Chapter 212 - 15 Face To Face

Yes, it was very disturbing.

"Right, CBA. I forgot," Dominik admitted, and he turned towards the mugs because the water was just starting to boil. "I'm expecting a visitor tonight. Marek's assistant is to provide me with some information."

Śliwiński also forgot about her. And about Adrian Amon. Dominik was so taken over by Marek's participation in the creation of Dominik's Kitchen that he forgot about everything else. How selfish of him, he thought.

"I don't think I really can allow myself to be reckless..."

That's right, he couldn't. With someone so dangerous as his opponent, whose ass even government agents couldn't get to grips with, Dominik had to be careful. Marczak was simply too unpredictable.

Andrzej felt an impulse to walk up to his man and hug him. He didn't fight that impulse, and after a while he was cradling this short, but big-hearted man in his arms.

"I'm proud of you," he said, feeling his soft, hazelnut hair against his lips. "I was so scared for you, but I am proud of you that you faced Marczak. Your courage impressed me."

"Really?" asked Śliwiński, surprised, feeling his heart start to beat faster.

"Of course," Nowicki admitted. "You have a lot of courage to face your past with this man. We both know that he is dangerous and unscrupulous ..."

Andrzej did not have to add that the best proof of this is the attack that Marczak committed against Dominik while they were still together, and then an attempt to make him a whore, when the young actor forgave him for the previous crime and inadvertently trusted him.

"I'm also proud that you can distinguish courage from bravado," added Nowicki.

Dominik started.

"No, I don't think I can..." he said.

"You can," Andrzej assured him, hugging him tightly and giving him courage. "Bravado is blind, courage has eyes."

So what Nowicki was planning at that moment was bravado or courage?

"I have to get back to work," he announced and released Dominik, disappointed, from his embrace. "I would like to stay here, but Mrs. Janka may be sniffing at it. She allows me a lot, but that doesn't mean she will tolerate everything."

"Yes, you are right," smiled the young actor.

"Dominik, remember that bravado doesn't do anything good and… don't do anything today. Get ready to receive a guest. I will probably be home by then."

"Good," agreed Śliwiński. "I'll take your advice and do nothing until I see you tonight. You're right, Marek is too clever opponent to start a fight with him without any preparation and plan, although I'm afraid that even now someone suffers because of him..."

"For now, you are suffering. Honey…" Nowicki smiled at Dominik warmly, tenderly, wanting to cheer him up as much as he could. "I want to support you in this situation. I want to be by your side. I know this is your fight and your problem, but but I am your man so..."

"Of course!" Śliwiński enthusiastically agreed and the aquamarines in his eyes shone like two blue suns. "I think we'll spend the whole evening discussing this situation. I will review my contract with Dominik's Kitchen. You are right, if Baczyński deliberately withheld some information from me, this may be the proof that he acted in bad faith..."

"We'll do it," agreed Andrzej. "Together we will find the best solution for you."


Andrzej did not intend to return to work, however. He lied to Dominik. He felt bad about it, because he promised to always tell him the truth, but what Nowicki wanted to do, the actor would definitely not like. Unfortunately, Andrzej saw no other option but to talk to Marczak face to face.

Talk to him and, if necessary, rub his nose… Although it was unlikely to be realistic with this man's abilities.

This time Nowicki took the car. It was not convenient to use public transport between Marczak's office, his office and his home, and the meeting itself may also take place in some secluded place. Andrzej had no intention of memorizing which bus or tram goes to which district.

Nowicki decided to talk to Marczak not because he was afraid for Dominik or because he did not believe in his strength. Andrzej trusted his beautiful man and knew that although Śliwiński went through a lot, he was brave and stronger every day. The photographer suspected, however, that Marczak might not have treated Dominik as a partner for a serious conversation. Whether he did it underestimating his intelligence and strength, or in his twisted mind, he still wanted to protect him from the threats of the world, Andrzej simply felt that Marczak would not be honest with Dominik.

Nowicki left the property, but just two intersections away, he stopped in front of the shop and dialed Marek Marczak. He was surprised at how quickly he answered the phone.

"Let me guess," the manager said in a half-jocular, half-mocking tone. "The little tiger complained to his knight."

"Can we talk?" Nowicki ignored his teasing. "Face to face".

"I'm at my home. You know the address, "said Marczak.

"I would rather…"

Andrzej did not manage to say, however, that he would prefer to meet on a more neutral ground, one that would not arouse any suspicions and where there would be any witnesses, but he did not have time. Marczak just ended the connection.

Okay, so let it be this way.

Marek Marczak was an unpredictable man, but Andrzej was not afraid of him. Not when it was about the two of them. The only thing Nowicki was afraid of was that the former manager would hurt Dominik.

Therefore, completely without fear, he went to the address known to him and rang the door of the apartment where he had already spent several nights.

Marczak opened a dark robe wrapped in it. His hair was wet.

"Come in," he invited nonchalantly. "As you can see, I have prepared myself to receive a visitor. I even opened the wine to breathe. "

Andrzej felt irritation and resignation at the same time.

"You think I'm in the mood to drink wine with you?"

"Would you prefer something stronger?" Marczak raised his eyebrows. "Sorry, but I need you relaxed but sober. If you're drunk, it won't be any fun."

The level of annoyance has clearly increased at the expense of the hopelessness. Marczak was so insolent that it was almost unbearable.

"I don't know what you imagine in that head of yours, but stop it," hissed Nowicki. "I came to talk."

"And we will talk," announced the host, pouring wine into glasses. "Sit down, have a drink, relax. No worries, I didn't add anything to this drink. I'm not as desperate as some Italians. By the way, you look wonderfully sexy in this ad campaign. Would you like to sign a contract with my agency? I would make you a star..."

Andrzej did not feel the need to answer with words. He did it only with a look.

"Ah, first the unexpected visit of the little tiger, now I'm being visited by a rabid wolf. Why are the men I feel most attracted to are such ruthless predators? You're tearing my heart to shreds! Both!"

"Dominik's Kitchen" Andrzej, resigned, sat down on the couch. Maybe if he ignores Marczak's erotic harassment, the guy will give up?

"Great program," said Marczak, sitting down in the armchair and crossing his legs.

"And you have a stake in it, right? Was that your idea, this program? You were supposed to leave Dominik alone!"

"And am I not leaving him alone? Nowicki, you are a smart guy and you know how valuable Dominik is... in business terms. I could let him go as a lover, even as an employee of my agency, but why not invest in a project that would bring me wealth? How big of a fool do you have me?"

It's true, Marek Marczak has never been stupid in business matters. He might not totally understand other people's feelings, but he sure knew how to make money.

"So it's all about money, not controlling Dominik's life?"

"Of course it's all about money. I had thought about this type of program before, but the relationship between me and Dominik had deteriorated so much that I could not make him this offer. That's why I chose to act through third parties. Were it not for pure coincidence, little tiger would never have known about my participation. Anyway, this Baczyński is a total idiot that he said so."

"Not all are born liars," growled Nowicki.

"Thank you for the compliment," Marczak saluted Andrzej with a glass.

As if it were meant to be a compliment!

However, Nowicki decided that he believed Marczak. It surprised him, but he really believed him. Not because he considered him a good man or anything like that, he rather regarded him as an opportunist capitalist pig, and Marczak's explanation just suited him.

"Okay," Andrzej agreed. "Then let's move on to the next point of my visit. Don't involve Dominik in your dirty affairs from a few years ago..."

Marczak's gaze told him that he was just entering a very dangerous area...