72 Sketch Her

Name:Love Unfolding Author:viLelouch
Chapter 72


Erika and I, still went to school as morning came. We were walking side by side and I could tell we're like walking zombies; half dead.

I didn't have a wink of sleep and I think neither did she. Just who would have after what she did to me?

Well, she's the one who I wouldn't mind losing sleep anyway BUT STILL… she's really cruel.


Right, I didn't know I was famous in campus until Donna spell it out for me the other time. I didn't even know why or when did it happen but I started to believe it as I'm beginning to notice it.

And my being into women spread out like an unstoppable virus. Well, I'm open with it so I don't mind.

Also, I could tell how most guys look at me as I pass them or when I'm around them. It's like they're sorry or regretting of me being gay.

I thought getting those looks and reactions would hurt me but it turned out that I worry for nothing.

I'm even smiling deep within me every time I caught one. Hahaha

There's nothing fulfilling than being myself.

I have let go of the need for approval of other people and I stepped out into the person that I truly am.

They may shoot me with their words and cut me with their eyes but still… I will stand and I will rise.

Yes, it takes courage to endure the sharp pains of self discovery but it would be worth it rather than to live a pretentious life.

A confined identity is a miserable way to live so I chose not to live that way.

I chose to fly...

I chose to be happy and free; I chose to be… the real me.

"Lewis, someone's looking for you." A classmate of mine called me out. We were in the classroom.

I lazily headed out the door and I was surprised to see who's looking for me.

As Donna said, I know all the beautiful girls in the campus and damn, smiling right at me was the beauty of the Business Administration Department, Lea.

She's a few inches shorter than me and she smiled broadway at me showing perfectly aligned teeth.

I immediately straighten up myself and smiled back as cute as I can. Hahaha

If Erika could see me, I think she'll hit me hard.

"Hi." She greeted me.

"Hi." I greeted back.

Then we both notice the crowd thickened around.


The dark inside me took over a second, I led Lea away from everyone by purposely held her waist as we walk. I made sure they saw me hold her and their reactions were priceless.

I was devilishly smiling inside me looking at their reactions. I was enjoying pissing them off but it lasted briefly though, among the crowd, I saw Erika shooting me sharp arrows with her gaze.


I immediately removed my hold from Lea and smiled like I did nothing.

"About our agreement…" Lea started.

"Ahh, yeah." I acknowledged.

"Right, you can have my number so you won't have to come find me here." I offered.

Well, our departments are kind of east and west so coming to and fro isn't really convenient.

And about that agreement, blame Rey for it. Rey, that friend of Rina. He dragged me into a mess that I don't have a way out but to go along with it.

Rey is kind of a happy go lucky individual who do not take his studies seriously but hitting on women seemed the purpose of him going to school.

And he dragged me into his womanizing schemes. I didn't know how it went but all I know was I found myself agreeing as I don't have a choice anymore.

Right, I am to sketch Lea.

That was the agreement when I'm not even a fine arts student. Damn that Rey.

After that talk with Lea, I went back to my classroom. Everyone was inquiring for some details in which I just shrugged them off.

And with my girlfriend, even at a distance I could already know what's coming at me.

I think it's like this when you really love someone.

You develop a sixth sense.

You can feel everything they do. Like when they're happy, sad, embarrassed, lying and… and now, I obviously could tell that she's angry.


Her eyes were telling me…

'I'll deal with you later'

And I'm sweating in fear.
