Chapter 166 - I Will Not Betray Dominik

"Thank you," the photographer said, his teeth chattering.

"It won't get through that easily, you know? Ache. You'll have to relieve yourself."

Andrzej, who had almost completely regained consciousness thanks to the cold shower, blushed. Why does Marczak have to stand in front of him now and talk to him on such topics?

"You can't do it on your own," the manager continued. "This is not your usual measure. It's best if you let me help you."

"No," Andrzej replied firmly, though he didn't feel the confidence at all.

"I'll raise the water temperature a little, or you'll be hypothermic in a few minutes. Stay in the shower, it'll be easier for you to endure the drug. It will be faster and less painful if you let me help you."

"No" Nowicki put his arms around himself. He was starting to tremble, this time from the cold. "I will be faithful to Dominik."

"I'm sure he'll understand the circumstances."

"No" Andrzej replied for the third time.

The stream of water has become less intense and a little warmer. Still cool, but his teeth stopped chattering.

"Every now and then I will check if you are conscious," said Marczak, and covered the curtain, "but don't worry about me. If you change your mind and need help, I'll be in the next room."

"Is there ... a measure to ... stop this action?"

"I don't know," Marek Marczak admitted sadly. "You were unlucky. You've come to the White Lady. Someone released several dozen tablets mixed with Exaity. It's at least five times more powerful and I don't know of any antidotes. You must get over it by yourself."

So he really didn't want to get me to this state. It was just a coincidence. Mistake. He had no bad intentions ...


Who did this to him?

Andrzej shuddered. The warmer water made his mind start to get lost again, but he knew that Marczak was right and that he could not stay in too cold water for too long.

It hurt. His penis hurt, as if someone had stuffed it with dynamite and set a fuse on fire. It hurt as if it were about to explode.

I'm pathetic, he thought. Completely pathetic. Dominik, you have a completely pathetic guy.


Marek Marczak spoke on the phone.

"Are you sure nothing came up? You know the price doesn't matter."

"I know, Mareczek, dear, but unfortunately. A week ago one of my boys got it by accident."

"How did he take it?"

"He's a slut, so he was fucking all night. Then he had a hangover for three days, although he didn't drink a drop, but the customers appreciate that night very much."

"Thanks, Madam."

Madam was born a man, but not finding herself in this body, she decided to become a woman. Surgery wasn't that easy in her youth, so she was content with drugs, and it stayed that way. Currently, she ran a funhouse where she employed only transvestites. Whether they felt women or just had fantasies with each other in feminine clothes, it didn't matter. If the boy wanted to wear women's trimmings and take them off in front of clients, he has always found a place for himself at Madam's.

Madam was fair and cared for her girls. She provided them with everything they wanted, but she imposed only one rule - they had to take care of their health. If there was a new drug on the market, she knew it. She always tried to have an antidote for him. There was no problem with soft measures, but something like the White Lady was unpredictable.

Marczak cursed as he hung up. Nowicki was really unlucky.

The White Lady was supposed to be a super aphrodisiac. It quickly turned out that her action exceeded all expectations to such an extent that the man after her was not able to find satisfaction even after intercourse. It wasn't a problem if his victim was someone for whom sex is everyday fun and he doesn't quite care who and where he practices it, but for someone like Andrzej, a die-hard and irreversible monogamist, the difficulties went by themselves. Especially since his partner was half the world away.

Marek gritted his teeth. He knew Nowicki enough to know that he had not taken anything himself. But how on earth had he come to be in a position that would allow him to administer such a measure? Did he not realize that with his appearance and haughty behavior, he provokes any guy who prefers intimate company of the same sex?

He probably didn't realize it, Marczak shook his head. Andrzej was too honest to sniff out a trick, too law-abiding to look for a crime, and too naive to understand that most people in this world are garbage and only think about their own pleasures. Only that was what attracted him in Nowicki so much. When the photographer, under the influence of the drug, moved close to him, close enough to smell each other's scent, Marek had to use all his willpower to push him away. He wanted Andrzej, he wanted him very much, but not so much. If he had taken advantage of the situation, Nowicki would have hated him later.

Marek hated himself for not being able to help him.

He walked over to the bathroom door. He heard the sound of the shower. Without a word, he pressed the handle and entered.

"Hey, Nowicki, are you alive?"

He waited five heartbeats. Silence suited him. Before six, he reached for the curtain and swung it open.

Andrzej was sitting in the shower, curled up as if he wanted to disappear. He was trembling and breathing heavily. Marczak touched his shoulder. The water was colder than he had set it.

"Are you crazy?" Marek immediately turned on the warm tap. "Do you want to chill your body?"

"Leave it. It's better this way."

"Like hell!"

He didn't feel like doing this, but he looked at the bulge in the photographer's pants.

"Did you relieved yourself?"

There was no answer. Andrzej looked away.


"Did not help."

"Then do it again. Don't be such a holy miss. Get a grip and shake off as many times as necessary. But looking at you, you probably don't have the strength to raise your hand. Look, I can really help you. If you don't want me, I can bring you a woman or a man ..."

"No! I will not betray Dominik."

"Well, there will be no betrayal. Think of it as a medical treatment ..."

Andrzej laughed, but it sounded somehow bitter and pathetic. It made associations with sobs. Marczak felt angry at his stubbornness and, at the same time, admiration and jealousy. He never loved to suffer torment for someone. Maybe he was loved so much by Dominik once, but that was a long time ago and it will never come back.

"I hope Dominik appreciates how much you dedicate yourself to him," he growled. "Don't you dare to lower the water temperature. When I find you are getting cold again, I'll get you out of here and put you in my bed. Naked."

Not a single word was said, but Nowicki stopped shaking. Marek knew he was angry. And good. Maybe now the photographer will behave more sensibly.

It hurt to look at him. Is there anything worse than seeing someone you love in pain and not being able to help them?

Marczak closed the curtain again to give Andrzej a bit of privacy. He left the bathroom and stood helplessly staring at the floor. It was going to be a long, unpleasant night.

Andrzej fell asleep in the morning, completely exhausted by the night. Marek undressed him, wiped him dry, and pulled him out of the bathroom. He tossed him into the soft sheets and sat down next to it. He looked at his handsome face and pushed his wet hair back.

Nowicki will probably fall ill. Too much cold water, although Marczak checked regularly to make sure it wasn't too cold. But these are the consequences when a man packs into a stranger's hotel room and accepts drinks from him.

These are the results of pointless stubbornness, pride, and loyalty, no matter what the situation. And Dominik, if he saw Andrzej in such a condition, would do anything to help him. He would have allowed him to have sex with anyone, and he would have slept with anyone himself if it were to bring relief to Nowicki. Marek would have slept with both of them, but it wasn't a sacrifice for him.

The photographer groaned in his sleep. Only now, when his consciousness was completely asleep, did he make sounds of his suffering. He had been firm before, and though his body seemed like a joke, he couldn't complain about the pain even with a sigh.

Nowicki was stupid just like that, wanting to be a great hero. He should have been moaning, screaming and, most of all, letting someone take good care of his penis and relieve the tension caused by the drug. His pride and righteousness stood in his way causing physical and mental torture. But he persevered, he was an imbecile, and Marczak felt admiration for him.