Chapter 158 - Life Like A Movie Script

Dominik Śliwiński smiled sadly.

"He was the world to me then" he explained to Brand. "I thought that was the same for him. Unfortunately, it wasn't better after that. It was Andrzej who gave me the strength to break up. He was with me, he supported me, he helped me. He saved me then. I fell in love, but he didn't share my orientation."


"I respected it, but I suffered. I told myself that if I slept with him once, that would be enough for me. I seduced him. Unfortunately, I plunged even deeper."

"I think!"

"I couldn't make him love me, but I couldn't give him up either. I began to seduce him. I wasn't always successful, but we were sleeping together more and more. He knew I loved him, but he wasn't ready for a relationship with a man himself. Until I disappeared."

"How is it, you disappeared?"

"I've been kidnapped."

"Are you kidding ?!"

Dominik shook his head sadly.

"It's a fresh and very sad story. When I disappeared, Andrzej realized how much he cared about me, and when we found each other, we knew we were meant to be."

The story came to an end and, despite his embarrassment, Śliwiński felt lightly that he could tell someone the story of his love. But he didn't quite understand Brand's gaze, which clearly showed disbelief.

"You're joking right?" The older actor asked.

Dominik felt offended by this question.

"Of course not!"

"Have you really been kidnapped? What did the police do? They set you free? They shot the perpetrator? How much ransom did they ask for? Or maybe you paid?"

"The perpetrator did not want a ransom. It was an unhappy young man who mistook reality for fantasy. I freed myself. The police looked for me very quietly and the patrol found me in the forest and took me to the hospital. The perpetrator" Śliwiński suspended his voice. He was at his funeral a few days ago. It was not easy to talk about these events. "The perpetrator is already dead. He committed suicide. Scarlett attended his funeral, but she doesn't know what trouble he caused me in my life."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. These are probably painful memories."

"Yes, they are, but I have to move on."

"I asked because you hear about kidnappings. Most rich and famous people are afraid of them. But I don't really know anyone who has had such experiences. You only know them from movies. But if what you say is true, your life would make the perfect screenplay for more than one thriller movie."

"I would prefer boring drama movies."

Brand laughed quite loudly.

"Well, after something like that, I think. Do you have a picture of him? This guy of yours?"

"Of course!" Dominik immediately took out his phone and found Andrzej's photo "the same he had taken while playing with Nowicki's camera.

Brand Kitt stared at them for a long moment.

"So someone like him could have stolen the heart of someone like you. Handsome. Also an actor? No wait, you said the paparazzi ..."

"Former paparazzi. He did not like this job very much. He is an extremely talented photographer. These are a few of his works" Dominik boasted about photos taken by Andrzej.

He didn't even noticed that he acted like a teenager in love showing everyone around pictures of her boyfriend. Only he was not that bold and limited his audience to one person.

Brand watched them curiously. Then he took out pictures of his ex-wife and adopted children. Dominik nodded his head appreciatively, and then showed him photographs of Paulina and a charming eight-year-old girl - Martynka.

"You have a beautiful family," said Kitt. "Even if you are not related by blood, you can see that there is love between you. You should always take care of her so that what is there is never going to go wrong between you."

"I'm sorry about your divorce. You've been together for a long time for show business …"

"Yeah. But we're both public figures. Constantly in turnouts. There were times when we didn't see each other for a month just to meet on the run while repacking. The children suffered from it too. They had money, they had everything but real family."

"But was it different at first?"

"Yes. We made love. We fit together. We were beautiful and sexy. Like you and Scarlett. Be careful, she'll fall in love with you."

"I doubt it. She knows I already have someone. She actually knows Andrzej. In fact, I'm surprised neither of you made a big deal of me being gay. You haven't made any comments."

"You're not the first, and you're not the last. Anyway, being gay is a trend lately."

"Yes, with us too. You can make a career on it, you can flash, but beyond the vision it's still easy to get stone. My mother, when she found out, she was in despair. She doesn't want to know me."

"It is impossible! Maybe she's just shocked. You will definitely rebuild relationships."

"Yes, maybe" Diminik sighed. "I know that she will forgive me everything because I am her son, but Andrzej will not be accepted so easily. He is the guilty one, although I seduced him, not the other way around."

"She'll definitely accept him. When her shock is over and she sees how happy you are with him ..."

Dominik shook his head resignedly.

"Homosexuality is a sin. My mother is very religious. To accept our relationship would be for her to undermine all the values ​​in which she believed. I don't want to do this to her. I prefer to accept the idea that she will be happier without me. I have already decided that I will not give up Andrzej. If I did, I might as well stop breathing."

"You're insanely romantic."

"Of course. After all, I'm gay."


Andrzej did not always drive to work by car. It was one of those days. They forecast snowfall and difficult road conditions, so instead of making his life difficult by standing in traffic jams or sliding onto the roads, he decided to use public transport. He did not regret his decision for a moment. Even though the tram was hot and crowded like a sardine can, when he saw cursing drivers trailing cars through the window, he could only smile.

It was the same, or worse, on the way back. Only the city looked more cheerful, decorated with Christmas decorations, lit by Christmas tree lights hanging on trees, with shop windows sparkling with glitter and Christmas lights. The Christmas were coming, which was clearly noticeable, and on the road, splashed slush made it difficult to drive as much as possible.

Andrzej was returning home unhurriedly. The house without Dominik was unpleasantly empty. Nowicki felt it on the first evening, when the silence rang in his ears so much as if it wanted to burst his eardrums. It was impossible to get away from her, either after turning on the radio or the TV set. Dominik had never been particularly loud, but even when they were both silent, the soft sounds of water running from the tap or the daily bustle of the kitchen kept the house alive. Without them, the world would melt in solitude.

For years Nowicki lived alone and he did not mind the silence. He got used to it. However, the relationship with Dominik changed everything. Now that he thought there would be no one in the house except him and his memories, he felt reluctant to come back to it. So he walked slowly from the station, splashing the masses of melting snow.

Someone was standing in front of their house. Andrzej could not see the face of this person, but the silhouette showed a man - rather older. Was he waiting for any of the household members, or was he standing here by chance? Nowicki had no idea. He was expecting no one, and the man looked neither a policeman nor a representative of the media. Maybe he was actually just a passerby?

The photographer approached the gate, trying not to pay too much attention to him, when he heard:

"Mr. Nowicki!"

He turned to the man and saw his face in the lantern light. She seemed familiar to him, but it took him a moment to recognize her as his lover's father.

"Mr. Śliwiński!" He exclaimed in surprise. "What are you doing here? Dominika doesn't have ..."

"Yes, I know, Olek told me. I wanted to speak to you."

Surprise turned Andrzej to stone for a moment. It was his first meeting with Zygmunt Śliwiński since the romance of young men was revealed. What did the father of the man with whom he shares his bed and his life want to talk to him?

"Please, come in" Andrzej opened the gate for him.

"Thank you."

They entered without a word and Nowicki took Mr. Śliwiński's coat. The man was completely unlike Dominik - tall, broad-shouldered, dark-haired. Andrzej knew that Dominik in appearance completely fell into his mother, who even now was a beauty, although over the years she had gained several kilos.