Chapter 184 - Newly Wedded Men

Dominik Śliwiński knew a mother could be proud of his career, that her son starred in popular productions, and now even got a job with Hollywood, but privately, as a human, Dominik was a terrible disappointment for her.

A gay son. Pederast son. It's almost the same as a murderer son. The mother, due to the fact that she is a mother, will love him, but for the rest of her life she will feel disappointment and guilt that she has not raised her son better.

"Dominik, we talked about it on Christmas..."

"But you still have a hard time accepting who I am, right?"

Helena Śliwińska was a strong Catholic believer. She couldn't lie, or at least she shouldn't.

"I'm getting used to it, Dominik. You shocked me at first. But now I'm getting used to. When I saw you on Christmas..."

She paused. Dominik and Andrzej behaved very decently during their visit to the Śliwiński family. Not once did they show affection for each other. They did not even sit side by side, so as not to hurt the sensitive eyes of Dominik's conservative mother.

"Andrzej cares so much about you" added Śliwińska. "He looks at you as if you were the most precious, delicate flower in the world. He does not look at you greedily, but with love. It's hard for me because I don't understand how two men... But I can see he's a sincere feeling. I don't understand, maybe I will never understand, but I have to accept… both of you as a couple. After all, God commands us to love, and in your eyes I saw pure love. I don't know how it happened, I don't know how it is even possible that something like this could arise between two men, but, Dominik, even I can see how much you love each other."


"Andrzej is not a child anymore and he looks like a very serious, responsible man," Helena continued, ignoring her son. "The way he looks at you is not a childhood crush. If you were teenagers, I would recognize that you are ruled by hormones and fight your 'feeling'. But you are not teenagers. You are adult men, so if you look at yourself this way, it's not hormone madness, it's something... real..."

Her voice cracked as if the woman was struggling to cry. Dominik felt terrible. He wanted to please his mother with good news, meanwhile he made her cry...


"Dominik, honey, don't worry about me," she asked, and the actor heard that she was fighting her tears. She tries to be strong for him. "I have to think through a lot of things, get used to certain thoughts. It will take a while. But the most important thing is for you to be happy. Andrzej is a really good young man. He honestly loves you and gives the impression that he will hurt himself before he hurt you, so I believe that you will be safe with him."

"Yes, mother, I feel that way too. I think that if you meet Andrzej a few more times..."

Oh no, he said something again that might upset his mother. After all, she will definitely not want to meet her son's male lover.

"Dominik, there will be a seat waiting for you at our table every Sunday. For both of you. Andrzej really looks like a good man," she repeated as if wanting to reassure herself, "and I should get to know him better. After all, we are afraid of what we do not know."

At that moment, Dominik had a surprising thought - he and his mother are the same! They are afraid to face reality, but they know they have to do it, so they reach as deep as possible to bring out their courage and face these fears. Andrzej was proud of Dominik and Dominik was proud of his mother. After all, he knew from his own experience how difficult it was.

And he also knew that in both cases the reason for this courage was Andrzej. Dominik found courage thanks to Nowicki and Dominik's mother found courage because of him.

The young actor smiled to himself and to his mother, who was on the other side of the phone line.

"Thank you mom," he said. "Thank you for being so open and so good to me. Thank you."

He sensed his gratitude brought her relief. She was really trying to rebuild her relationship with her son and that required sacrifice as well.

"I'm so happy about it that when I go to the States to shoot a new movie, I'll get you an autograph of your favorite star," he offered, hoping that even if his connections were too weak for that, Brand Kitt's connections would help. "Say only the name..."

His mother laughed softly, and Dominik was so relieved. Slowly, step by step, the whole family will surely manage to get used to the new circumstances which was the fact that Dominik was gay.


Andrzej Nowicki returned home in a strange mood. He was a little pleased, a little concerned, a little thoughtful. The first thing he did after entering the house and taking off his shoes was to hug Dominik.

"Has something happened?" Śliwiński asked, giving him a warm, strong hug.

"I signed a contract with J. Acutti," said the photographer, "and I feel strange about it. Be like this with me for a while."

Dominik smiled happily, though deep in his heart he felt a little uneasy. It was wonderful to be support for Andrzej, but the young actor would prefer his beloved man not to be in a situation where he needs this support. Nowicki should always be in easy and pleasant situations.

"I am so happy! I was a little jealous," admitted Dominik, "that other people will fill their eyes with your beauty, but I'm glad you will take this offer."

"Now you know what I feel?"

"Hm?" Dominik did not understand.

"When you play in movies, when your face is on so many posters and you appear in so many people's fantasies..."

Śliwiński's heart beat faster.

"You know my heart beats only for you," he reminded Nowicki.

"I know" confirmed Andrzej. "I know. Mine too…"

It started to get hot, so the photographer, with a heavy sigh, moved away from Dominik and began to take off his jacket.

"How was your day for you?" he asked, hanging his jacket on a hanger.

"I also signed a contract."

"Really?" Andrzej was glad, his eyes flashed with joy. "When do you start shooting on set?"

"In March, but a few times before, I have to come to the States to try on the costumes and do some other preparations and training. In fact, from the first of February I will be busy..."

"From the first of February..."

"I know it's fast..."

"No, that's perfect!" Andrzej was glad. "I am also leaving for Italy in February. It's good that the dates of our trips coincide, right?"

"Yes. And this means that we have January only to ourselves..."

Both their eyes flashed.

"Do you have any obscene idea in your head?" Andrzej asked.

"Judging by your gaze, I'm not the only one."

"You know, this is our honeymoon after all..."

These words rang in Dominik's ears like wedding bells. Honeymoon!

"How about a small honeymoon trip?" he suggested shyly. Fear and hope fought for the better in his head. Andrzej has only recently started working and he was not entitled to a vacation yet...

Nowicki looked at him with his eyes full of love and hunger.

"I've always wanted to go to Morocco," he announced.

"Morocco? Why there?"

"I do not know. I guess the Moroccan bazaar has always seemed exotic and attractive to me."

"Bazaar?" Dominik became interested and smiled slyly. "Do you want to go with your newly married man to Morocco to see the bazaar?"

When it comes to provocation and banter in matters of love and sex, Dominik Śliwiński was a champion.

"Exactly," agreed Andrzej. "We can have sex anywhere without leaving the house, but it is the aroma of oriental spices and the colors of the oriental bazaar that will give our sensitivity a new flavor. Exotic, spicy, full of oriental charm..."

Dominik felt his cheeks burn. Yes, they can make love anywhere, but if they are to go on a romantic-erotic journey, it's best to go to a place that will give their experiences a new flavor. He himself had never been to Africa, but he had seen several programs and had already imagined those busy streets filled with colorful stalls and scents that could make you dizzy, among them...

Dominik Śliwiński turned away without saying a word and sat down on the couch where his laptop was open on the coffee table.

"Hey what are you doing?" Andrzej asked, a bit disappointed. He probably felt abandoned.

"How's what?" Śliwiński asked in surprise. Did Andrzej have to ask about something so obvious? "I'm making a reservation for us..."