Chapter 89 - The Best Day

Andrzej has never eaten a more delicious mushroom soup in his life. Its taste was like the same as all the previous ones, but a thousand times more pleasant. But he had never participated in mushroom picking either and had no idea how much fun anyone could from it. The fresh air, smelling of damp and forest, only whetted their appetites, and they did not look back when quite a large slab showed its bottom.

"Phew, well, I'm full," Dominik said, unbuttoning the fly button and stretching on the old, creaking chair. "I can not move."

"Will you stick into the pants you were supposed to be wearing during today's session, then?"

"Of course. I have a fast metabolism."

"I noticed."

Whether it was pill for an appetite or fresh air job, Dominik regained his appetite.

"I am so good that the only thing missing is a hot bath."

"Sorry, we only have a cold shower."

"So I let it go for now. You've been working with the camera a lot today. Will you show me the pictures?" Dominik asked.

"Only after I prepare the album."

"Same excuse again ... But I'm so curious!"

"Patience is a virtue."

"As you like" Śliwiński gave up and looked at the fireplace. "You really want to have a session here? I don't know much about it, but don't you need more light for a good photo?"

"Don't worry, I have everything under control."

"Hm, I'll trust you."

"I'm going to be busy making a plan and selecting props right now, so I'll get over it a bit."

"I'll help you," Dominik offered enthusiastically.

"Better not. We have very little space here, so it will be difficult for me to accommodate everything. One is more than enough."

"Then I'll finish cleaning the mushrooms ..."

"Oh no! Don't you dare to get your hands dirty with those slimy ... How are they?"


"Yes. Anyway, they are all slippery and dirty."

"Because they grew in a cozy, humid environment and were also harvested with dew."

"Does not matter. They are really dirty and it's hard to clean your hands afterwards."

"All right," Dominik sighed. "I'll take a blanket and a deckchair and go soak up the sun so as not to disturb you."

"I'll try to get it on quickly."

"I hope so!" Dominik stood up. So I'm going to bask in the autumn sun! "


It was probably the most beautiful day in Dominik's life, or at least at that moment he couldn't remember a better one. Can there be anything better than going out of town, to such a wonderful place, with a loved one?

Śliwiński made himself comfortable with a blanket covering only his legs. The sun was already leaning towards the west, and due to autumn it was not high in the sky anyway, but it was still warm, and its golden rays sparkled in the blue ribbon of the river flowing nearby. On days like this, the world was really beautiful.

Dominik closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The air smelled like water and resin. The leaves rustled with a gentle rustle and the birds sang their joyful songs. Even a woodpecker was cheerfully tapping a tree looking for bark beetles. This world was like a fairy-tale idyll. It was just wonderfully beautiful.

But maybe in the state of mind Dominik was in now, any place would be beautiful? Maybe his joyful heart saw only good things around him. But isn't that the way it should be?

Yesterday, Dominik met his family for the first time in years. The meeting did not go smoothly, but what could he expect when he left the family like a prodigal son for years? But it was a huge step forward for Dominik - all thanks to Andrzej. If it weren't for his warm heart, the young actor would still be locked in his home, afraid to experience life.

And life was waiting for him and it opened its arms wide. Life was more than the possessive love of Marek, who always wanted Dominik for himself. Maybe he protected him from the evil of this world, but thus deprived him of strength and ability to function independently. The price was too high. Dominik paid her because he did not realize it. Now he didn't have to pay anyone anything.

He should, Śliwiński thought with a sigh. He should repay Andrzej for appearing in his life. He should repay him for sacrificing himself so much for Dominik, more than many people who assured of his love would. Nowicki never said that he loved him and, looking into his eyes, Dominik had the impression that he would never hear these words from him, but in every gesture by Andrzej, in every word he received, the actor received more love than during a year with Marek.

It was a strange love, what Nowicki was giving him. Also selfless, so devoted, so warm and bright. It was expressed not in pathos but in complaints that Dominik should eat more. Andrzej did not bring him flowers, but by threatening with his finger he made the actor swallow the pills. It was love without romantic ecstasy, but ordinary, everyday love. This was what its charm was all about, and that is probably why Nowicki will never recognize it as 'love'.

Actually, Andrzej doesn't have to do that.

Andrzej does not have to do anything to be in Dominik's life. Let them be just friends, lovers from time to time. That's enough for now. And later? Later will be ... later. They will cross that bridge when they come to it. Today Dominik spent an absolutely wonderful day, full of sunshine and idyllic nature.

In the evening, something even more exciting awaits him, something that made Śliwiński's heart beat faster. This will be his first professional photo session with Andrzej. Dominik will have to do his best not only for himself but also for Nowicki. The photographer could not be left without work forever and Dominik Śliwiński's photo session will look great in his regime. Eventually, both of them will be able to benefit from their acquaintance professionally. But will Dominik, caressed by Andrzej's eye hidden behind the lens, be able to focus on work?

Dominik shivered, and not from the cold. He just was looking forward to this photo shoot!


Andrzej set up the last lamp and turned it on. Its light hit Dominik's eyes and the screens placed nearby. In this lighting and with decorations provided by the photographer, the old, inconspicuous summer house turned into a country villa.

"Woooow…" Śliwiński expressed his surprise. "Your friend has a whole studio here!"

"I told you that I sometimes take pictures of his girlfriends."

"Sometimes? Judging by all that, this is probably quite common."

"It used to be, but there has been no time to play it for several months. Someone else takes care of the girls."

"Excuse me?"


"What did you say? That someone else deals with his girlfriends?"

Andrzej was silent for a moment, trying to understand Dominik's thoughts.

"No, these aren't his partners, or at least not all of them! He provides hostesses for local events and has a small night club."

"He's a pimp ?!"

"No, real hostesses. Opening a supermarket, beer day in Świętokrzeszowice and stuff."

"And for that you need acts?"

"No, I just did these to his private girlfriends. Once a buddy was crazy about photography so he invested in it. There's also a costume chest upstairs. You'd be surprised if you saw them."

Dominik blushed and looked away.

"Maybe we'll start?" he suggested still flushed.

"I'm in position."

They agreed that the main theme of the current session would be romanticism. Dominik has already played the roles of lovers, and although they made fans fall in love with every one of them again and again, they were all contemporary and quite shallow. Andrzej said that there is no frame for them and there is no restlessness of the heart in them, which was sown by poetry two centuries ago. Śliwiński knew what he was talking about and agreed with him completely. However, they did not want to do the sessions in the historical background. Their idea was to show that you can also be romantic in the twenty-first century.

Dominik was wearing a white shirt, but totally contemporary, and blue jeans. He took the armchair prepared for him by the fireplace and picked up a glass of wine.

"All right," said Andrzej, taking the camera in his hand. "We both have experience in this rodeo, but this is our first professional photo session together. I'm going to take some pics for orientation now, and you feel free to slowly step into the role. You won't have to try very hard. You are thoroughly romantic anyway."

"Don't say such things to me" Dominik asked. "Otherwise I won't be able to concentrate on my work."


"Because I'm just going to think about you and how I'd like to please you in bed."

Andrzej felt his breathing become heavier.

"First, try to please the photographer in me."

Dominik beamed as if he had just heard the best news possible.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing, focus, focus" photographer admonished Dominik even though the view was unearthly and the shutter of Andrzej's camera was already in motion. These photos will go to a private album.

After a really short warm-up session, they got down to normal. Dominik turned out to be an almost professional model and immediately followed the photographer's instructions to the letter. The session went very smoothly.

"Great, now look into the flames as if you are thinking of something wonderful that you miss." the photographer ordered. "Perfect. The camera really loves you."

Andrzej admired the beauty of the actor's expression, where the truth was visible, as if the longing he made him feel was not a game but a reality.

Śliwiński turned his eyes away from the fireplace and stared them at Nowicki. Under this gaze, the photographer felt a flame in his body. Dominik was no longer only romantic, he was becoming more and more erotic. His hand went to the top buttons of his shirt.

"Dominik, what are you ...?"

"Continue taking pictures," Dominik ordered.