Chapter 152 - It Is The Same Everywhere In The World

It was the first time Dominik had ridden the huge limousine seen in American movies and decided it was no fun. He definitely preferred the front seat of Andrzej's small, red, twenty-year-old car, where he could sit snugly, lean his head against the headrest or his shoulder and feel close to his beloved.

Dominik realized, however, that the car he was picked up was a nod to him, so he couldn't complain. Hollywood had its own rules and seldom recognized anyone outside its circle. Sending a limousine for an actor from a third world country, which Poland was for them, was a nice gesture to make him feel like a real star. How could they know that Dominik would not be impressed?

The car pulled up to the indicated building, which was drowning in the light of the setting sun. The party was clearly getting going. As soon as the driver opened his door, the actor heard music coming from inside. He got out of the car and saw in front of him exactly the house he had expected - a huge white villa, a kind of Beverly Hills. Well, they were in this neighborhood after all.

The door was open so he stepped inside. He saw some bodyguards who looked like typical Men in Black, but none stopped him. The driver at the entrance gate said he was driving a guest, so there were no problems. Only Dominik, who did not like crowds and such events so much, had to put in a lot of self-denial to go to this party at all.

As soon as he stepped inside, sounds and smells enveloped him. It was this mishmash he did not like in such gatherings. Dozens of different colognes and perfumes, empty chats over glasses of expensive champagne. People pretending to like each other when in reality they would stab knives in the back because of jealousy.

In order not to seem so completely alien and out of place, he grabbed a full glass from the tray. It's always better to maneuver with a drink than without it. He was just about to look around at the guests when a white-clad storm with gleaming coppery hair lunged at his neck.

"Dominik!" She squealed happily. He allowed himself to be squeezed, realizing that Scarlett's part was a game, or rather a professional duty. "I'm so glad you came! I was afraid you would be too tired from the trip!"

"I couldn't miss this event. Not every day I get an invitation to Hollywood salons."

"A joker," she laughed, taking his arm. "You look gorgeous!"

"I was supposed to say the same about you."

Scarlett moved closer and whispered so that only he could hear.

"Sorry, I know you don't like parties like this, but in this world they are necessary."

"I know," he replied. "I'll try not to embarrass anyone."

"You? Never. Come on, let me introduce you to a few people."

He politely followed her into the crowd of beautiful dresses and expensive jackets. First, he was introduced to the host, who expressed his gratitude and satisfaction that he agreed to take part in their project, then the director repeated almost the same. Śliwiński smiled charmingly at everyone and did not skimp on politeness. After a few more people to whom he was introduced, he lost track of who's who, with whom and for what, he noticed for the fact that he began to enjoy great interest. The women looked at him as if they wanted to devour him, the men judged whether he was a competition for them. Well, not all of them. Some also threw him hungry, encouraging glances, which made him lose himself completely. He longed for the peace of his house in Wola Grzybowska and the only person he cared about, and the one and only person would tell him now that he was proud of him, and then kiss him passionately and sweetly in the privacy of their lovely nest.

Dominik sighed silently and, armed with his dazzling smile, blended into the crowd for the next hour.

He was definitely a sensation, even he realized it. He was used to his beauty being of general interest. He knew that this was an asset that prompted them to hire him. The people gathered here, and some of them he recognized from series and movies, couldn't help but notice him. What they didn't know was that apart from the attractive face, he also had talent.

Eventually the party was starting to tire him. A long flight, a change of time zone and the mere fact of participating in such an event did not make him feel good. However, it was too early for him to leave permanently, but for a few minutes - there should be no problem here. He saw a quieter corridor plunged into it. Suddenly, however, he heard something disturbing.

"Stop it, please!"

"Be good, sweetheart. Someone like me is not denied."

"I know who you are, but still ..."

"Come on, touch him ..."

Dominik felt heavy blocks of ice on his back. He could feel the blood draining from his face. It was the same everywhere in the world. Everywhere. Those who had some power thought they were untouchable, that they could do anything, even trample human dignity.

At that moment he did not think. He took one step forward. Then another. The scene of a similar party appeared before his eyes, in which he found himself in need, cornered by an intrusive man for whom he no longer felt anything but disgust.

One more step. And another one. He opened the door without knocking to find a young man in a waiter's uniform kneeling in front of an elegantly dressed middle-aged man. The young man's head was in front of the elegant man's slit, from which his little one protruded. The waiter had tears in his eyes.

"Oh, sorry," growled Dominik. "I don't think I'm disturbing you."

Both men looked startled. The waiter seized the opportunity and quickly ran out of the room. The older man began to tidy himself up, cursing. Suddenly he stopped staring at Śliwiński.

"Hey, aren't you that actor from Poland?"

"I am," he admitted in an icy tone.

"You're cute too. You know, knowing me can bring you a lot of benefits. Just be nice to me" the guy approached Dominik.

"Thank you, I will not use this opportunity" Dominik did not change his tone, although the other was getting closer. His heart was beating faster, but the actor did not feel threatened. Adrenaline was circulating too much in his blood right now.

"Are you sure, sweetie?" The man extended his hand towards him, as if he wanted to touch his face. "I can really give you a lot of pleasure. And good engagements."

"Please don't touch me. I said I'm not interested."

"Do not be like this…"

The man drank too much, it was clear as the sun. The arguments stopped reaching him and his hand was getting closer. The moment she touched Dominik's skin, he acted instinctively and twisted man's arm, knocking him to the ground.

"Luke, what are you doing?" Someone from the door laughed. Śliwiński released the groaning man and looked at the man standing in the doorway. He hadn't seen him at the party before, but he recognized the face. It was Brand Kitt, the actor who won three Oscar statuettes for the best leading male role. "You better get yourself together or I'll tell Loureen you're making a mess again."

The man stood upright and straightened his clothes. He immediately headed for the door.

"Sorry for my friend," Kitt turned to Dominik. "Usually he is a very nice guy, but sometimes, when he drinks too much, he stops thinking."

"So he shouldn't be drinking."

"Right," he admitted. "My name is Brand Kitt," he held out his hand to Dominik.

„Dominik Śliwiński. Nice to meet you."

"Uh, a difficult name. It will be hard to make a career with him in the States."

"I don't plan it at all."

"You should. You're prettier than my ex-wife."

Dominik grunted as he felt the blush on his face. His wife, Jolina Ange, was one of the sexiest women in the world. At least in her youth.

"No, no, take it easy, I'm not of these! I'm not hitting on you or anything! I'm just stating a fact."

"Thank you."

"But I must admit, you speak like a native New Yorker. In my life, I would not say that you are from Russia."

"From Poland" Dominik corrected. "They are separate countries."

"Ah… oh yes. I'm sorry. But are you really from there? This is no trick?"

Dominik decided that he did not like this conversation very much. The adrenaline started to drop and he was just tired.

"What if so?" he asked bravely.

"Er ... Nothing, really," admitted Kitt, smiling friendly. "Well, and your moves, you could successfully act in an action movie without a stuntman."

"I'm acting," was the simple, honest answer.