"Go and have a taste of the song, and you'll know?" He chuckled and thought, this girl really doesn't forget to eat anywhere.

"What's the special effect of this fruit with one heart?" Mo Qingge asked curiously.

He said in a light tone: "I only heard that if a lover takes a fruit of eternal unity, he can grow old together. But if one party changes his heart, the fruit of marriage will turn into a poison, making his heart burst and die."

Heart burst and die!

Mo Qingge's mouth twitched: "so, ordinary people really dare not eat."

No one can guarantee whether he will change his mind in the future.

If you take it, you will have no chance to regret it.

Who came up with such a secondary school setting?

That's interesting.

"Uncle Huang." Mo Qingge pulled his sleeve, "let's go down and ask for one, too?"


Seahorse car slowly stopped, two people out of the car, into the group of people, boiling, many relatives in the marriage tree kowtow.

Of course, there are also those who are hesitant and dare not seek eternal fruits.

After all, the risk of taking fruit is too great. If you don't have a pure land, you can't be so sure.

Weian's marriage tree is covered with red ropes. Occasionally, there is a wave, and the red ropes flutter. It's very beautiful.

Mo Qingge, with a happy face, took him to kneel down in front of the marriage tree, put his hands together, and closed his eyelids.

The delicate little face is full of complicated meaning, as if making a wish.

Gu Mian Mo lifted his eyes and watched the lush marriage tree for a long time.

Thoughts, instantly back to a thousand years ago.

It belongs to him and Ge'er a thousand years ago

In front of the palace gate, the girl, dressed in Yingying powder, squatted on the ground and planted a seed with a look of devotion.

Seeds into the soil, slowly swept out a touch of new leaves and buds, soft and green.

"What are you planting?" Youth's voice, slightly indifferent.

"Marriage tree."

"Marriage tree?"

"Well." The girl nodded with joy. "In our divine world, many two people who love each other will plant a marriage tree together. If the marriage tree survives, they will be able to stay together until they grow old. Do you think it's amazing?"

"Ridiculous." The boy's face remained unchanged, as if he didn't care much.

"In addition, when the marriage tree grows for a hundred years, it will bear the fruit of eternal unity. If a lover takes the fruit of eternal unity, he will live and die together for the rest of his life." Qingge is still smiling, "brother Mo, after a hundred years, this marriage tree bears fruit, and we will be the first to take the eternal fruit. How about it?"

Young heart a little palpitation, surface placid: "you first put out the tree."

This girl, always think of some irrelevant things.

A hundred years later, there is no end to it.

Qingge took his hand and said, "brother Mo, I want to borrow your blood."

Although he didn't know the reason, he didn't refuse to let the girl cut his wrist with a dagger.

Dazzling red, dripping into the branches and leaves.

Qingge stares at the new leaf for a moment and seems to be expecting that the marriage tree can grow and blossom as soon as possible.

However, the blood drips down, but the new leaf is still, there is no change.

"Why didn't it bloom?" There was a trace of depression in her eyes.

The boy secretly looked at her and said, "I've never heard of it. Feeding on blood can make the branches and leaves blossom and grow."

This little girl, what's in her head?

Qingge sighed: "this marriage tree is planted by me. Only the person who loves me most can survive and grow into a towering tree."

Brother Mo's blood doesn't make this new leaf grow up. Does it mean that he doesn't love himself?

Thinking of this, Qingge is a little depressed.

Hearing this, the young man's heart "clattered" for a while. Somehow, he was a little flustered, like a hundred thousand deer bumping into each other.

"Maybe it's not quite right to try this time." Qingge is still comforting herself, and she is interested again. "Brother Mo, tomorrow, let's try again..."

The boy got up slowly and left two words


After that, he turned away from the original place and covered up his inner confusion with a calm look.

The girl's voice is still echoing in her ears

"Hey, don't go. Just have a try. How do you know if you don't?"

"Well, that's stingy."

After that, Qingge stares at the new leaf every day, hoping that the new leaf irrigated by the youth's blood can blossom.

However, before she saw it, she died.

For Qingge, the youth has a lot of debts, which can not be completed, leaving her with too many regrets.

If he had a chance to make up for it, he would be happy to pay his life.

However, there is no if.

Later, Qingge fell into the royal palace. When the boy came to the Palace door again, he saw the tender new leaf and a pink bud.

Only then did he know that he loved her to the bone.

But she will never know.

So, the young man watered with blood day and night, and the new leaf absorbed his blood. After a hundred years, he finally grew into a tree.

Their trees are in bloom.

Their trees bear fruit.

Their trees are already higher than the palace walls.

However, his songs are out of sight.

"Ge'er, you said it yourself. Life and death are inseparable, but why did you leave me first?"

"Is it because... We didn't share the same fruit?"

"Our trees are in blossom. Song, will you come back?"

He always thought that a hundred years was a long time, but later he realized that a hundred years of solitude was just a moment, just like vanity.

What's the difference between a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years without songs?

This marriage tree has helped thousands of gods and wives, but it can't help the owner of the tree.

Only when heaven and man are separated forever can he understand what it's like to lose one's true love. Only then can he understand that once some people let go, they will never be found again, even if they are exhausted.

Acacia to the bone, sad to the liver and spleen

If there is reincarnation, he will never let go of her hand even if he is doomed and falls into hell.


"Uncle Huang, uncle Huang?"

In a moment, the woman's clear voice slowly pulled his thoughts back.

Gu Mian Mo came back and saw her smiling face and asked, "what are you thinking?"


Mo Qingge chuckles and puts a crystal clear eternal fruit in her white palm.

"Uncle Huang, you see, we've got the fruit!" She was overjoyed and laughed like a girl.

After that, she broke off the yongjietongxin fruit with her bare hands and gave him half of it. She said, "take this yongjietongxin fruit and we will grow old together."

She never superstitious, but this time, but full of hope, hope that this will bear the same fruit, really can wish them a long life.