Chapter 215 - 18 Revealing A Secret

Andrzej could not, however, set his life and work to wait. Dominik's situation could explode unexpectedly, like Mount Vesuvius, which sank Pompeii in lava, and could, like Fuji, sleep asleep for hundreds of years.

Okay, Dominik's situation won't take hundreds of years, but waiting for her to develop while neglecting everything else was pointless. Nowicki must be prepared for any eventuality, but he cannot just sit on the couch and wait for the worst.

He will talk to Dominik tonight, but what will he say to him? Should he tell him what Marczak said? At least about Dominik's Kitchen. But now, when Marczak is involved in a scandal, and it turns out that he is also involved in this program...

Why does everything have to be so damn complicated?

Fortunately, Andrzej did not have to work anymore. He only discussed the last details with Mrs. Janka and was free to go home.

Andrzej missed Dominik, he missed him very much. He needed and wanted to take him in his arms and hug him. He wanted to shower him with kisses and love, so that the young actor let out his anxiety and anger. So that Nowicki himself would throw them out. Because he, too, felt uncomfortable and needed to calm his nerves, and nothing helped that as well as Dominik's hugs.

Sex was good for anything, even mood boosting. Even if there is no sex mood. Because sex, at least between them, is not only a physical pleasure, but also a real closeness of hearts that gives relief. To drown in caresses, in kisses, in the love that flows between two people who support each other. Physical intimacy, or sex, is just one way of expressing that love.

However, Nowicki remembered that they were to have a guest tonight. The photographer did not know exactly in what case. He didn't know if the visitor would bring good or bad news. But since it was supposed to be news related to Marczak, it will not be good.

Andrzej had already left the parking lot and suddenly felt a great temptation to contact Bambus. Usually he did not use his help, but this time Nowicki felt so insecure that he needed someone's help. He was unable to defend Dominik himself. He took out the phone and… called.

"Andrzej, what a surprise. I thought you forgot about my existence."

"Sorry. I feel stupid with that, but I'm calling with a request."


"Have you heard about the latest CBA investigation?"

"I heard," Bambus sighed, and that was not a very good sign. "The new minister wants to prove himself and is making purges. He accidentally came up with the fact that you can bribe someone not only with money. He accidentally got on the trail of this party."

"Do you know... how bad it is?"

"It depends which journalist finds out," Bambus explained matter-of-factly. "But Śliwiński's little secret is not safe."

Shit, Andrzej cursed mentally.

"And ... criminal charges? Can anyone pull him into something?"

There was silence on the other side, which Nowicki definitely did not like.

"As far as I know, Śliwiński is clean," Bambus finally explained, and Andrzej felt a great deal of relief.

Why? Had he suspected Dominik was also part of these human transactions? No it is not possible! Nowicki saw how devastated Śliwiński was when Marek treated him like a commodity. Anyway, he knew Dominik would never agree to provide a similar service. So why was he relieved to hear that his beloved man was clean?

Nowicki blushed with shame.

"I know that," he explained, excusing himself to himself and, at the same time, to Bambus. "I am asking, can anyone pull him in even though he is innocent?"

"Maybe," Bambus admitted. "Complicity by concealment. If you know about an ongoing crime and keep silent, you are just as guilty as the perpetrator. As far as I know, only the closest family has the right not to testify and a gay lover is not the closest family."

"So that's why Marczak wanted Dominik to testify."

"He wanted? It is interesting. Andrzej, this is not a stupid solution. Have your boyfriend talk to the people at the CBA and ask for discretion. Śliwiński is not their target, so if he cooperates, they won't do anything to him and they will even protect him from the media."

"Thanks Bambus, you really helped me."

"It's okay, but I'm not doing it for free."

"Not?" Andrzej was surprised. "What do you want? Should I do sessions for your girls?"

"Maybe someday. For now, I want ten of your autographed photos."

"What... what are you raving about?" Nowicki became indignant, blushing.

"I'm not kidding," Bambus laughed. "My girls know we know each other and they've been telling me since they saw your ad. Andrzej, you look extremely sexy on it."

Nowicki blushed even more. He swallowed hard. He knew that Bambus had once wanted to drag him to bed. Bambus generally preferred women, but if he liked a guy, he could try to get him for up to ten years. He gave up on Andrzej only because Andrzej was in a happy relationship.

That is why Bambus surprised Nowicki by adding:

"Andrzej, everything will be fine. You have gone through many storms with him and you both are alive. You love him, damn it, he loves you too, so you'll survive this."

Bambus really said those words to him?

"Thanks. Really."

"Have I cheered you up? That's good. Throw in the eleventh photo now and don't forget to dedicate especially for me."

"Okay, okay as you wish."

Nowicki had no idea if his friend was joking or if he really wanted these autographed photos, but after disconnecting from him he decided that he would actually give them to him. And this eleventh Andrzej will choose the really special.


"Mr. Śliwiński, before I give you the data you asked for, can I ask you one private question? It is very important to me."

Dominik was looking at his guest, Marek Marczak's assistant, who came to him not in formal but ordinary clothes and with loose hair. She was pretty, very pretty, and could possibly have a career in show business if she wanted to.

There was something disturbing about her behavior, however. As if the young woman had a deep sadness within her.

"Please, ask me," Dominik agreed.

Andrzej was standing to the side, leaning against the kitchen recess, as if not quite knowing what to do with himself. He, too, was staring at their visitor with intensity.

"Why do you need this information?" Miss Shmidt asked. "But really. Were you really close to this boy?"

Dominik took a deep breath.

"You are one of the few people who knows that I have been in a relationship with Marek. You also know that it didn't end too... softly" replied Dominik. "But I really loved him once. I was young, infatuated and stupid. And blind. I wasn't close to Adrian. We hardly knew each other. But I remember him. I remember something happened to him at one party. I do not know what. Back then, too absorbed in myself and Marek, I didn't notice that it could be something wrong. Only now... I know it's late, but I want to make sure Adrian is doing well, that those events... I don't know how to put it!"

"I'm glad" Miss Shmidt smiled sadly. "You see, when I started working for Mr. Marczak, I had an ulterior motive. Someone I knew and loved aspired to be an actor in Mr. Marczak's agency, and then something bad happened to him. You could say that I started this work out of revenge. I wanted to destroy Mr. Marczak and... you.."

"Me?" Dominik was surprised but then he realized something. "I was successful so I had to be depraved just as much, right?" he asked sadly.

"Yes. But as I watched you, I realized that it is not so. I even liked you. No, don't think I'm in love with you, you just reminded me of that person. You were also trapped, although you didn't know it. Mr. Marczak deserved punishment, but you were… forgive me for my audacity, innocent and pure. If Mr. Marczak had fallen at that moment, you would not have been able to bear the pain. I'm sorry, I..."

"You're right," admitted Dominik boldly. "Until a year ago, I was completely dependent on Marek. I couldn't even walk by myself. But Andrzej taught me to run."

Śliwiński turned and, with his gaze and smile, expressed his gratitude to Nowicki, who moved restlessly and blushed. Dominik couldn't believe how much he had changed thanks to Andrzej. He was still weak, still needed help in some situations, but in fact, he could run now, maybe not marathons yet, maybe he wouldn't have won races, but he wasn't spiritually disabled anymore.

"That's why I waited and only this year, when I knew someone appeared in higher positions in the government, who could stand against Mr. Marczak, I started to act."

"It's you?" Dominik and Andrzej asked at the same time.

"Yes. I sent the documents to the prosecutor's office and to the minister's office."


Dominik was simply speechless. Andrzej joined the conversation.

"You did not want to hurt Dominik, but you could not give up your revenge, so you chose the moment when, in your opinion, Dominik would be able to cope with this situation. Am I right?" He asked.

"Exactly so," Miss Shmidt admitted. "I excluded Mr. Śliwiński from my revenge and didn't want him to become an accidental victim like Adrian. Because he, Adrian, is the reason for my revenge."

"Adrian?" Dominik was completely taken aback, so much so that he almost rose from his chair.

Miss Shmidt gave him of so much unbelievable information that he would have serious problems processing them all.

"Yes," admitted the woman sadly. "Adrian was my younger brother. Five years ago, a few days after this unfortunate party, Adrian committed suicide."