself." Mei automatically countered back.

"I will like whom I will like regardless of sexuality."

That earned a laugh from Kevin.

"So does that mean… you like me?"

'Oh shit'

My brother sure was good in flirting. Mei's cheek became a ripened tomato right there.

"So, what about the two of you?" Kevin looked at me then to Erika.

"Are you two dating?"

"You seemed close."

And just as I opened my mouth to answer, Erika outran me.


"We're just friends."

"We're classmates too."


I saw Donna bit her lower lip with that.

Also, maybe, my face sold me out or what, but my brother threw me a worry and concerned look at that.

Then time passed by, Kevin left us after some time and so we treaded our foot on the sinking sand, took some pictures, we laughed, we eat , enjoying every second while Donna and Mei bicker from time to time but we just let them be…

Then evening came…

Kevin texted me, it was already late, so I tiptoed and went out to meet him.

The salty breeze greeted me outside where Kevin was. He handed me a can of beer as I stood next to him.

Silence enveloped us, we just stared at the vast sea in front.

"I'm not doubting Erika's love."

He broke the silence.

My brow arched with that.

"You're dating her for a while now but she still ashamed, afraid to show everyone what you have."

"One shouldn't have to be ashamed, to be afraid and to be careful to express their love..."

"... because it's love."

He turned to me. I didn't say anything nor look at him.

"I've seen your face awhile back."

"You're hurting."

"I know it's painful that you are giving your all for someone and they're just disgusted by the thought of anyone seeing- ."

"She's not disgusted!" I cut him.

And my voice lifted up a little than intended.

"She's just not ready." I reasoned.

"I just have to give her more time."

"And she asked me to wait."

"So I'm going to wait."

Kevin kicked his foot on the sand, gently.

"Then how long are you going to wait?"

That struck me.

I'm starting to ask that question too.

'How long?'

"What if you're waiting for something that won't happen?" Kevin added.

That struck me again.

I gulped my beer then gripped the can hard that it crumbled in my hand.

I'm starting to ask that to myself too.

'How long Erika?'
