At this time, the counselor came after hearing about Qiao Xi.

"Qiao Xi, are you okay?" the counselor went to Qiao Xi to confirm the situation.

Qiao Xi shook her head. "Teacher, what's the matter with you?"

"What?" the counselor looked at Qiao Xi unidentified.

"Yu Xue called me and told me you wanted to see me. Let me come to the office building to see you." Qiao Xi glanced at Yu Xue's pale face when she said.

"I didn't look for you." the counselor also looked at Yu Xue who was being questioned by the police.

Qiao Xi hooked her lips and walked up to Yu Xue. "Yu Xue, the counselor said she didn't look for me. I don't know why you called and lied that the counselor looked for me and cheated me here?"

Yu Xue looked at the counselor. Although she was extremely afraid at the moment, she still said what she had thought before, "I just wanted to fix her on purpose and want her to run in vain. I didn't know Wei Xiaoming would be here."

"What a coincidence?" Qiao Xi raised her eyebrow slightly.

Although she thought it was difficult for Yu Xue to unite with Wei Xiaoming to kill her.

But the time and place when Yu Xue cheated her out coincided with Wei Xiaoming.

"It's such a coincidence that I really didn't collude with Wei Xiaoming. If you don't believe it, ask Wei Xiaoming." Yu Xue showed great confidence in this point.

In fact, she did not make an appointment with Wei Xiaoming, but she heard that she saw a boy who looked like Wei Xiaoming sneaking in the office building.

What she thought for the first time was that Wei Xiaoming came to settle accounts with Qiao Xi. For a while, she had been stumbled over Qiao Xi's affairs. Qiao Xi, who had been submissive before, became more and more annoying.

So she lied to Qiao Xi that the counselor was looking for her. Of course, it would be better if the person hiding in the office building was Wei Xiaoming. If not, she wouldn't lose if she let Qiao Xibai go.

Qiao Xi saw that Yu Xue didn't lie and didn't bother to stand off with Yu Xue again.

When she received Yu Xue's call, she knew that what Yu Xue said was false. After all, the teacher's affairs have passed for so many days, and the counselor wouldn't come to her now.

The reason why she came here was that she thought Yu Xue was going to do it to her. It was like the campus bullying movie she had seen before. A group of girls beat around a girl.

Originally, she was looking forward to coming. She had been here for some time. Her physical state had returned to 70% of the previous level, but she had never moved her hands and feet. She thought she had the opportunity to move. Unexpectedly, she would see Wei Xiaoming.

Wei Xiaoming has been taken into the car by the police, and the police left after taking a statement for Qiao Xi, but before leaving, the policeman who helped Qiao Xi take a statement didn't forget to say to Qiao Xi, "good job."

After the police left, the onlookers dispersed in twos and threes, leaving only Qiao Xi, Yu Xue and counselors.

The Counselor's face was very heavy. Staring at Yu Xue's eyes, it can be said that he was very disappointed. "Yu Xue, do you know that if something happened to Qiao Xi today, you should also be responsible?

Even if you are a prank, you don't know Wei Xiaoming will be here, but as long as something happens to Qiao Xi, you don't want to escape responsibility! I don't want this prank to happen again.

I won't tell the school about this, but you have to write a 1000 word review to me, write it by hand, and I hope you can write it carefully. "

Yu Xue also knew that she was wrong this time. Although she regretted that Wei Xiaoming didn't hurt Qiao Xi, Yu Xue obediently responded to the Counselor's accusation.

"Also, apologize to Josie."