Chapter 172 - Between The Past And The Future

The photographer was about to say that if he didn't want to, he didn't have to, but then the situation between them would start to look weird. Although tired, he sat down and hugged his lover.

"I'm a terrible idiot," Andrzej said.

Śliwiński did not deny it, just cuddled up to his chest and neck. This moment of intimate closeness spread over their hearts.

"If you could ... relax me a little," whispered Dominik, embarrassed. "I'm not such a hardcore to go alive after a week."

Andrzej licked his finger and, without releasing the actor from his arms, touched the place between his buttocks. His body visibly twitched and his eye twitched instinctively. The second reaction was much friendlier and the photographer overcame the first obstacle with only a slight resistance.

Dominik snuggled against him with obvious pleasure. The closeness between them was what turned them on the most and made them cling to each other - not the physical one, although it was also important, the emotional one, full of trust and mutual concern. It was thanks to her that they created a bond with each other that they could not create with others.

Penetrating Dominik's anus with his finger, Andrzej felt his hardening masculinity on his lower abdomen. Hot breath on his neck. He heard soft moans of growing pleasure in his ears. Immersed in this sensual wonder, he put in a second finger.

The actor's interior was cramped, but it was willing to open up to his lover. It invited him, waited, and encouraged him to do something bolder. Hot, wet, more and more impatient.

"Now," Dominik said softly. "I'm ready now," he freed from Andrzej's arms and pushed him gently onto the sheets.

Nowicki fell back on the bed. At the moment of the impact, he felt Dominik poking fun at his penis - slowly, at his own pace, but definitely. The actor was facing him so he could clearly see his beautiful, sensual face. Andrzej's member, covered with his own seed, plunged into the hot, tight interior, centimeter by centimeter, and finally, after crossing the last obstacle, plunged into it completely. Dominik started to move on it, and his penis swayed in front of Nowicki's eyes.

The photographer swallowed. If he had a camera handy at this point, he would have taken a really lovely photo.

He reached for Dominik's manhood to take care of his pleasure. He knew well its size and shape, and the kind of caresses that pleased him the most. So he used the actor's favorite technique.

Dominik tossed his head back. His hair, shortened by a good two centimeters, waved to reveal a pleasurable face that was beginning to take on an ecstatic expression. This is what he looked like when Andrzej first saw him having sex. Beautiful, soulful, giving the impression of belonging to a different, better world. Ideal. As always, awe-inspiring that words could not express.

The shortened hair took away a bit of elven etherealness, making him more like a human, a young man from romances and ballads, but still remained in a thoroughly romantic aesthetics.

His moans, louder and louder, filled with excitement, spread through Andrzej's bedroom and heart. They filled the room with delight. Nowicki could not get enough of the thought that he had such a lover and kept his eyes on his face when the wave of orgasm pierced it. Śliwiński's seed spurted onto his abdomen, and he himself, still loaded on his penis, fell onto the photographer's chest.

Nowicki immediately stuck his mouth into his hair and neck.

"You are wonderful" he whispered to Dominik.

He felt tiredness and satisfaction flowing from him. After a while, however, there was anxiety. The actor rose heavily, but with a smile.

"You haven't reached yet ..."

"It's okay, Dominik. It is wonderful."

"But ..."

Andrzej took out a small reserve of strength and gently slipped Dominik off of himself. The actor's resistance was minimal and it subsided completely as the photographer leaned over his face and kissed him tenderly.

"You've worked hard today" boasted Nowicki. "Thank you."

He saw the joy and relief in his lover's oaths. Andrzej felt a surge of tenderness. He was incredibly lucky to have met this man in his life, and it really didn't matter that they were both men. How can something as trivial as the same sex get in the way of shared happiness?

They lay down next to each other, tired but happy. Clasped arms together, they slowly fell asleep. Together at last, after long days of separation.


They slept until noon, which was unusual for them, early risers. But they both felt the less pleasant consequences of the welcome they gave each other last night. They were so lazy that they didn't even want to get out of bed to get something to eat. In the end, however, hunger prevailed and while eating sandwiches (no one had the strength to prepare something else) they talked about the time spent separately.

"How did you like it in America?" Andrzej asked. He was disturbed by what Mrs. Janka said that Dominik might not like the test shots.

"It was ok," he explained without much enthusiasm. "Better than I expected."

"You signed the contract?"


"Dominik, listen, if you don't want to play in this movie and you do it because I persuaded you ..."

The actor shook his head.

"To tell you the truth, I don't know what I want. The people in the team are friendly and professional. There are unpleasantness as everywhere, but my overall impression is positive. So it's not about that movie, because the story is quite interesting and fun, it's about cinema in general. Acting does not turn me on anymore, but you are right, I should not give up on it hastily, so I will play it anyway to dispel my doubts. This movie will be ... my farewell to my profession, I think. I will give my best, not for you, but for myself and those viewers who like me. It will also be a farewell to them."

Though he spoke with some shyness, Andrzej knew he was convinced of his decision. Dominik grew up very much during the few months, when he freed himself from the reign of Marek Marczak.

Paradoxically, parting was also a good experience for Marczak. Nowicki believed that thanks to this he began to appreciate more what he has in his life and to become a better person.

"You have become extremely sane," he commended.

"Really?" The actor smiled. "I thought I was always like this."

Was it really so? Andrzej did not know. It is a shame to admit, but he still knew little about Dominik from the time of his relationship with Marczak and even earlier, when he was a teenager and a child. He remembered, however, how Śliwiński became an actor and how he had chosen a school for himself earlier. He was then definitely guided not by emotions, but by reason.

"Yes. You're right," he admitted. "Have you met some Hollywood stars? Except for Scarlett Yang, of course. And Brand Kitt."

"A few."

"I don't like the way you blush" Andrzej felt an unpleasant feeling in his chest. Dominik, however, smiled wickedly.


Nowicki bit his lip. What a trick question! If he says no, Dominik may say it's because he doesn't care about him. If he answers yes, he will say that he doesn't trust him. He sighed inwardly.

"Maybe. A little," he admitted. "After all, you know ..."

Fortunately, Śliwiński did not ask him to explain anything more precisely. He just smiled embarrassedly and lowered his eyes. As if he knew.

"I do not have to look for excitement outside the house, when there is someone waiting for me in it, who is the answer to all my desires" Dominik announced quietly paraphrasing Nowicki's statement yesterday.

Andrzej's heart beat faster. To hide his confusion, he, too, looked away.

Too bad, he thought, Dominik had total dominance over his thoughts, and his innocent confessions were so full of sincerity and feeling that it was impossible to remain indifferent to them. Although this confession made Nowicki unable to collect his thoughts, he also could not leave him without a comment. He was afraid that he would offend Śliwiński in this way.

"What do we do with Christmas?" He asked softly. He silently cursed himself for not being able to maintain the romantic atmosphere.

"How was my father with you?" Dominik asked anxiously.

Andrzej took a deep breath.

"We drank a pint," he confessed, feeling sick at the mere mention.

"Together? I did not know that you drink so much" Dominik was completely surprised.

"Me too," he admitted. It wasn't his first real hangover this month.

The actor was clearly not entirely satisfied with the answer. For some reason, however, he didn't ask any further. He also could not say how he would like to spend Christmas. He was so indecisive that Andrzej felt a twinge of pain. After all, at this point, he was the reason Dominik didn't get along with his mother.