Chapter 129 - Olek

"You know, I think I'm nervous" Dominik said. He even showed a slight nervousness.

"What? Why? After all, Olek knows that we are a couple."

"Yeah, but I've never spoken to him about it. After all, this is my little brother."

"Do not worry. It won't be worse than with your mom."

"Do not remind. Shit, I hope she will not be hit by a bus on the way. She was so nervous ..."

Dominik was really moved to curse. Andrzej took his chin and kissed him passionately on the lips.

The surprised actor tried to defend himself, but after a while he kissed him back. When they hung up, he gasped, flushed.

"Thanks. I'm better now. But… are you not afraid that someone will take a picture of us?"

"Are you worried about my reputation or yours?"

"About yours, of course!"

"My darling," he stroked his cheek. "If it weren't for the fact that we are waiting for the visitor, I would take you here and now."

Dominik beamed. His wonderful aquamarine eyes shone so brightly that Andrzej felt his throat tighten.

"You think it's him already?" He asked.


"The doorbell."

"Ah yes!"

Śliwiński jumped up and ran towards the front door.

"Olek, come in, good to see you!"

"Is Andrzej here?"

"He is. Whay?"


"Of course."

"Good. Then mom won't go to jail for murder."

Intrigued, Nowicki left the kitchen.

"Hello," he greeted the visitor.

"Hi. Guys, there is a mess!"


Andrzej put cookies and coffee on the table, but did not sit down next to the Śliwiński brothers. Although he loved Dominik and liked Olek, he did not feel comfortable and preferred his arm to support the niche in the wall than to join them on the couch.

"I'll get to the point - our mother is pissed off " said Olek.

"What don't you say," growled Dominik.

"You should have told her about Andrzej. I know it's not easy because our mother is, well, very religious, but she shouldn't have learned that way."

"You mean what way?"

"At the beginning there were stupid smiles of the ladies in the store and the neighbors. Mother felt as if they were talking behind her back, silent when she approached. She began to suspect that one of us had done something wrong. She started questioning us. I told her to get off from her children's lives, because she could have raised us when we were little, now it's a bit too late. We were arguing. My mother knew something was wrong, that I knew something, but she didn't get anything from me. She just figured it might be you. She started reading all the gossip magazines and watching programs. Not that she hadn't done it before, but now she has even reached for the very weak ones. And then she heard rumors about you. At first she didn't understand what they might mean. I don't know when she figured it out. When I got up this morning, she was gone. Father said she went to see you."

"And the father? Does he know about rumors?"

"He knows. I had a separate short conversation with him this morning. He told me to tell you one thing - live so that you are happy."

Dominik blushed with delight, but something else was bothering him.

"And you? What do you think about all of this? You know…"

"You are not the first gay I meet, although no, technically speaking I know you from birth ... I know one couple besides you. One is weird, but they are generally good guys. I do not have a problem with that."

"Thank you," Dominik beamed.

"I have a bigger problem that you ignore us again and we learn about everything from rumors. I know I'm just a shit to you ..."

"It's not true! I just ..."

"Will you stay a few days?" Andrzej interrupted suddenly. "The house is big, lots of space. You will be able to talk about many things."

"Er, actually ..." Olek looked at his brother uncertainly.

Dominik, although the proposal had not been agreed with him in advance, smiled broadly.

"Sure! The last time we met, there was no chance to talk. I'd like to know so much about you! About everyone!"

"But ... I don't even have pajamas with me."

"No problem! We will go shopping. Don't be asked. You are the first family member to visit me, not counting today's hurricane in the form of mom."

"Well, in that case, okay," he agreed.

"Great," rejoiced Dominik. "Then we will go shopping right after lunch!"


The table in the kitchen was small, but somehow they fit the three of them over a fairly generous dinner. Only some platters had to be reached at the nearby kitchen counter.

Dominik laughed a lot, although a little nervously at first. Then he eagerly listened to every story from his home country about his friends from school, about neighbors, neighbors' children, neighbors' dogs, some distant cousins, and even about how one year aphids ate mum's beloved bush because dad forgot to spray it.

Andrzej also listened to the story and laughed at the right moments even though he was not amused. The presence of Olek, a tall and well-built twenty-year-old boy, did not disturb him, but he did not feel comfortable. He didn't know him. Olek was also looking at him suspiciously. Nowicki knew he was undergoing the assessment. The boy checked whether he was taking good care of his brother and probably just waited for an opportunity to announce his conclusions.

Olek himself did not seem very embarrassed. He talked a lot, answered all questions, but for some reason he didn't ask any. Andrzej guessed the reason. Certain topics are not dealt with by strangers, and he and Olek were undoubtedly that way for each other.

Dinner dragged on more because of the company than because they were still hungry. In the end, however, Andrzej decided it was time to leave the brothers alone.

"Forgive me, but I have a job tomorrow, and I'm not finished for today. I'll be in the office if you need me."

"All right," commented Dominik without emotion. "And what time is it? It's so late?! Olek, and you don't want to go to bed?"

"Let's talk a little more. You don't have to get up to work in the morning, do you?"

"Well, not really," he laughed. "When I go to sleep, I will tell you good night" he turned to Andrzej.

Nowicki raised his hand in a gesture of farewell. The actor smiled at the sight and watched him go.

"Man, you cook even better than I remember. I was so fed up that I had to unbutton my pants!" Olek leaned back in his chair.

"Thank you. I like cooking. Andrzej makes great waffles. Tomorrow he probably won't have time to prepare them, but I'll ask him to do them the day after tomorrow."

"Dominik ... Are you happy with him?"

The actor blushed and lowered his eyes.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because ... On the one hand you seem happy, but on the other ... I have the impression that something is troubling you. I did not want to ask in front of Andrzej ..."

"No" the older brother shook his head "Andrzej is wonderful. Sometimes I even feel that he is too good."

"But something's bothering you."

Dominik was silent. He was glad that his brother would stay with them for a few days, that they could talk in peace, but he was not able to tell Olek everything. At least not yet.

"Is this about the stalker? Is he still haunting you?"

The actor shuddered. It was still difficult for him to talk about it, but if he didn't answer anything, Olek would think it was worse than it really was.

"Nooooo... This matter is already settled. I'm a bit sorry because it was someone I trusted and had professional plans with, but it's not a big deal. I guess it's just... I don't know, it's so strange to be the object of this type of interest."

"I can imagine. Surely it was some old bluff? Bleh…"

"No, he's actually my age. Anyway it does not matter."

"Then what are you gonna act besides that yogurt ad? Man, but girls squeal when they see her! I thought yogurt was embarrassing, but the ad is so good. My mother told me to record it and now she is still playing it... Damn, it's a pity that you didn't tell her about yourself and Andrzej."

"I regret it too, but I don't think there was any good time for that. In fact, I am with Andrzej for less than a month."

"Are you kidding? But when you were with us ..."

"We haven't been a couple yet. I tried to do it, but he still didn't want to make up his mind. You know, he used to hang out with girls and it took a while for him to get used to me. It is a pity that it was like that with mom, but... do you think she will accept this situation one day?"