88 Love Kno

Name:Love Unfolding Author:viLelouch
Chapter 88


Several days passed.

"Love, come here." I called.

Andy emerged in the doorway of our walk in closet. She was wrapped in a towel. It seemed like she just came out from the shower.

I twirled around. "How do I look?"

She arched a brow. "Why does you're exceptionally gorgeous today?"

I laughed as I turned back to examine myself in the mirror.

"Today is school festival so better look good."

"And what's with this school festival anyway?" She uninterestingly asked as she started to look for something to wear.

"Who knows what tricks each department has up their sleeve today." I excitedly answered.

"Last year was a 'bang'." I added.

"So what happened last year?" She asked dryly pulling her chosen pants up.

"I was constantly dragged by everyone." I bluntly answered.

Her face fell into confusion.

"So you like being dragged?"

I rolled my eyes. "That's not it."

"So you like 'everyone' who dragged you?"

She gave emphasis to 'everyone'.

"That's not it either." I hissed.

"So basically, you're dressing up like this for…' everyone' to see and not for me?"

I grunted as I rolled my eyes again.

"I…I'm dressing up for you… too." I hesitatingly answered looking wryly.

"If that is so, well you don't have to, I prefer you, not having anything on."

My cheek turned hot with that and I threw her my sandal.

'So sly'

"Wear this." I threw her a shirt.

She lifted it up to examine and her face turned sour.

"Are you serious?" She exclaimed.

"I'm not wearing this rag." She threw it hard on the floor.

Well, we all have that one in our wardrobe that we wouldn't want to wear even if it's the last piece left and that's what I just gave her.


I left her in there as she rummaged for something she could comfortably wear.

As she got out of the bedroom, my eyes instantly caught her.


I was sipping a glass of water by the kitchen counter.

"Can't you look a little unattractive?" I grumpily asked.

The idiot just shrugged while sticking out her tongue as she twirl her car keys in her hand.

"Let's go." She motioned and held the door for me.

But before I could step out, she grabbed my hand and held my waist, shutting the door behind us.

She leaned in and her eyes fell on my lips, and so I ran up my hand in her neck and to her hair pulling her for a kiss.

A fire ignited inside me.


It is always like this with Andy, a little touch from her burns me.

She pulled back after a while, "How about staying home?"

I blushed and pushed her, "We have to go."

Then I headed out the door.


The school was livelier than the ordinary. Each department has set up their booths and were crowded with students.

And as soon as we caught up with Rina and Donna, someone approached me.

The girl smiled beamingly at me shaking the handcuffs in her hand.


So the Accounting Department still has this trick just like last year.

It's called 'Love Knot'.

One should pay up at their booth and two of their officers would find whosoever you want to be 'love knotted' with.

It could also be your friends pay up for you or someone who wants to mess up with you.

But every turn would only last fifteen minutes.

It's not allowed to pay for the entire day or an hour. It's called giving chance to others. So if you were 'love knotted' with your crush then make the most of that fifteen minutes.

Also, one could not say 'no'. It's a rule.

I smiled back to the girl and held out my hand for her to put the handcuffs on me. Her companion, the other officer, dragged the guy whom I should be 'love knotted' with.

If I could only draw Andy's reaction, I will have the entire day laughing.

I saw Rina leaned closer to her, I think she's explaining what I had gotten into.

I waved them goodbye as the guy led me away from everyone.

And I could only laugh as Andy threw me daggers with her gaze.



The day passed slowly and I've never had the chance to regroup with my friends as I was continually stuck with the 'love knot' thing.

Most of whom I've been with were guys. Some are hilarious, nervous, timid and… boring.

By afternoon, I caught a glimpse of Donna from afar and she had handcuffs on.

She was smiling, so she must be having a good time and I was with someone too at that time.

Then hours passed, my blood boiled at the sight I saw from a distance.

Andy was having a good time too, smiling from ear to ear talking with some other girl.

My gaze landed on their hands and the inside of my stomach twisted and my teeth, I gritted.

Aside from that handcuff, they were holding hands together. No, not just that, their hands were intertwined like the spaces of their fingers fitted for each other.

'The fuck Andy!'

My heart raced and my breathing became shallow.

But before I could get closer to them, dragging the guy with me, I lost them.


Another hour passed, I again caught Andy cheekily laughing with another girl, a handcuff again on their hand.

But then again, they were holding hands aside from the handcuff on.

'The fuck Andy!'

I also saw how the other girl playfully slapped Andy's arm or poked her side or whisper in her ear.


'Just wow'

She's definitely flirting with my girlfriend.

And again, I lost them as the guy with me that time led me the other way round.


Since I can't take it anymore, I texted Donna.


I shot a sharp glare at Andy as the officer put on the handcuffs on us. As soon as it has been locked, I dragged her away from everyone.

"So what was that?" I hissed in anger.

"What?" She feigned ignorance.

"You holding 'every' girl's hand!"

"Oh, they all requested." She answered while pouting.

"And I don't want to turn them down."


"But you turned me down Andy!" My voice lifted up a little.

"I'm sorry!" She writhed.

"It's not like I'm the only one having a good time here."

She eyed me, like I'm also a guilty party.


I inhaled deeply to fill up lungs.

"At least I didn't hold 'any' mans hand." I defended.

She smirked. "Too bad your dates were all cowards."


My anger got me.

"Yeah, and your dates were all bitches and flirts." I countered.

And before I could react, she dragged me in the comfort room nearby, slamming and locking the door behind.

She pinned me behind the door, then her lips were pressed against mine. A fire ignited within me and I fell into her kiss.

I then ran my fingers through her hair to deepen the kiss. I don't want to break it.


There was this something about her that I've never had with anyone before her.

'I craved for her'

'The need of her'

Then her lips moved down on my neck and it made me shiver. Her hands begun to move beneath my shirt, ran up to my stomach.

She moved up and her warm breath filled up my ear as she licked my earlobe at that.

I moaned and my knees slightly buckled as my strength begun to fade.

And before the interaction move further, I stopped her.

"Not here."

She smiled while panting and kissed me on the neck once more.

"Hmmm... shall we go home then?"

