Chapter 134 - Accusations That Cannot Be Fought

"All right," Dominik announced without emotion. "Your coat, please."

"Andrzej told you what's going on?"

"Roughly. Come in, please."

Nowicki and Marczak nodded at each other. Andrzej could not help but feel that only Dominik out of all three did not feel agitation.

"As you know" began to explain Marczak "I have many friends in the media. Thanks to this, I can control the flow of information to some extent. Today I have heard that Werner's farewell letter has been delivered to several editorial offices."

"It's a little weird that it happened in this time of day," said Andrzej. "We're in the middle of the night."

"Couriers delivered the mail during the day, but you know how it is with the editorial office, it has to be delayed. In large magazines, even after reading it, the road is long before it reaches decision-makers. I think they would have been lying a little longer if not for the leak from "Famous and infamous". This worm Karpiarz was jumping with joy. I managed to persuade the heads of the more serious newspapers to ignore the subject and treat the letter as a mental disorder of someone mentally unstable, but the tabloids won't let it go that easily. Two are firmly in their favor, negotiations are underway with the other two ..."

"I see," Dominik said calmly, "but I still don't know why you're making such a fuss out of it? What's in this letter?"

Marczak pursed his lips and looked directly at Dominik.

"In short," he said, "Werner blames you for his death."

"Ah yes. You know, you don't have to make sure they don't publish this letter" Dominik said.

"Are you kidding? It will be the end of your career!"

"What career? I finished it anyway."

"But you didn't announce it! If you back out now, they will start hanging dogs on you. You will leave the stage defeated."

"Let it be that way."

"Dominik ..."

"Thank you for your concern, I really do, but I don't care what they write about me."

"They will start watching you, chasing you, demanding comments ... They will sniff you and eventually discover your secret. Especially since… there are ambiguous innuendo in the letter."

"They're already gossiping about it, have you forgotten? Somehow it did not arouse such a sensation."

"Because they only have clues..."

Dominik shook his head.

"If what Maciek wrote is true, I will not hide from it. If that's a lie - how do I fight ghosts? And you, Andrzej, what do you think about it? They will probably also write about you..."

Nowicki smiled. Dominik's brave attitude surprised him. He was proud of him.

"Don't worry about me," he said. "No matter how ugly it gets, we'll handle it."

"You say that because you don't know the media."

"No, Mark. We say this because all we care about is our love, and it won't fall apart because of stupid rumors. But thank you for worrying about me. Really."

Śliwiński's smile was charming and sweet. He shouldn't have smiled at Marczak that way, thought Andrzej. Such a smile makes the heart hope for something more than mere acquaintance. The acquaintance with Dominik was dangerous both for body and soul. It could bring the greatest happiness, but also the darkest despair.

"You are really brave, little tiger" there was recognition in Marczak's voice, but Nowicki had the impression that there was something else. Attachment? Longing?

Does Marczak have warm feelings towards Dominik? Could he… love him? He still loved, or only just now started to love. Yes, it looked like love.

If so, he must suffer greatly seeing them together and hearing about their mutual affection. Perhaps he is reflecting on what he did wrong and regrets? For some reason, he doesn't ask for another chance. Maybe he realizes that he has not misused the previous one and only deepened his guilt?

"Are you not afraid of how your family will react when they realize that you are gay?"

"They know."

The surprise on Marczak's face appeared only for a moment to give way to a sad smile of understanding. Andrzej felt sorry for the manager. For seven years he was an inseparable part of Dominik's life, but also the actor was part of his everyday life. After they split up, they both had to adjust to the new reality. Śliwiński, who was an exploited party in this relationship, did it faster and was happy, but Marczak ... He supposedly owed himself, but Andrzej could not even imagine what you might feel after the loss of Dominik. Marczak was crazy then, Werner committed suicide.

He felt a painful stab in his heart. His lover was wonderful, beautiful, gentle and sweet, but there was something addictive about him. His beauty and manner, his charming smile, fiery aquamarine eyes, warm, velvety skin and sensual touch were like a drug. When a person gets the happiness of being with Dominic, he can't want anyone else anymore. After they break up, when their love cannot reach her subject, they lose their mind. What will happen to Andrzej if the actor ever decides to end their relationship?

What am I thinking? Nowicki mocked himself. We love each other and we are happy together, and this is the most important thing. With his stupidity and cruelty, Marczak ended his relationship with Śliwiński, Werner never had him at all except his sick imagination. Andrzej is not like them.

"You both live, so I think they took it quite well" Marek smiled and it looked sincere. "I take it that you are already a couple officially?"

"Our friends and families know about us," Dominik said.

"Congratulations. Well, if we're not going to worry about Werner's letter, what am I going to say to those who call me?"

"That you are no longer my manager and you have no comments from me on this matter."

"You know they'll come straight to you?"

"I know. Marek, my behavior may seem naive to you, even irrational, but… I'm fed up with pretending, hiding from people. If they really love me, they will accept me as I am. If not, I won't cry because of it."

"You remind me of yourself from years ago," smiled Marczak. "When I met you, you were exactly like you are now. Being with Nowicki does you good. I think I'm jealous of you."

"Hey," said Andrzej.

Marczak decided that the only comment would be his typical, arrogant smile.

"Okay, Dominik, I will not silence the matter. But don't forbid me to comment on it. After all, I know what Werner did to you."

"Do you know…? Since when?"

"I was guessing. You just confirmed my guess. That's why I can't ..."

"What do you want to tell them? I hope not the truth?!" The actor was scared.

"Don't be scared, not all of it. I'm not tarnishing your opinion."

"But Werner ... his grandfather ..."

Marczak looked at them not understanding.

"Werner's grandfather came to us some time ago and begged Dominik to meet his grandson" Andrzej explained with resignation. "It was after Maciej's first suicide attempt. Dominik felt sorry for the old man. You know what he is like."

"All right," Marczak sighed. "I will not tarnish the reputation of the dead. But if I have to choose his reputation or yours, I'll choose the living. I'm sorry for the intrusion. Good night."

"Good night," they replied simultaneously.

There was silence after Marczak had left. Neither of them seemed in the mood to speak.

Looking at the calm Dominik, Andrzej felt uneasy. He had no idea what the media would wring out of this farewell letter and what scandals they would look for, but one thing was certain - Śliwiński would not come out of it unscathed. Rumors in magazines and TV shows, more paparazzi lurking, pseudo-journalists wiping their mouths with his name, and maybe even discovering a painful secret - not about being gay, about being a victim of a madman.

Once, Andrzej accidentally entered a website where men confessed that they had been victims of sexual violence. He reacted then with a smirk. He felt no sympathy towards them. He could not understand their situation, this helplessness in the face of the cruelty that was happening to them. He himself was always strong - tall, athletic and with definitely masculine features, he was indeed harassed by a friend, but in his case it was enough to say no. It was only when he met Dominik that he realized that there could be dozens, hundreds of circumstances that could make even a man a sexual victim, and that it did not diminish his value at all.

He understood this because the problem affected someone around him. Others will not be so understanding. At least not all of them. If people learn the truth, they will pity Śliwiński. Others will laugh. Both of these behaviors will hurt him.

"Dominik, let's go to sleep" Andrzej proposed.

The actor turned to face him. Nowicki thought he saw uncertainty in his eyes.

"Andrzej, did I make the right decision?" He asked.

"I don't know," he admitted. "But whatever happens, we'll deal with it. Together."


"Of course."

Dominik smiled faintly. Finally he nodded.

"Together," he confirmed. His eyes were shining with the ready to fight again.