Chapter 201 - 4 Isn't That WWhat Love Is All About?

The news, however, that Śliwiński played in a Hollywood production and that, alongside the beautiful Scarlett Yang, spread throughout the country and even Europe, and the young actor began to receive invitations to castings. He has not used any of them yet.

Dominik was still very serious about giving up his acting career.

During the time when Dominik was playing on the film set, Andrzej made a commercial for J. Acutti and made a photo session with them - as a model, of course. At this point, his photos adorned fashion magazines and even a few billboards. Even his sweet goddaughter Martynka had the opportunity to joyfully exclaim that her godfather is in the advertisement in TV. The cooperation with the Italians turned out to be quite pleasant and Andrzej agreed to a second session, from which he has just returned.

So they both developed their careers, although Nowicki's one was clearly accelerating, while Dominik deliberately slowed down. Although 'slowed down' was not the right word as his show took the market by storm. Perhaps it is better to say that Śliwiński was undergoing a retraining.

However, they kept their relationship a secret. They were no longer afraid of rumors in the media or of any scandal. They just didn't want to become a media topic. Their love belonged to them and it was not a public good, but a private one, so they did not want to share it with anyone. They belonged only to themselves.

It was for this reason that Andrzej did not want someone to take a picture of them and show it on the web or in a newspaper. Of course, such a photo would be completely illegal and they could sue whoever took it, but the damage would have happened and their sweet privacy would no longer be private. Perhaps even for this reason, she would stop being sweet. Dominik was strong now and would endure the media frenzy around him. Can Andrzej be sure of this?

Andrzej simply could not risk that it would not happen.

He had to protect his Dominik at all costs.

Isn't that what love is all about?


"The pie is already done. Look at how beautiful and soft our berries are. What do you think, Karol?"

Karol Młociarz was quite a popular singer, whose song You Are My Heart Fever was now a hit at all discos and weddings.

"Uhmmm, it smells great. It makes me drool."

"Just don't drip on the cake," laughed Dominik. "It's not over yet. Let's let the dough cool down a bit. At the same time, let's take a look at a fragment of your latest music video..."

Dominik felt really comfortable on the set of this program. He liked to cook and was happy to share his hobby with others. He looked towards the crew, where he saw Franciszek Baczyński smiling at him. Dominik was really grateful to him for this chance.

The presentation of the music video ended and Dominik smiled at the camera.

"Now we can sprinkle our cake with powdered sugar. I will use a strainer for this, thanks to which the surface will look as if it was covered with snow. Look how beautiful it looks!"

The camera took a close-up and in fact the surface of the cake looked like a beautiful snow-drenched landscape.

"All we have to do now is wait for the pie to cool down and enjoy its consumption. Bon Appetit!"

There were also thanks for participating in the program and jokes. Not everything, of course, will be in the final version that will be broadcast, but that was no longer Dominik's concern. The guest, of course, was invited to eat the cake, and so were the crew members, which caused widespread satisfaction. Not everyone has the opportunity to eat dishes prepared by Dominik Śliwiński himself.

However, Dominik himself did not have the opportunity to enjoy the company of his colleagues for too long, because Franciszek Baczyński approached him and announced:

"I think you should come downstairs."

"Down? Why?"

"A surprise is waiting for you there."


Dominik put his hand to his mouth so as not to scream with joy. He grabbed the handrail of the stairs in order not to run ahead. He forced himself to control his emotions, the love and joy consuming him, and on trembling legs he walked down the steps, right where the man who was his life was waiting for him.

"Andrzej ... Are you back already?"

Śliwiński's voice was as trembling as his legs and heart. He wanted so much to throw himself into Nowicki's arms, shower him with kisses and then, then push his buttocks out to him and beg for just one thing.

Andrzej was looking at him exactly as if he, too, dreamed of hugging Dominik, kissing him and then taking advantage of his proposal of his protruding buttocks.

"To the car," he commanded in a hoarse voice, and Dominik vanished from his sight so quickly he could barely keep up with him. "Shit, I should have been waiting for him at home!"

Nowicki was angry with himself for a reason, because, as he suspected, the sight of Dominik stimulated his heart, but also something more. His manhood boldly pressed against his pants, and keeping her behind the buttoned fly was a difficult and painful challenge. Unfortunately, it was also a necessity. Even if they were not public figures, they could not vent their desires in a public place and had to seek privacy for themselves.

But the waiting was so hard...

As they drove, they did not even talk, fearing that their voices would stimulate them even more. They did not turn on the radio, so as not to risk that some sexy song would make their task difficult. As long as they get home...

Dominik jumped out of the car as soon as Andrzej stopped the car. He ran into the living room and took off his shoes. At that moment, Andrzej's body stuck to his body, hot and smelling of sex. This new fragrance by J. Acutti suited him so much that Dominik felt as if he were just losing his mind.

"Oh, Andrzej, Andrzej, Andrzej..."

Dominik could have repeated his name endlessly if Andrzej had not clogged his mouth with his lips and tongue, greedily forcing him inside. Nowicki was so hungry for his love that he embraced his beloved so tightly as if he wanted to imprison him in his embrace forever.

Dominik wanted to groan - not from the pain, from the joy that he is so precious and so important to someone. And not for just anyone, but for Andrzej, whose slightly austere but undisputed beauty now won the hearts of men and women all over the world. The man desired by all belonged to him now.

The young actor had no idea that Andrzej was thinking exactly the same about him at the same time and that is why he embraces him so tightly, still not believing his luck that he can hug Dominik Śliwiński.

Their kiss lasted forever, but it still wasn't enough. They brushed their lips as they broke apart to take their breath, panting heavily.

"Andrzej, I'm on fire," said Dominik, feeling his passion flooding him. "Come inside me..."

His voice was like a kitten meowing, begging for a caress. His face caressed Andrzej's face. His hand moved to Nowicki's fly, wanting to help him if necessary.

"The belt" Andrzej announced.

Dominik obediently and eagerly reached for the buckle on Nowicki's pants.

"Not mine, yours."

Śliwiński gasped with satisfaction. Excited to the limit, he already felt a delightful tingling between his buttocks. He was so happy that Andrzej did not make any problems and that he would enter him right now...

The young actor unbuckled his belt. The pants fell down under the weight of the heavy buckle. Dominik took up Nowicki's belt again. Any faster, because waiting was torture for him.

Andrzej suddenly smiled tenderly.

"Do you really want me so much?" He asked.

"Do you really have to ask?" Dominik was irritated. Each word was an unnecessary delay. If Andrzej wants to talk to him, let him do it inside of him.

"So lick" said Nowicki, sticking the index finger of his right hand in front of Śliwiński's nose.

A flame hit the actor's cheeks. Blood rushed into his penis suddenly and violently. So Andrzej will not come right away, he will want to prepare him first...