43 I Miss You

Name:Love Unfolding Author:viLelouch
Chapter 43

It was a fine morning, Andy inhaled deeply as she paused to take a glance of the University gate.

She was smiling.

Yeah, smiling like an idiot that her jaw begun to ache but she can't help it.

She's happy, overwhelmed and all.

She felt like being reborn.

And with every step she took by then, she knew that it would lead her nearer and nearer to be the best version of herself.

That this path she's so stubborn to take is not meant to question who she is but to love herself instead.

And as she's loving herself, she starts to look better and feeling better; fulfilled. She'd never thought that there exist a feeling like this that she can't even put into words.


As she entered her classroom, she took a glance at Erika who was surrounded by others. As much as she wants to have her first conversation with her, she just passed by and went to Rina.

"Where the hell have you been all this time?"

Andy guiltily smiled. She can see how annoyed Rina was but as what her brother told her; stick to the script.

As she was explaining, she had received a not so hard slap in the back of her head.

She turned while holding her head.

It was Erika.

She was stunned and was aware of how her heart beats so fast but she was lost in Erika's eyes.

The way the girl looked at her puzzled her.

Erika's eyes were showing mixed emotions like anger, annoyance, disappointment and… longing? She's not sure.

Erika on the other hand, was battling with her emotions.

Oh how she wants to throw herself to Andy.

She missed her but at the same time she's angry with her for leaving without saying anything to her. Well, does she even have the right to be angry?

"So you finally show yourself huh?" She said sarcastically.

Andy again guiltily smiled and apologized. Explaining herself based on the script her brother laid out.


On that evening, Rina has gathered a few of her close friends in class for a night of drinks.

They decided to go to a KTV Bar to celebrate their freedom from that hell of internship.

Andy and Erika of course weren't exempted.

As alcohol started to kick in, Rina whispered to Andy.

"Help me out with Erika later. She has low tolerance."

Andy could only nod. She doesn't know that.

Not long, someone noticed Andy's the only one not singing.

She just wryly smiled while refusing but everyone insisted in chorus which made her to give in.

Well, there is Erika too but they seemed to know her in this side since they didn't dare bother the girl to singing.

"Ugh…" Andy gulped her drink and begun to search a song.

"Woah…" everyone shouted as she held the microphone.

She took a glance at Erika who caught her and smiled.


[Tell me your name, you're lovely

Please tell me your name

Just when I thought

This would be one of those boring games]

She made sure to never look away from the monitor as she sung but the corner of her eyes could only see Erika despite the crowd.

[You walked into these feelings

You looked at me and smiled

My heart unfroze and started going wild]

Well yes, that's how she is with Erika, every single time.

[Can you imagine this

The confusion of

First love's kiss

A return to wondering

If the magic of love was this]

By then, she finally turned to Erika and it turned out that Erika's gaze was also on her.

[You merely said hello

And my mind did a stop and go

Can it possibly be

The future for me is you]

[Tell me your name

I must know

Won't you tell me your name

I'm not insane

Just frightened that you might go

Don't go please stay beside me]

This time, she smiled. She doesn't know how her eyes sparkle or how did Erika took the meaning of her expression. She just didn't care. She just want to look the girl and not look away.

[Wait until I can tell you all my schemes

Chasing rainbows spinning dreams

Finding someone to love like you]