Chapter 68 - No Turning Back

This boy was live sex, walking temptation and delight. He attracted like a magnet and was addictive like a hard drug. Whoever tasted his body was lost.

Nowicki did not plan to repeat with him what happened that night. He had caught himself dreaming about it, even making a fantasy, but he had no intention of putting it into practice. But he was weak in flesh as he would. Dominik's touch and his direct invitation made him unable to refuse him.

Climbing the stairs with a heart as heavy as a stone, Andrzej hoped that his weakness would not hurt this miraculous creature that was Dominik Śliwiński.

This time, however, must be different from the previous one. Then Nowicki let himself be surprised and carried away by the moment, now he was consciously and voluntarily going to enter another man's bedroom to have intercourse with him.

What am I doing here, he thought, stopping his hand on the doorknob. I shouldn't be here, I shouldn't succumb to whispers of lust. I should leave here ...

Only he couldn't.

The handle gave way under his pressure and the door swung open. In that second, he felt Dominik's hot body on him, arms hanging around his neck.

"You came," he heard a delighted whisper. "I was afraid you would quit."

Śliwiński climbed on his fingers and broke into his mouth almost forcefully. He was so possessive and greedy that he was almost aggressive. It was as if he was afraid to act differently, or he couldn't.

This is not how Dominik should love and not how anybody should love him.

"Dominik, I don't want to be like then" said Andrzej, pushing him away very gently and only a few centimeters.

"No? So how?"

"I want to ... Shit, I can't say that."

"So don't say it. Just do what you want with me."

It sounded like he was ready for anything, even the most fanciful perversions.

"Are you sure it ..."

"If it's you, everything will be my pleasure," he said, still hanging around his neck.

"If so ..."

He took Śliwiński's arms off himself, but did not release his hand. He didn't squeeze them tight, he just wanted to let him know not to move them. Dominik understood and waited for his move. Andrzej shyly touched his flushed cheek and, feeling his heart pounding, initiated a kiss.

He was not as aggressive as that of Dominik. It took the actor a moment to understand his intentions and surrender to a subtle caress instead of forceful solutions. When this happened, Śliwiński completely softened. He groaned for a long time and Andrzej felt that the lover was losing confidence in his legs. Andrzej took him in his arms and, gently, as if he were tending the most precious and fragile treasure, carried him those few steps to bed.

"Oh," Dominik groaned as Nowicki gently released him from his grip.

"I never even thought to be like this with a man" Andrzej admitted softly, stroking his cheek again. "But you ... You are someone special."

The actor smiled a little shy but wonderfully pleasant. He was absolutely gorgeous at that moment.

"Andrzej…" he whispered sweetly.

Nowicki did not know what he felt about him, whether it was pure physical power or something more than that. He loved being with Dominik, looking after him, helping him, and in fact all he expected as rewards was his happiness. He felt this way towards all the people who were close to him, but from all of them only this short young man with long hair and eyes like two aquamarine suns started his body on fire.

He took off Dominik's T-shirt and laid the man in the sheets. Last time it was his lover who did everything to ensure that Andrzej had maximum pleasure. He made it. Now Nowicki wanted to repay him. He was looking at the naked torso of the man trying to decide where to start petting. He had no idea what Dominik liked and he did not want the actor to regret inviting him to his bed.

"If you are reluctant, I can ..."

"No!" Andrzej interrupted firmly. "I have to, no, I want to. If I have already decided to have sex with you, I have to be consistent."

"Oh, Andrzej ..." Dominik smiled happily.

Their eyes met and Nowicki felt again hypnotized by their passionate beauty. He slid over his lover and pressed their lips together again. This time he placed his right hand on his heart to feel every change in his rhythm.

It sped up.

Andrzej sighed inwardly. Dominik wasn't lying, he really reacted to his touch and closeness.

He started to run over his chest with the fingertips alone, causing Śliwiński to sigh and shudder. The slender body stretched beneath him. The thumb caught a hard, stiff nipple.

What it's like to suck a man's chest flashed through his head. He released his lover's lips and slid down to a pink, stiff bulge. He brushed it with his tongue and then gently sucked it.

"Ah…!" groaned Dominik.

The experience was no other than caressing a woman with small breasts. None of his partners, however, made such a sweet and exciting sound. He was a hundred times more delightful than the action that caused him, and Andrzej decided that he could listen to his lover endlessly.

For that to happen, however, he had to provide him with the right dose of stimulation.

He positioned himself so that it was comfortable for him to reach both of his nipples. As he followed the first with his tongue, making circles around the hard mound and gently biting it, the second alternately stroked and pinched it, causing more sighs and groans.

Yet, Andrzej thought, I want to listen to him even louder. I want him to moan and scream with pleasure.

Dominik was already warm and his body was covered with pearls of sweat. You could see his body begging for more. Even Andrzej was fed up with foreplay and felt that his member wanted to get down to business. Both their penises demanded release, but Nowicki decided that tonight belongs exclusively to Dominik. He slipped his pants and underwear off of it and looked at its size. What would it be like to have him inside?

"Don't look like that" complained Śliwiński. "I feel intimidated."

"You?" He asked surprised. Andrzej looked up into Dominik's face and saw a huge blush. "Have you ever had it ... you know, in someone?"

Dominik shook his head. He was all red now.

"Just in the mouth."

"Was it nice?"

Dominik nodded.

"So I will do my best to make it so now. Guide me if there is something wrong" Andrzej bent over Dominik's penis.

"But ... Are you sure you want this? Immediately?"

"I want to make love with you. I have no turning back."

He put his tongue to his head. The first sensation was not pleasant, rather strange, but when he felt an organ twitch in his mouth, indicative of the pleasure his lover felt, he pushed it deeper.

He wasn't hard yet, so Andrzej started gently. He moved his tongue over its surface as if he were making organoleptic examinations. Once he knew its structure and shape, he pushed it even deeper and sucked it in.

"Oh, Andrzej, ah ..." he felt Dominik's hand in his hair. He likes it, he thought.