Chapter 149 - The Arms Of An Angel

They watched an old crime series about the adventures of a Canadian mounted policeman in Chicago and her songs accompanied the most romantic scenes of the series. They liked her warm voice, which at that moment, along with the whole setting, introduced a very pleasant and exciting atmosphere.

Today Dominik did his best.

"While waiting for you, I allowed myself to open the wine," the young actor announced, emerging from the kitchen, glass in hand. He did not come up to Andrzej. He stood in the threshold and leaned against the doorframe, throwing him a long glance at his aquamarine glittering eyes.

Dominik Śliwiński was a captivatingly beautiful man with an attractive body. Short, slim, but resilient, exuded sex appeal with every movement. He didn't do it on purpose. Eroticism oozed out of him naturally, making whoever saw him in such a situation could not remain indifferent. Andrzej also felt an immediate rush of blood to his head and penis.

Dominik was beautiful in everything, but he looked the most wonderful in white, as if this pure and symbolizing innocence color emphasized all his charms - fair skin, hair falling on the neck in a shade of hazelnut blonde, long, dark eyelashes and eyes in the purest blue color, which could pierce every heart inside out.

"I thought that I should try my best, while you..." Nowicki said with admiration.

"You like me?" An uncertain question was asked.

Andrzej's briefcase fell from his hands. How could he even ask about it?

"Always," he answered "but today... Today just ..."

Śliwiński laughed a little shyly. Absolutely lovely.

"Sit down, today we'll eat in the living room. The table is a bit small but that's okay. We will eat from one dish anyway."

Nowicki glanced at the coffee table where there was wine and one glass. He took off his shoes, took off his jacket and as soon as he came closer, a huge ceramic platter appeared on the counter, which they had not used before. It was from him that this wonderful, exotic scent was rising.

The table was low, uncomfortable to eat at, but Dominik thought about everything and placed two pillows between it and the couch. So they will sit on the ground side by side so close that they can feel each other's warmth all the time.

"It smells delicious. As always" Nowicki noticed settling down on one of the pillows. It was not comfortable, but at the very thought of having Dominik next to him, he couldn't help but smile.

Śliwiński actually sat down on the adjacent pillow as soon as he put the dish on the table.

"You forgot your cutlery," Nowicki admonished him.

"Not at all," he replied teasingly. "We have it."

"Chopsticks? Andrzej felt insecure.

"If you can't eat with chopsticks, let me feed you."

Andrzej's heart skipped a beat at this declaration. Candles, wonderful scents, and the proximity of a dazzling man who himself declared that he would feed him could not leave him indifferent. Andrzej did not think that he would ever be able to succumb to this far-reaching romanticism in his life, but he couldn't help but be completely defenseless when it came to Dominik.

It wasn't always like that. At the beginning of their relationship, although Nowicki knew that the actor was homosexual, he would never have said that they would be united by something more than just friendship. Now he felt a pain at the thought that something might tear them apart.

But it won't happen, he consoled himself silently. Dominik's love was faithful despite what might happen to him in life. You had to really try to lose her, and Andrzej was not going to do that.

"I've never eaten with chopsticks," he admitted, slightly embarrassed. In the eyes of his beloved, he always wanted to look his best, so admitting that you lacked a skill was quite a challenge.

Śliwiński, who was just skillfully taking a piece of meat dripping with aromatic golden sauce between two bamboo sticks, did it with great skill.

"I learned it for my last role. There was a scene in the movie where they ate sushi."

"I remember," he admitted. "But they didn't show much of how you use them."

"It was known from the beginning that it would be so. Patrycja couldn't master this skill so we didn't want me to do better than her."

"But you, as always, wanted to learn everything that was helpful for the role, my Little Mister Perfect."

"Do not embarrass me" Dominik asked and the first bite was directed straight at Andrzej's mouth. He welcomed him willingly and immediately a colorful mixture of sweetness and spice spread over his tongue.

"Mmmm," he purred. "Epic!"

"You really think so?"

"I love your cooking."

"Through stomach to heart it always works," Dominik smiled shyly, but his eyes sparkled with satisfaction.

It wasn't through the stomach. Yes, Andrzej, he liked good cuisine, but not enough to fall in love with someone, otherwise he would have been a couple with Paulina for a long time. In Dominik's case, this love consisted of thousands of little things - his small gestures, shy words, a charming smile, natural charm, a huge, sensitive heart, a stunning sex appeal, an insanely attractive look ... The confession was embarrassing, however, and Andrzej did not dare to tell these words aloud, even though he had already opened his mouth.

"Definitely," he replied instead.

Dominik must have guessed it was a joke. He chewed a piece of his own with his eyes downcast and a huge blush on his face.

I love him for that too, thought Andrzej and gently touched his soft hair.

"I love the smell of your shampoo," he confessed, moving a little closer. He could feel his heart pounding.

They looked into each other's eyes and was engulfed again by two aquamarine suns - beautiful, huge and hot.

Sarah sang about the angel's arms and Andrzej felt like he was in his embrace the moment his lips touched Dominik's sweet mouth with sauce.

The actor shuddered at his touch, but it was a shuddering excitement. He wanted him, clearly and strongly. Andrzej increased the intensity of the kiss and after a while they both lost their breath while burning.

"Dinner," whispered Dominik.

"We'll eat her reheated."

"Okay," he agreed quickly.

It's a pity, thought Andrzej, because she's really great, but when you have someone much more appetizing ...

His lips flowed down to Dominik's ear and neck, plunging him into his hot, lustful breath. The tip of his tongue ran over his skin, making him shiver. Dominik always reacted so lively to his caresses, as if he were just waiting for them. It was wonderful. Andrzej had never had enough of this delight.

"Oh ..." the actor groaned, venting his emotions.

Yes, there was no better term than miraculous!

Nowicki's lips slid lower, where a shiny white collar appeared. The subtle scent of detergent, shampoo and soap mixed in this place into one natural scent - the scent of Dominik. There was no more sensual at that moment and Nowicki's heart beat even faster and his breath became even hotter.

"I want you so much," he whispered, barely audible. If his mouth were further away from Dominik's ear, he probably wouldn't have heard him.

"And I want you," was an equally soft reply, and Andrzej felt the small but strong arms of the man he loved surround him. Truly the arms of an angel.

"Oh, Jesus," Nowicki groaned, unable to stop his tongue caressing his lover's soft skin on his neck and in the hollow where it joined his torso.

Slowly but sensually, as if he wanted to fill himself with every touch for the rest of his life.

He's leaving tomorrow, Andrzej reminded himself. They won't see each other for a week. Maybe longer. This is the first such a long break since they became a couple. Before, they had similar periods of sexual abstinence, but at least they could be next to each other and enjoy being there, but now they won't even have that.

Andrzej unbuttoned the button on Dominik's shirt. But he felt such a fever within himself that he had to shed his own blouse before he continued petting. He pulled it off in a hurry and suddenly felt his lover's hand on his torso.

"I love your body," he heard.

"Oh, shut up," Andrzej ordered, confused. Hearing such words from such mouths was too embarrassing.

To hide his confusion, he dived into Śliwiński's breast and took control of one of his nipples. The actor strained with a loud groan, making him clearly understand how pleasant he was. Encouraged by this, Andrzej intensified his efforts. He gently licked it with the entire surface of the tongue to turn it into a sting after a while and irritate its erogenous zones with the very tip. With a changeable pace, he licked him, sucked him, he did not flinch even before a slight bite, which caused a soft cry of surprise and another tension of the lover's entire body. Dominik braided his fingers into his hair and he deliberately concentrated his efforts on his nipple...