Chapter 92 - Jealousy?

It sounded like Dominik had something special to do with the person on the other end of the line. But what? With who? After all, he had such close relations only with him and Marczak, and with his manager everything was over.

What if not? What if Andrzej's rejection made the boy, unable to bear being alone, returns to his former lover? In the end, Marczak turned out to be very helpful and understanding in his own way. Could Dominik really talk to Marek in this warm tone?

No it is not possible. True, he hated loneliness and rejection badly, but he could not return to his former lover immediately after the new one rejected him. Dominik was not so unstable in his feelings. It was just too fast!

So who was he talking to? After all, he did not meet anyone new in the meantime and Andrzej knew all his friends. What could have happened that he suddenly found himself with someone on such an intimate foot and Andrzej did not even notice it?

He brewed the coffee too strong, and spilled it while lifting the cup. Why is this kid so irritating to him?

"Oh, I thought you were in the kitchen" he almost ran into Śliwiński when he was leaving. The actor seemed extremely overjoyed.

"Do you need anything?" Nowicki Asked.

"Thank you, I can handle it. I just wanted to tell you that I will be a little out of the house tomorrow."

"Oh," he pretended not to care while every cell in his body screamed, 'Who are you meeting?'

"It won't bother you, will it?

"Of course not!"

"Great! Do you have some boiling water left in the kettle?"


The actor walked past him with a smile and, humming (humming !!!), poured water into the tea bag thrown into the mug.

So Dominik is really meeting with someone. With someone to whom he spoke so cheerfully and warmly as before to no one but Andrzej. But no, it can't be a new lover. Neither old.

"Good night" Śliwiński smiled at him radiantly and walked towards the stairs. For someone who had received a kind of break-up declaration a few hours earlier, he was behaving extremely cheerful.

On the other hand, Andrzej felt unpleasant.

That night, Nowicki could no longer work. Nor to sleep.

Actually, what could Andrzej expect from Dominik? The actor told him about his love for him and was rejected - not immediately, it's true, but the effect was the same - Nowicki did not love him and did not want to pair with him. In that case, he also had no right to interfere with his privacy in any way. They were not a couple, so Śliwiński could meet and sleep with whoever he wanted, just like Andrzej. After all, it was perfectly normal.

Not if you confess love to someone.

But Nowicki himself did not believe that this feeling was real and only waited for the actor to shake off it and understand his mistake. But he hadn't expected it to make his chest feel so painful.

However, it is good that Dominik turned his attention away from him. Andrzej knew perfectly well that he would never be able to love him the way he should, and that he would only hurt this sensitive soul. It's good that it happened as it is. Maybe this will make Dominik happier.

Without him.

Sleep overwhelmed him just as he began to wonder if it might be better if he had moved out of this house completely.


Dominik looked absolutely radiant. To Andrzej's surprise, he appeared at breakfast not in everyday clothes, but in going out.

"I thought you were going out in the evening" Nowicki was surprised. He wasn't in the best mood today. He slept badly that night and had a headache.

"Tonight? No, I don't know how long it'll take me, so I'd rather leave early."


"But ... Andrzej, you don't look good. Are you feeling bad? Maybe I should cancel my plans?"

"Do not worry about me. I just didn't get enough sleep. Go and have fun."

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave you alone if you are not doing well. Haven't you caught a cold? You don't have a fever?"

"Of course not," he replied a little too sharply. "I was up late over the pictures. Just that. So don't worry about me at all and go where you were supposed to go."

Dominik looked undecided.

"All right, I'll go," he said, "but under two conditions. First - you go to bed right away and sleep through the night. Second - if you feel worse, you call me immediately. Promise me that please ..."

Nowicki totally did not understand Śliwiński. How can he worry about him, make such demands on him when he himself goes to meet his lover. It's just… And he, Andrzej, should agree to all this politely? Why would he put up with ...?

Because he has no right to interfere with Dominik's private life. They were friends, it didn't change, so the actor was worried about him as Andrzej was worried about him, but they didn't have anything more intimate at that point, so Śliwiński could meet whenever he wanted and with whomever he wanted.

"I promise," he said gently. "But you don't want to leave without breakfast."

"I will eat out," he explained. "I'm going, I don't want to be late. See you!"

"See you," Andrzej replied, watching his shy, lonely Dominik rush out to meet someone else.


Though he had promised, Andrzej had no intention of going back to bed. He was not bedridden, and lying idle would only heighten his thoughts. So he decided to do something useful and send his resumes, cover letters and work to advertising and modeling agencies.

Working in such a place was not his dream. Nowicki wanted to be completely on his own and make a name for himself. This, however, took time and money, and at the moment he did not have that.

During his studies, Andrzej was a good photographer. He even won two prestigious awards. Then, however, there was the issue of paying off the student loan and several other more or less significant problems, so he ended as a paparazzi in the tabloid where he remained until September. Dominik Śliwiński was the reason why he quit this job. He had wanted to do it for a long time, but he always missed that decisive factor. Acquaintance with a famous actor turned out to be what he needed.

What has Dominik been doing in the city for so long?

And with who?

Andrzej has already sent his resumes to all photo agencies and studios he found on the Internet (without Marczak's one, of course). It is true that Dominik's former manager was running a really good business and those who got under his wing were quickly making a career, but Nowicki would probably have to starve to find employment there.

No, not even then, he stated firmly as he closed the tab with that agency's website. He would rather steal or beg, as long as he didn't have to deal with this man and his company.

Dominik doesn't come back for a long time ... He's probably having a really good time.

Andrzej knew that he had no right to interfere with the actor's privacy and kept repeating it to himself all night, morning and afternoon, but that didn't change the fact that he was irritated. You don't confess love to someone over and over again and then, quite suddenly, go on dates with someone else.

Nowicki did not even notice that he spent most of the day on these considerations. It was late afternoon when a taxi pulled up in front of the house.

Dominik got out of the cab, carrying shopping bags - by no means filled groceries.

To see him laden with packages was something new for Nowicki. Had the actor spent the whole day shopping? He was again asking with who?

"Sorry it took me so long," the actor said excitedly as he packed inside, "but I had some trouble making my decision. I didn't expect shopping to be so difficult. Fortunately, I had support with me."

Śliwiński stood in front of Nowicki with a worried expression.

"How are you?" He asked.

"Good. I said you have nothing to worry about. Hey, I'm really okay, so don't look at me like that."

"I'm sorry, I ... I'm gathering up my courage" Dominik blushed up to the tips of his ears. "I didn't think it would be that hard," he laughed nervously.

Andrzej felt his heart leap into his throat. Dominik wanted to end their relationship, that's for sure, he just can't say it directly. It was a bit unpleasant, but Nowicki knew that the actor's feelings were not real, that this was only an illusion, compensation for what had been lost.

"All right," he said gently to him. How could he make anything difficult for him? Dominik was sweet and lost and their moments together were a perfect distraction from current problems. "Just do it."