45 I Like Women

Name:Love Unfolding Author:viLelouch
Chapter 45

Erika was on her way to her classroom when she saw Andy from afar; in the hallway, smiling as she was talking to people around her.

It has been several days passed after that 'night out' but still fresh to Erika's memory.

She's still bothered about it but can't make herself confront the girl.

She's getting coward, anxious and doubtful every time she attempted and then succumbed to the state of overthinking.

That maybe, she was just assuming things because she has feelings for the girl. That she was just adding meaning to Andy's every action.

But then, her thoughts wouldn't be justified and back to hoping again because for the passed days, Andy has been treating her differently like leading her on. Then, she's back to assuming things again and it's frustrating.


That afternoon, Erika treated her friends to that café near their school.

"You seemed to smile a lot lately Andy." Erika said.

They were seated across each other while Donna sat beside Andy and Rina with Erika.

"Well, smile is contagious and I chose to be a carrier." Andy replied then ate her cake.

"Wow, and you seemed to be popular among the girls even in other departments."

Both Donna and Rina's brow arched then glanced each other knowingly. A faint smile curved their lips.

"Am I? I didn't know." Andy blindly replied while stirring her coffee.

"Well, you're so slow." Donna spoke addressing Andy.

"Am I?"

"Yeah, considering you know all the pretty girls in school, you are so dense."

"Oh, as I may add, even that in our old school." Donna added.

"Wow," Erika reacted.

"How about boyfriend Andy? You've had one right?" Rina asked.

Andy shook her head while sipping her cup of coffee.

"I've never been into a relationship."

"What? In this beauty?" Rina pointed Andy's whole being as her eyes went round.

Andy just wryly smiled.

"I LIKE WOMEN." She said like it's a natural thing to say.

Rina spilled her coffee in surprise. She wasn't expecting that. Well, not really though. She already suspected Andy to be like that but what took her by surprise was to really hear it coming from the girl right there and then.

And with Donna, she shut her eyes as she held her forehead while Erika, well Erika's jaw went slack.

Her expression tightened. A lot were running in her mind by then, like what just Andy revealed was resounding in every corner of her brain.




She was stunned that she can't think straight by the revelation.

She's having mixed emotion. Yeah, she's happy knowing it but she's shocked at the same time.

Donna at that time could only sigh watching Erika's reaction.

If only the girl could see that her reaction sold her out but unfortunately not to Andy.

Her friend is way denser than air on that matter. How frustrating.

'Ugh…you two, just date already!'