82 A Night to Remember

Name:Love Unfolding Author:viLelouch
Chapter 82


As I succumbed to crying, burying my face on Andy's chest, she hugged me tighter than ever with both of her hands. It made me feel warmed, wanted, safe and secure; I found home between her arms.

It lasted for a while.

Her, hugging me, literally felt everything was calm, safe like nothing can hurt me.

She's like nobody else I've ever been with; I feel contentment with her.

'I love this girl'

'I love her'

When I calmed down a little, she held my hands and put them around her neck as she put hers on my waist.

There was still music playing.

She leads; guiding our body to sway; slowly, gently.

I smiled.

"I love it, when you look at me and smile." She lovingly said.

I chuckled and locked my fingers at the back of her neck like I don't have any intention of letting go.

We stared at each other and I felt like melting as I lost myself in her eyes 'cause it's like she's staring right through my soul.

"I love you." She uttered after some time.

"I don't want to stop making memories with you."

"I don't want to have an amazing couple of months then be over in a flash."

"I want us to last."

"I love you Erika."

Again, I let out a soft cry.

Just who would not cry after hearing that?

Andy's silent tears also begun to fall. She's so strong to hold her emotion in and not succumb to sobbing.

I bit my lower lip and did a couple of blinks to clear my eyes from the tears.

"Can I also say something?" I asked.

She chuckled then nodded.

I pulled out my intended gift for her from my pocket.

"Oh my…" She blurted as soon as she saw it.

It's a ring too.

Funny we have the same thought for our gifts.

Mine has different design though and I have two of them; a couple ring.

I put one to her finger and gave the other to her so she could put it on me which she gladly did.

It warmed my heart really as we stared down on the rings in our hands; glistening.

Then she pulled out something in her pocket too.

I lifted a brow which she just laughed out.

"Put this on me." She commanded.

It's the other one of the ring she left by the counter.

I was a bit pissed but I did not give in to that. I don't want to ruin the mood around but I made sure to let her know through my gaze in which she, again, laughed out.

"How I wish you're the one to put your gift on me." I said pouting as I slid the ring on her finger.

"Sorry." She apologized.

I wiped the tears lingering in her eyes and I wrapped again my arms around her neck while she instinctively held me in my waist.

Resuming our dance, this time; I lead, we slowly sway along with the music.

"I love you Andy." I said, almost a whisper.

"You've got the eyes I want to get lost in."

"You've got the voice I want to listen to every moment."

I smiled.

"I wish I could explain how your eyes and how the sound of your voice give me so much butterflies."

"And when I found you, I found love, affection and protection in you."

"I found myself in you Love."

"And you never fail to amaze me."

"Everyday, there is something new that makes me love you more than the day before."

"I love you Love."

"I love you so much."

By then, Andy crumbled.

She rested her forehead on my shoulder and her shoulder shook as she cried.

I caressed her head while I tapped her back with my other arm.

I also cried along with her at that moment, I made myself to be the one she can lean and cry on not the other way around.

She cried for a while.

I pulled her head for me to have a proper look at her when I felt she had calmed down, then I cupped her face with both of my hands.

I curved a smile before brushing my lips against hers.

I kissed her deeply, full, hard and good thing she kissed me back with the same intimacy.

She pulled me closer until there's no more space in between.

I kissed her wild.

Yeah wild, as though my life requires it. I could also feel the heat building up in our bodies.


But I knit my brows after some time and pulled my head back.

"Touch me." I hissed as I was catching my breath while I'm at it.


The idiot just stared at me blankly, like wondering or confused.

I gritted my teeth. I'm starting to get pissed again.

'My wrinkles'


"I said touch me." I repeated sounding mad but I really tried to be calmed as possible.

She just raised her brows and tightened her hold in my waist.

'Here we go again'

'Spelling out everything to her'

'Sob sob'

I felt like crying or walking out in frustration, again.

I inhaled deeply.

"T…Touch me." I stuttered.

"Touch me in the… in the not so safe places!"

Right, I almost yelled that. I think I'm becoming a grumpy old woman.

Also, my face was heating in embarrassment after I said that.

'Who would not?'

'Damn Andy'

