62 Quick to Learn

Name:Love Unfolding Author:viLelouch
Chapter 62

Erika got out of the bedroom after her morning routine. Good thing that it was weekend, they don't have classes.

Her eyes automatically went through the kitchen as she smelled a sweet fragrance coming from there; Andy was cooking.

She could see the girl by the kitchen swaying while whistling the melody of a particular song as she cook. She was that happy.

Well, to Erika, she's as much as happy, just that her frustration weighted more than her happiness… for now.

'It's not easy to teach someone.' Hahaha

Andy took a quick glance at her as she made her way to the kitchen and smiled then back to her whistling.

Erika opened the fridge for some water and checked out Andy's back at her; she's slicing bell pepper.

Erika paced to close their distance, wrapping both her arms around Andy's waist for a hug in the back which made the girl paused for a second. She wasn't expecting that.

"What are you cooking Love?" Erika hoarsely asked and to her surprise Andy shivered and she felt that.

"Did you just shiver?" She teasingly asked while trying to take a glimpse to Andy's face.

Andy turned to face her. She looked up since the girl is taller than her.

"Say that again." She commanded.

"Say what?" Erika curiously asked.

"L… Love." Andy shyly answered.

An upward mischievous quirk plastered on Erika's face. Andy was so cute there. Hahaha

She wandered her gaze from all over Andy's face then ended on the lips and... she kissed them; softly and tenderly.

Another smile cracked at her face as they parted.

"Aren't you a quick learner Love?" She complimented.

Andy just smiled sheepishly and that earned another kiss from her; just smack this time.

"Was that your fourth kiss?" She teased.

Andy didn't answer. She seemed to be counting in her thoughts which made Erika to tease more. She found her innocence cute. Hahaha

"Want to make it five?"



"How about fif - - - . "

She was cut off as Andy bent down and claimed her lips. Though caught by surprise, Erika returned every kiss Andy gave.

It was soft at first then with grading intensity; it deepens. She could tell Andy wanting more that made her body to cling closer.


'Aren't you so quick to learn?'

And instinctively, both Erika's arms shifted up around Andy's neck. She halfed opened her eyes to take a glimpse and found Andy was really into it.

'Guess we're up to lesson two then.'

Andy paused a second, Erika noticed that, as she slid her tongue. The girl seemed not to know what to do with her tongue. Hahaha

So Erika took the lead again, and once again, Andy sure was a fast learner; turning and plunging; instantaneous and urgent.

They parted gasping for air. Erika curved a smile. Flustered, Andy rested her forehead on Erika's shoulder and pulled the girl by the waist closer.

"I'm a fast learner, aren't I?" Andy boasted.

Erika snickered and tried to pull away to take a look at Andy but the girl won't budge. She held her tight.

So she hugged Andy instead.

"I'm impressed." She complimented.

She could hear Andy laughed a little then the girl lifted up her head to face her.

"I love you Erika."

Erika smiled after drowning in those two deep brown eyes. She caressed Andy's cheek and planted another gentle kiss on the lips.

"I love you too Love."