Chapter 137 - Is This Confession Real?

"Will you tell me why are you not with him now?" Marczak asked Nowicki. "You guys didn't quarrel, did you?"

"No. He's at lunch with Scarlett Yang."

"That's good. The gossipers will find a new topic. Only that idiot probably didn't think of you, did he?"


"He doesn't do it on purpose. It is so sweet about him, but also irritating. He didn't even think people would start writing about his new romance. Although you are together, everyone will talk about him and her."

"I do not mind."

"For sure? So why are you so glum? Scarlett is beautiful and alluring. They will come out nicely together in the pictures. People will say they fit together. And she is not holy. She will take advantage of the situation. If you gossiped about him that he was heartless, that he was playing with someone until he led him to suicide and she would seduce him ..."

"As if she could do that," he growled, irritation rising.

"Who knows. I would be afraid of that."

"I trust him!"

"It's nice. But just because you trust him doesn't mean you aren't afraid."

"You'd be better mind your own business."

"I am. I like you. I want to sleep with you."

"No kidding."

"Why not? You're very handsome, not exactly my type, but that's what I like about you. You are strong. You are the fighter type, but you must be extremely cute in bed."

"Get off me, okay?"

"Oh, are you losing your composure? Would you like to make a scene in front of all these people?"

Suddenly it dawned on Nowicki. Marczak did with him exactly what after Dominik's disappearance - he teased him, provoked him to distract him from the problem that was tormenting him. He did not do this to make Andrzej forget forever, but to give him the opportunity to expel unhealthy emotions and return to the problem with a clearer mind. He laughed.

"Thanks," he said. "I'll keep that in mind."

Marczak replied with an ambiguous smile. While chewing the morsel put in his mouth, Andrzej wondered if the manager was actually just joking?

It was no secret to him that Dominik's ex-lover had a very relaxed approach to sex - which was one of the reasons the two had stopped getting along. Nowicki did not keep track of who the older man was sleeping with, but he suspected that he was with every pretty person he had.

"Anyway," he asked casually, "do you have someone now?"

"Just an eye on someone."

"Impossible! After all, getting someone is a piece of cake for you."

"And yet you keep refusing me."

"But I'm asking you seriously."

"I answer seriously. What would you do if I said I fell in love with you?"

Andrzej froze. Marczak has to be joking. The joke wasn't funny.

"I wouldn't believe you. I would assume you were kidding."

"I love you."

"I still don't believe you," he smiled crookedly. He felt less and less confident.

"Look in my eyes."

Reluctantly, he did as he was told. Marczak was very serious and his eyes...

"I don't know why you tease me. You must be mad at me for being with Dominik. There is no way you are me ..."

"Yes, you are right" Marczak looked at the plate.

What just happened? Andrzej felt his heart pounding. Why is Marczak acting this way? Why did he say such words to him? Now he is ignoring the situation, but the atmosphere has changed so much ...

No, it's impossible that he really… loves him.

What if this wasn't a joke?

A bizarre situation.

They ate in silence and without appetite. Nowicki knew why his food was no longer good for him, but for Marczak?

It's best to assume that it was just a joke, then the situation will somehow return to normal.

Andrzej's heart started to beat faster. He did not love Marczak. Until recently, he absolutely hated even his presence. Marczak was brutal, selfish and had no morals.

Only, for sure?

Then, when he hit Dominik and wanted to take him by force, they both admitted that it was only once and after all, Marczak had the right to be irritated, even angry. Maybe he overreacted, but Dominik was such that it was difficult to keep emotions in check with him. Since Andrzej met the manager, the manager has not done anything exclusively for himself. Although nothing connected him with Śliwiński anymore, he still cared about his image in the media, invented covers for him and tried to make the boy star in a promising film. As for morality, Nowicki had no evidence against him, only gossip and former lover's accounts, but since he started sleeping with a man himself, he had to stop judging other people's sexual preferences. In fact, Marczak was not evil, but lived his life in his own way.

And now he confessed his love to him.

Andrzej surreptitiously looked up at him. He felt himself blushing. He cursed his fair complexion silently.

Marczak was handsome. With class. Why would someone like him tell someone like Nowicki that he loves him?

'You're very handsome, not exactly my type, but that's what I like about you. You are strong. You are the fighter type but you must be extremely cute in bed.'

"What are you thinking about?" Marczak smiled suddenly, catching his gaze.

Andrzej was confused.

"Nothing," he replied grimly.

Six months ago, he knew that no one would ever love him, that he would spend his whole life alone. Dominik's appearance was like an atomic bomb - a sudden, extremely strong sensation that made him change his assumptions. Someone loved him, someone wanted to be part of his life. And now Marek ...

"Thank you for the meal" he smiled at Marczak as he took out his wallet.

"It was my invitation," the manager motioned him to stop.

The photographer felt uncomfortable but hid his wallet.

"In that case, thank you."

"Andrzej ..." Marek stopped him when he was getting up. "I know you love him, but when that love starts to hurt you, give it up."

He wanted to answer him something. Preferably something like: 'Get off our business.' However, there was something in Marczak's face that said that this particular case was his. He opened his mouth, but only one word came out:


Why did he say that? Damn it! Why did this confession that Marczak made start confusing his mind? It was just a joke, a stupid joke from a guy who loved to tease him. And even if not, what might he care about Marczak's emotional life? After all, he doesn't even like the guy!

He didn't know how or when he found himself on the street buttoning his jacket.

Dominik! He wanted so badly to be with him, or just to hear his voice on the phone. He took out his cell phone and looked at the display.

What if he gets in the way of something important?

He quickly wrote a short text: 'I'm thinking of you.' He did not manage to put the phone in his pocket when he received the text message. 'I love you'. Just enough. It was enough for Andrzej to regain his composure. He smiled.

As long as he had Dominik's love, everything would be fine.

But how long will he have her?

Andrzej felt strange. He had never experienced that bitter, painful sensation of fear and uncertainty before. Dominik loves him, right? Won't he abandon him for any beautiful Western actress?

Of course not, he answered himself. He's not like that. He won't even look at a woman with erotic intentions.

But if Scarlett seduced him? What if she swept him with his beauty and sex appeal, as Dominik himself once seduced him? If Andrzej fell in love with one particular man without memory, why would Śliwiński not do the same with a woman?

Enough, he finally told himself. What am I thinking about? It's Dominik, the sweetest and most loving creature in the world! He is painfully loyal and will never, absolutely never, betray anyone!


There was a light on in the house. Journalists were waiting in front of the house. Planted in front of the fence, the thujas, although young, were over two meters tall and blocked the view inside. The blinds performed a similar function, although they only lowered them when they suspected that they might be watched. Dominik did not like curtained windows, but he made a concession to make Andrzej feel calmer. During the day they were almost always raised, but in the evenings they were lowered more and more often.

Journalists attacked Andrzej at the gate. He didn't even listen to their questions repeating "no comment." The words "lover", "couple" and "suicide" were uttered, completely taken out of context for Nowicki. However, they showed that the vultures were still feeding. After some question, where the word "Scarlett" had fallen, Andrzej forced himself and showed a charming smile to the lenses.

"But seriously, no comment" and disappeared out the gate.