Chapter 139 - Love Too Much

"Aaaaaaah ...!" Dominik let out a sensual, long groan, and he was already shaking. It wasn't an orgasm yet, it couldn't be, but the actor's body was so sensitive to erotic stimuli as if Dominik were a walking, living embodiment of sex. In Andrzej's eyes, this was exactly what he was.

"Dominik ..." gasped Nowicki, moving in his wonderfully hot and humid tunnel. "You are divine!"

"Do not say that!" the actor asked, blushing delightfully.

"But you are! Every inch of your body is, and your eyes… When you look at me, I'm on fire!"

"Oh. Andrzej! " the actor reached up to his neck and then wrapped his hips around Nowicki and squealed delightfully. "Harder!" he asked "deeper!"

He didn't have to ask a second time. Andrzej's penis himself wanted to penetrate him with more passion, go deeper and harder ... that's why the photographer immediately accelerated ...

God! Dominik was amazing! He was absolutely insane! He was ... Dominik Ślwiński, a man who belonged exclusively to Andrzej now ...


Maybe Olek was right, Andrzej wondered with his hands behind his head. Dominik was sleeping deeply next to him, as evidenced by his calm breathing. Maybe Olek was right that Dominik is perceived only by his physicality. For a man, he was exceptionally beautiful, which drew unhealthy attention to him. Yes, it was a pity for his talent, but his lover is not only a pretty face and acting, he is also a sensitive, intelligent and sweet man who has been pigeonholed so much that he does not know who he is when he is taken out of the dresser.

"Why are you not sleeping?" Suddenly he heard a soft, warm voice. He started in surprise. After all, his lover was in a deep sleep a moment ago.

"I do not know. I think. And you?"

"I forgot to tell you before, and I want you to know first."

"About what?"

"I'll act in this movie."

Something squeezed Nowicki's heart. Something unpleasant and strong and slimy like a head-tail's tentacle.

"Are you sure?"

"You think I shouldn't? You encouraged me yourself."

"Yes, but ... I don't know," he admitted, turning his head to his lover. Dominik was lying on his stomach, facing him. Fully outside the window, his eyes shone like two blue moons. "I was just thinking that maybe Olek was right. Maybe you should withdraw from the movie."

"Maybe. You just see, I ... I don't know who I am yet. I'd like to find the answer right now, but I can't. All I know is that I'm good at being an actor and it's not bothersome for me. At least not really."

"And the fans? Media?"

"They can't all be bad. I have to believe it otherwise I will never stop being afraid."

Andrzej frowned. What is Dominik talking about?

"Afraid?" He asked.

Śliwiński looked away. The two blue moons extinguished covered with their lids.

"You know, I know Werner's farewell letter by heart. 'I loved at first sight,'" he began to quote. "'I admired from afar. He was beyond my reach. I wanted to hold him in my arms and make him happy. I chose a movie for him. I created it with him in mind. I wanted to get closer to him and, if not with the love of his life, at least become his friend. I would do anything for him. This film was supposed to be for him. I apologize to everyone who had plans with it. It will never be made, because when I confessed my feelings to him, He trampled them to pieces so hard that only pain was left too hard for me to breathe. I can't forgive him for that, for his hopeful smiles, for his wonderful, seductive looks. I can't forgive him for trampling my heart out as if it were nothing. He was God, an oracle, and an inspiration to me. He was everything. Without him, I became nothing. Dominik, I curse you, I hate you but I can't stop loving you. I can't take this pain anymore. Goodbye.' I can't help but feel his death is upon me. I know, I know, you said it all, but ... But if I'm afraid of hurting someone by just being, shouldn't I cease to exist?"

"Dominik ..."

"I don't want to die. Not now that I have someone to live for. Live, not vegetate, hiding from people and the world. Life is not just about pleasure. Sometimes it also requires pain."

"I would do anything to spare you this pain," Nowicki touched his cheek. The two moons were burning again under their long lashes.

"I know. But you can't keep protecting me, otherwise you'd put me in a cage and I won't ever let you do that. What I experienced so far it's enough for the rest of my life."

He said the words bitterly. Nowicki wondered if they were related to what Marczak or Werner did with him? Or maybe both? Marczak ...

"Andrzej? Something happened?"

"No, why?"

"I don't know, it's just like ..."

Had he sensed a change in his mood? Second time today? Has the bond between them achieved this type of closeness? It was amazing. Very nice, but also a bit scary.

"If you don't want me to play Password Without a Response, just say it."

"After all, I said that I will support your every decision."

"So that's an article? I didn't think about it before, but it probably bothers you too ..."

He's worried about me, the photographer thought with emotion. For the first time in my life, someone loves me so much. Is this love so strong for him that it hurts?

How did it even come about that two men, against nature and against social laws, fell in love with each other so much?

"I don't mind," he said reassuringly.

"Are you sure?"

"You're cute when you worry so much about me."

"There's nothing wrong with that, doesn't it?" Dominik blushed, even in the silver light.

"Nothing, nothing" Andrzej kissed him softly. "On the contrary, I am honored. Nobody else, and Dominik Śliwiński himself, is worried about my humble person."

"It's because… because… I love you so much. You are the best thing that could happen to me in my life."

"Dominik ..."

Nowicki felt his heart skipping in his chest. From happiness? Yes, with great happiness, but there was something else about him. A shadow of fear. Can you really love so much and not go crazy? Can the human mind and heart contain such powerful emotions? Or maybe there will come a day when one of them will go mad with love?

Why do such thoughts come to him? He should be happy, happy that he has finally come to love and be loved. Why can't he just indulge in these wonderful emotions? Why is the power of their love terrifying him?

Did Marczak and Werner feel the same?

No, he cannot compare himself with them. Werner never had any love for Dominik. It was just his delusions. Marczak brought this state to himself by loving selfishly and greedily, not recognizing his lover as an autonomous individual, capable of making his own decisions. Śliwiński was a mascot for him, not a partner, so their relationship was not really a relationship but some horrible parody of it. Andrzej will never treat Dominik like that, and the actor was incapable of similar behavior, so together they make a well-matched pair.

So there is nothing to worry about. Nothing at all.

Andrzej's heart felt relieved immediately. He rolled over to have a better access to a lover. He embraced him and smiled tenderly looking into his glowing silver eyes.

"I've never loved anyone like you in my whole life," he confessed. "What have you done to me to make me feel this way?"

A warmth of joy flowed from Dominik towards him. How could he fear for this love for a moment?


It was drizzling like in an old American movie, but neither the rain nor the cold wind prevented the masses of people from gathering in the cemetery. The funerals of famous people usually attracted the masses, especially if they died tragically and definitely prematurely. Dominik doubted that all gathered were friends or at least acquaintances of Maciej Werner. The date of the funeral had not been made public, yet there must have been two hundred people gathered there.

Śliwiński received a notification about the ceremony. It came to him along with a letter from old Werner. The old man wrote that he would understand if the actor did not want to come, but he wanted him to know that there he would be absolutely no persona non grata. Dominik thought for a long time, alone, before making a decision.

He didn't go to the service itself. He was not a religious man, and he did not want anyone from the media to see him. Journalists could not decide whether to pursue his story as a homosexual or relish the new - his frequent contacts with Scarlett Yang. Either way, the fuss around Dominik continued, making him the target of the paparazzi again.