Chapter 186 - You Have To Satisfy Your Hunger

Dominik knew he was the happiest man in the world to say these words. Thousands, millions, and maybe even billions of people in the world dreamed of having someone in their life whose love would fill their entire being. How many people were lucky enough to make this dream come true?

Feeling hot breath on his cheek, Dominik Śliwiński closed his eyes.

"The kitchen is the perfect place to satisfy your appetite," he announced softly.

Andrzej's lips moved a little lower and the young actor felt the hot breath of true love and desire on his neck.

"Especially when the cook himself is the main course," Nowicki announced and licked Dominik's neck.

"Don't say you're a vampire."

"Instead of blood, I prefer to drink your other juices."

Śliwiński trembled with joy and excitement. Andrzej was getting bolder when it comes to bed matters. Bolder towards Dominik. He seemed to have fully accepted the fact that he had been seduced by a man and was going to enjoy every benefit. And Dominik knew perfectly well what pleases a man best.

The actor's hand moved back, feeling the characteristic thickening in Andrzej's pants.

"Looks like we both want the same thing on today's menu."

Dominik felt joy flowing from Andrzej. It wasn't just a sexual desire, but the pleasure of being next to the person she loved. Dominik had the impression that Andrzej's love would flood him completely in a moment. How can you feel such a strong feeling and not cry for joy? Dominik, close to this joyful breakdown, decided to divert his attention from the emotional issue and focus solely on sex. Breathing harder and harder, he began to massage his man's crotch.

"But I came home after a whole day of work," said Nowicki, he moved his hand to the elevation between Dominik's legs and squeezed. The actor groaned in surprise.  "So I should eat first."

"Andrzej ..."

"I want you to come first," Nowicki whispered in his ear. "In my mouth. And then I'll take you on the kitchen table."

Dominik was full of excitement and happiness.

"You've learned dirty talk," Śliwiński noted with satisfaction.

"With you I could not remain innocent..."

What deliciously stimulating words! And how true! Andrzej Nowicki was such an innocent, honest and moral man who was ready to marry his high school friend just so that she would not have to be a single mother. But that was before Dominik led him astray into the insane, sexual bliss of being with a man. He took him into the world of pleasure that Andrzej had never thought of before. Dominik seduced him and did not let him forget about himself until he finally won the most wonderful man in the world. Now he had to take responsibility for it.

"I like the way you are," the actor announced, feeling Andrzej's hand reaching his zipper. "Oh, Andrzej, you're just perfect, with or without filth, it doesn't matter. I love you all. I want you... I want you to take me on the kitchen table..."

...where they eat breakfast and dinner together and sometimes other meals.

"You should eat at the table..." added Śliwiński. "These are good manners."

In response, Andrzej laughed a little nervously and turned Dominik so that the young actor was facing him. He stuck his bright, brown eyes so similar to the dark amber that Dominik wore in his wedding ring into Śliwiński, and those eyes were full of love.

"I love you so much," said Andrzej and Dominik knew that his words contained only sincere, passionate truth. "I don't know how it happened, but..."

Nowicki pushed back a lock of hazelnut hair falling over Śliwiński's eyes. Dominic's hair was noticeably shorter than it used to be, but his bangs, if not combed up, obscured his eyes. Andrzej pushed the unruly strand away and took Dominik's face in his hands.

The young actor felt a wonderful shiver. Every touch of Andrzej was a wonderful caress for him. Back when these wonderful words came to him...

Dominik wanted to answer similarly, but he did not have time, because hungry Nowicki stuck his mouth into his mouth with such passionate passion, as if he really wanted to eat him.

Knees buckled under Śliwiński. 'God,' he thought 'how much I love this man!'

This love filled his heart and brought joy beyond expression. Joy so great that Dominik could weep for happiness. He could repeat a thousand times how great, wonderful and full this feeling is, and it would not be enough anyway.

Dominik threw his hands on Nowicki's shoulders and kissed him back with no less passion. It was so hard to believe that it had not been even six months since Andrzej appeared in his life. The loathsome paparazzi who blackmailed him, an accidental noble savior, a stranger who, out of concern, became a caring protector, a friend who, for Dominik's sake, boldly inclined him to behave rationally, and finally a lover who became more bold and more free with each subsequent intimate meeting. And finally this one and only partner, chosen for the rest of your life, who can be called a husband...

Andrzej pushed Dominik gently towards the table. The actor retreated until his buttocks hit the table top. The table was tiny but sturdy. He will support the weight of the light Dominik and should withstand the passion of Nowicki who is taking him.

Dominik blushed at how shameless he was, but immediately thought that there was nothing to be ashamed of. Andrzej saw him in the most difficult, painful and embarrassing moments of his life and not only did he not leave, but he stayed with him, helping him. What was Dominik to be ashamed of in front of this wonderful man to whom he had exposed his body and, above all, his heart a long time ago? Was he to be ashamed of how much he loved him? How much does he want him?

The passion of their kiss persisted, taking Śliwiński into the world of wonderful bliss. When Andrzej pressed his member again, Dominik lifted his leg and rubbed Nowicki's hip with his hip.

Andrzej was really hungry for his partner's love and body. He quickly undressed Dominik and floated down, his lips cupped over his manhood.

The young actor arched like bow, full of satisfaction and happiness, unable to even believe that Andrzej, who was once shy in matters of sex between men, turned into such a greedy and daring lover. Love was the greatest madness that could arise in man.

"Oh, Andrzej, slowly," Śliwiński laughed happily.

"Too fast? Are you unpleasant? " Nowicki asked worriedly, looking up at his lover.

"No, no, just... I don't want you to choke."

Andrzej smiled so much that Dominik trembled with happiness. The photographer's eyes clearly said that he did not care about such a detail, they even shouted: 'who cares?!'

So Dominik also ceased to be afraid and, full of happiness, gave himself to the oral caress of Nowicki's thirsty lips, caress that finally sucked out of him the life-giving juices that Andrzej felt so eager to eat.

It happened, once again, and once again it was just as wonderful. The young actor felt obliged to reciprocate his man.

Andrzej did not defend himself. Gone are the days when he rejected the desperate attempts at rapprochement that Dominik had used with him. Nowicki belonged to Dominik and to his love the actor knew that he would do everything in his power to keep it like that forever. So he caressed him with love and passion, but he did not allow for erotic fulfillment. He broke off when Andrzej's member stood proud and hard. Then the young actor got up from his knees and slipped onto the kitchen table. Completely naked, he lay down on the table, pulled his knees up and spread his legs wide shamelessly revealing a pink eye blinking eagerly between his buttocks.

Nowicki bit his lower lip, clearly excited, fascinated by the sight presented to him. He was flushed with excitement and probably a little bit intimidated too, because although he already had a lot of courage in his relationship with Dominik, the moment of entering was still a bit embarrassing for him. Dominik understood that and he had no problem with the fact that even at such a moment he had to encourage Andrzej from time to time.

"Come in" Śliwiński invited with a tempting voice. "Come in and give me your juices. I am so hungry..."

Hunger is not just a craving for food. Hunger is a natural need, the most primal and most painful when it is unsatisfied. Hunger for love, hunger for closeness, hunger for sex… Whoever has been hungry even once knows how distracting it is, how painful and unpleasant it is. How excruciating it is.

You have to satisfy your hunger.

So Andrzej entered Dominik, giving him not only physical pleasure but also emotional closeness and a whole lot of love that united them - as they both believed - for their whole life.