25 Can’t Help I

Name:Love Unfolding Author:viLelouch
Chapter 25

Erika and Andy arrived in Green City late in the afternoon. Andy stopped the car beside a bungalow house. It has a wide veranda and was surrounded by evergreen shrubs.

While unloading their luggage, an old man approached them wearing a very warm smile.

Andy rushed to jump for a hug to her Grandpa who caught her with open arms. She introduced Erika who was also welcomed warmly by John.

Entering the house, Erika smiled at the thought that Andy's family must really love the woods and the like. Again, wood themed. The house felt like Andy's apartment and it also gave the same calming feeling.

John asked if they were hungry and want something to eat. Both declined. They just want to rest their battered bodies from the long ride.

"So, this is your room?" Erika asked. It was smaller that in Capital City but emitting the same vibe.

"Is it okay if we sleep here and on the same bed?" Andy reluctantly asked.


"Then, I'll take a shower first and rest."

'Wait, the same bed?'

But before she could react, Andy already vanished in the shower.

Erika was drying her hair and sat on the edge of the bed. She was staring at Andy who's sound asleep like a log.

Feeling tired, she slid herself beside Andy. She curled on her side and stared again to the girl beside her. Her heart beats out of rhythm. It was pounding so hard. She raised her hand to caress Andy's face but stopped in mid air and clenched it instead.

'The fuck with this.'

She was fighting the urge to touch her. She turned her back against Andy, "Ugh," then turned again.

This time, she slid her arm to Andy's waist. Made herself closer and snuggled in her chest. She can't help it anymore.

'I love to snuggle my pillow. Yeah, I'll blame this to the pillow.'

She smiled then drifted to sleep.

Andy woke up feeling warm. She shifted her body and noticed that something is on her. She blinked and saw Erika snuggled up on her.

'The hell.'

She felt the warm coming up to her face and to her ears then her entire body shuddered. Also, her heart thumping.

She relax herself and did not move an inch. She doesn't want Erika to wake up. So she just stayed right there.

Then Erika moaned, tightened her grip on Andy's waist and shifted her head up to the crook of Andy's neck. Andy turned her head away on the other side and closed her eyes suppressing all the butterflies.

'I've never been this tortured before.'

Not long Erika woke up. Her eyes directly stared at Andy who was smiling awkwardly.

She realized, she's still snuggling on the girl. She wanted to jump out of bed but kept her cool.

"Good morning?" She smiled. Then move away a little to stretched out her body. She acted like everything is natural.

Andy sat on the edge of the bed. "It's midnight."

"Oh," Erika yawned.

Fix yourself up and meet me in the kitchen. We'll see what's there to eat. "I'm hungry."

Erika just nodded after another yawn then watched Andy's back disappeared through the door then rolled back and forth on the bed in joy.