Chapter 189 - Absolute Power

Name:Love Struck Author:har_k
Shi Ai marched to the back room of the art gallery and opened the door with a bang. The slight darkness in the room did not dissuade her and spying the figure inside, she ran to him and hugged the man,right around the waist before she started babbling,"I am sorry I said those things. I didn't mean any of it. I don't hate you. I can never hate you. I love you. I really really really really do.Do you know I missed you so much.".But when the man in her arms replied,"I love you too little baby but why would you miss me?Has Ah Hai been treating you badly?"Shi Ai was shocked and stiffened before moving back and falling on her a.s.s.Ouch.Brother Matt had said that Ah Hai was here...

A few minutes ago:

At the art gallery, Matt gave a big smile to Ah Hai as he looked at the phone that had disconnected.With a smile,he teased,"You really are going all out. Don't you fear that Shi Ai is going to get angry?What if she says ,'chuck it.' And leaves you?"

Ah Hai gave a small smile before saying,"She cannot leave me just like I cannot leave her. Not even for a little while.Now let's prepare for her arrival." Ah Hai smiled and leisurely got up from his chair and walked out of the office. He needed to leave soon or else he would be caught.

But there was going to be a hitch in Ah Hai's plans. The moment Ah Hai had left, another man walked in from a small room off the side of the office and gave a mischievous grin. Matt Long smiled at the man and murmured,"He is going to kill you when he finds out you interfered and kill me for collaborating..

Neil Long walked to the table and picked up the envelope that Ah Hai had left for Shi Ai and brought it up to his face. "Hehe.He needs to be brought down a peg!Who told him to be so devious?And anyway I want to talk to Shi Ai before. So you have to bear being assassinated and mutated."

Matt frowned and looked at Neil askance,"What exactly do you want to talk about?"

Neil looked at Matt and explained,"Matt, you know all of us are the same inside when it comes to our girls. When we love, we give them absolute power over us. Shi Ai needs to understand that power to wild it well. Ah Hai thinks that what he has been doing is enough but if she doesn't understand the reason for what he has done then she may do something like this under pressure again."

Matt shook his head, snorting,"You just want her to understand her power so that she can lord over Ah Hai."

Shi Ai was a mixture of fuming senses and anxious emotions by the time she arrived at the place. Running out, she found Matt, waiting at the door and asked him,"Where is he?The one who told you not to tell his wife his whereabouts."

Matt grinned at this and slyly asked,"Why are you looking for him?He is in the back room but.." Shi Ai did not listen to the rest of the sentence and marched ahead..while Matt finished,"why are you looking for Neil?Shouldn't you look for Ah Hai?"

Rubbing his hands in excitement, Matt went to his office to watch the show..It had been Neil who had told him to suggest that Ah Hai say these so that Shi Ai would not directly ask about Ah Hai and instead ask about this making it seemingly easy for him to misunderstand..

Back to the Present:

Shi Ai stared from the ground at another replica of her husband. The man extended his hand and she started at it blankly not realising that he was extending it to help her stand. Neil Long grinned and said,"You did not answer me little baby, is your Ah Hai bullying you. I will put him on the straight path if he is."

Shaking her head in negative, Shi Ai explained,"Why were you trying to hide from your wife?"

Neil smiled wryly and said,"Oh,it's nothing. My Mi Rae is a bit angry at me so I need her to cool down.It is only a small matter but she just won't listen to my explanation. See, my finger was hurt so I sweared how would I know that Bohai,who was in the room,would learn the curse words!And repeat them on the first day of school!" Neil said this with a feeling of being wronged. His Mi Rae had been ready to kill him since then. Children!

This made Shi Ai smile and forget her goal for a minute as she murmured,"Brother Neil, then you should not have said them. The point is that he should not have heard them in the first place. It does not matter if you did it intentionally or not..."Her voice wavered as she finished the line.."She, too should not have said those in the first place..!She looked at the sympathetic expression on Brother Neil and once again her stupid tear ducts acted up causing Neil to frown and take the little one in his arms. "Hey, Why are you crying?Mi Rae cannot stay mad at me for long.She will forgive me once she has calmed down. I had no idea you had such a soft heart..Are you crying for Bohai's future?Since he has learnt a curse word for such a young boy?Dont worry, he will soon forget that or at least I will make his realize that such words are not to be said in the presence if his mother.."

Shi Ai giggled amid the tears and Brother Neil and said,"Thank you brother Neil."

Neil smiled and turning on the small dim lamp looked at the girl who had been crying buckets."Little Shi Ai, this time Ah Hai really did leave something here for you to find him but I interfered because you are now really going to be his wife and a part of our family. Ah Hai is really special to me and you know the tangles history he had with me and Ning Ning. Because of that he has suffered a lot and even endured hatred from me. Though I kept telling him and myself that I never gated him, there was some false in that. But all that doesn't matter now. I found my Mi Rae and he has found you. What you said that night does not have the power to make him hate you because his love is beyond all that. But it did have the power to make him feel insecure for a while. And knowing Ah Hai, he would never accept such a weakness. All Thai chasing he has made you do is in fact a way to reassure himself that you won't leave him, come what may. Thanks to you Ah Hai is finally able to show his childish side and play pranks. So you will have to be careful in the future also. And now, take this envelope and go to your Ah Hai with a happy smile. Because whatever he does or will ever do, will be for you and only you.And there is something else that I want you to give him.This."

Handing a small box to Shi Ai, Neil said,"He took this off when we had our row because he felt that he did not deserve it. We have been trying for him to believe that he is worthy but he keeps refusing. Maybe, no, I believe you can,you can convince him of everything in the world.Shi Ai, of you tell him the sky is pink and raining pigs, he will believe it. You have that power over him. Remember that.." Shi Ai stared at the envelope in her hand and the small box on top of it.

Opening the box, she found the papers of his inheritance of their parent's house in the name of all four brothers,that he seemed to have signed away believing that he was not to be a part of the family anymore.

Keeping the papers back into the box, Shi Ai then tore open the envelope. It only had a single piece of paper and it was a boarding pass. But the boarding pass showed no destination, simply her name and a time.

Shi Ai looked at the watch and showed that there were still a few hours she stood there looking at a loss over what to do.