91 Alcohol Influence

Name:Love Unfolding Author:viLelouch
Chapter 91


"Flashy moves." I smirked as Donna reached me.

"It's been a while." She smirked back at me.

Then I smiled wryly to our two companions who's expression from fear turned to astonishment.

I drove Donna to her apartment. Good thing she'd fallen asleep while still in my car, hence I requested Mei to help me out.

More like I pleaded.



I pulled up to my apartment and carried Erika on my shoulder. She stumbled quite a lot in her every step.


I led her in our bedroom and she flopped down on the bed.

"I'm dizzy." She informed.

I sighed. Of course she would, she's drunk.

"Then I'll help you get changed." I offered.

I went to our closet to grab some change of clothes for the night and when I came back to bed; no more Erika.

I hurriedly went outside and saw her leaning on the fridge, an alcohol in hand.


I grabbed it away from her hand, too late. She already had a glass full.

I carried her again back to bed. She just sat down looking wasted.

"The room is spinning." She mumbled.

I could only sigh and so I stood beside the bed and begun to undress her.

I removed her top and with force, she pulled down my shirt and cupped my face and brought me closer for a kiss.

'Really now'

A was aflame at her touch; as always, and I could tell her tongue teasing me.

'Now now'

I really don't want Erika to get drunk without me, or even just to get drunk. She has this behavior; a flirty one that I don't want anyone to get advantage of.

Not in my watched.

And as much as I don't want to take advantage of her too tonight, I don't want to turn her down also. I knew that refusing her would make her feel unwanted and all.


So I climbed on top of her and laid her back down on the bed, kissing her with the same intimacy but there's hesitation while I did all that.

And she knew me too well, it didn't take long for her to catch on.

"You don't want to?" She asked, disappointment was there in her voice.

"You know, I always want to." I answered.

"Then why?"

I sighed.

"You're too drunk." I almost whispered it.

I leaned down again to half bite her neck.

"And I know you can't go on any further than this."

And I made her laugh with that.



"The fuck!" I shouted as I sprung myself to sit on my bed, kicking Mei to fall on the floor as I held up the sheets to cover my… my nakedness.

'What the heck happened?'

I heard Mei groaned in pain, she sat on the floor rubbing her back and our eyes met.

Then rage enveloped her face.

"Why the fuck did you kicked me?" She shouted at me.

"And why the hell are you in my bed!" I shouted back.

I studied her, she has my clothes on.

Yeah, 'my clothes' .

And I examine myself under the sheets, I'm really naked.

'The hell'

She smirked and it brought my attention back at her.

"Huh, you think I took advantage of you?"

My mouth fell open with that and my anger flaring.

She stood up and raked her hair.

"Just so you know, who would want to ravish an unresponsive log?"



She just clicked her tongue at me and went inside the bathroom leaving me wondering.


'Just what happened?'


After my morning routine, I headed to the kitchen just to see Mei brewing coffee.


"I advice you to get out of my place." I grumpily stated.

She again smirked.

"After kicking me out of the bed, now you're kicking me out of your apartment?"

"How ungrateful." She writhed with sarcasm.

Heat was building up in me right there out of anger, so I glared at her sharply.

She sneered and held up her mug of coffee.

"After my coffee runs out."

I rolled her my eyes and grab some water.

"By the way, you were cool last night." She blurted, peering her eyes above the mug.

I snorted and I narrowed my eyes on her.

"Don't you dare fall for me."

"I won't catch you Mei." I bluntly stated.

And she choked hard with that, spilling her coffee, dripping some on her palm.

She glared back at me after she composed herself.

"As if!"

"You wish!"

"And who would fall for someone as disgusting as you?"


That hit a nerve on me.

"Me?" I pointed to myself.


She smirked again. "Yeah, you are disgusting."

"You puked on me!"

"You puked anywhere, and you were drooling and- …"

I cut her off.

I cut her off as I threw at her a pitcher of water in my hand.

Might I add, a pitcher of 'cold' water as I just took it from the fridge.

"Ops, I slipped." I faked a smile at her.


How I wish I had taken a snapshot of her reaction.

Her eyes went round along with her mouth. Her hair was damped as she was really drenched.

And so, she begun to attack me but I kept my distance.

"Don't come near me." I warned as I was pointing my finger at her.

"If you keep on getting closer, then my hand will apologetically slip many more times."

Then as though she was hit by my words, she grunted and went inside the bathroom, defeated.


'Disgusting huh'