78 Insecurity Reigns

Name:Love Unfolding Author:viLelouch
Chapter 78

As Andy was getting closer and closer to bed, Lea's heart was throbbing and was beating so loud; irregular but she can barely hear it as her mind was shrouded with fear.

And for a second there, she found the strength to get away but only went limping on the floor.

She crawled, she crawled backward until her back hit the wall.

Andy just sat on the edge of the bed though, holding the dead mouse and pulled out the dagger, making the blood drip and some splattered on the sheet.

"Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." Andy begun not minding the blood dripping in her hand.

"I am kind to everyone but when someone is unkind to me…"

"Weak is not what you are going to remember about me."

Lea was paralyzed in her spot, as though the menacing aura of Andy was holding her down; pinning her on the wall.

"Whenever you needed me, I made myself available to you." Andy continued.

"I was too blind to see how much of a fool I was in your eyes."

By then Andy got up and made her way towards Lea.

Lea trembled in her helplessness. Every muscle in her body screamed to flee but remained frozen.

"D…Don't come near me." She finally made a word.

"You don't know who I am… my family..." She continued with her voice shaking.

Andy seemed not to hear her threat and came in closer, bending her knees to sit in front of her prey.

She lifted up Lea's chin with the tip of the dagger still dripping with the mouse's blood.

A cold wave ran through Lea's being, her every hair rose in fear and her mouth ran dry.

Fear crept over her as she stared at the beast in front of her, immobilizing her; holding her captive.

"A mere ant like you, dares to threaten a venerable one like me?"

"Don't test the monster in me."

Lea shivered as that voice sounded like nothing she'd heard of.

Some strands of her hair also came falling as soon as they touched Andy's dagger. That's how sharp it was.

Andy moved away the dagger and squeezed the dead mouse's body in her other arm a few inches from Lea's dreadful face.

Blood dripped along the spaces of her fingers.

"You… are no way, nearer than Erika."

"You're just an insecure rat."

"You spent time looking for faults in others but not spending a second to correct your own."

"Putting down other people does not make you powerful, it makes you a bully; a coward."

"Your competition isn't others; you compete against yourself."

"Suck that in your brain."

She then let go of the dead mouse in her hand and it fell right at Lea's lap. The girl quivered and her muscles tensed.

Andy got up and wiped her dagger with the bed's sheet. She occasionally threw glances at Lea and evilly grinned at the same time.

"I am a really nice person, until you give me a reason not to be."

She then sat on the edge of the bed with her legs crossed, looking without mercy on the girl whimping on the floor.

"You've used me."

"You've hurt me, aren't you going to say anything?"

Lea could only open her mouth but no words came out as though even words has deserted her. Her silent tears also came flowing non stop.

"Oh, forget it." Andy sneered.

"I won't forgive you anyway."

"If you're hoping that I will, then you're hoping for naught."

"I am not that much of saint." She winked.

She then got up from the bed and stretched out her back along with a yawn. She tucked her dagger inside her pocket and headed out the door.

She stopped before turning the knob and shot Lea one last glance.

"I don't want to see your face anymore."

"And with that secret of Erika, I think you're smart enough what to do."

She then pulled the knob and see herself out of the apartment, leaving Lea in such a horrible state.
