"You have also seen that outside the city is the troops of the recently rising kingdom of Germany and Mongolia. Although it is incredible, I have to admit that they are far stronger than I thought, and the kingdom of Germany and Mongolia has successively destroyed two countries in just a few years."

King oriro said that he knew the kingdom of Damon, and then a bitter smile slowly appeared on the corners of his mouth, because the performance of the kingdom of Damon was really surprising, especially in terms of combat effectiveness. It seemed that he had not lost, and his record was amazing. One after another, two kingdoms fell under the hands of the kingdom of Damon.

Although the Principality of Bethel was destroyed by the Ximan Kingdom, with the collapse of the Ximan Kingdom soon, the war record of the destruction of the Principality of Bethel was also deducted on Nord's head. From this point, we can see that the war record of the kingdom of Damon is strong and gives the impression of a very aggressive kingdom to other civilians on the mainland.

Especially after the kingdom of Damon defeated the troops of the kingdom of euril six months ago, the war record of the kingdom of Damon became even stronger. However, no one thought that the kingdom of Damon could really attack the capital of the kingdom of euril. You know, the capital was attacked only once after the kingdom of euril was established for so many years.

The scene of the last attack on euriloresin city is still vivid, as if it happened a few days ago. The residents of euriloresin city have witnessed twice in history in just a few days. Some white haired old people have encountered things that others have never encountered in their life, And some young people have also witnessed the history that others can hardly witness in their whole life.

"If you don't help the kingdom of oriro to defend the city of oriro rissin, who do you think will be the next target of the kingdom of de Mongolia after the kingdom of de Mongolia destroys the kingdom of oriro? You know, the kingdom of oriro is the third country attacked by the kingdom of de Mongolia, and the other two have been destroyed. I don't think you want to see the kingdom of oriro become the third , now the kingdom of Damon is becoming stronger and stronger. "

The nobles of kokilwa Kingdom and Calvi United Kingdom were somewhat silent. He knew the kingdom of Damon, the collapse of the kingdom of seaman and the Principality of Bethel, but they all looked at it as a news, and they didn't expect the new kingdom of Damon to be so strong.

Because it is a little far away for them. After all, it is separated by half a continent, but I didn't expect that the kingdom of Damon has come to them so soon. If the kingdom of oriro is destroyed, their two countries will really face the impact of the kingdom of Damon. According to the current combat effectiveness, their two kingdoms are far from the opponent of the kingdom of Damon.

The nobleman of the kokilwa kingdom is a middle-aged man with a beard. He has a rough face, big eyes and a rosacea. He can't speak clearly, but the eyes of the military commander of the kokilwa kingdom are unusually firm. He understands the truth of lip lines and cold teeth.

"I didn't expect that the kingdom of Damon outside the city would be so powerful. Why haven't I heard of them before? The soldiers of the kingdom of kokilwa will help the kingdom of eurilo defend the city, but it's not so easy to do it alone."

King oriro echoed the words of the kokilwa aristocracy, and then briefly introduced him to the details of the kingdom of Damon, which were the information collected by the kingdom of oriro before.

"The king of the kingdom of Damon is the heir of the ISAAC family, the eagle family of the original Empire, who also brought us great trouble..."

Then king oriro seemed to think of something, then shut up, and then looked at the nobles of Calvi United Kingdom, hoping to get his reassurance. Without their reassurance, King oriro was really worried.

"Therefore, the kingdom of Damon is completely different from us. He is the same as the kingdom of Sinai. He is the remnant of the Eresin empire. Therefore, we must join hands to fight them. This is not the responsibility of the kingdom of oriro. We must bear it together."

The nobles of Calvi United Kingdom have blue hair and a smiling look. They look very easy-going, but there is a trace of cunning in their eyes from time to time, which makes him look very smart. Looking at the leaders of the other two kingdoms looking at themselves, he immediately expressed his views for fear that they will misunderstand them if they slow down.

"It's my duty. Let those mercenaries fight on the wall tomorrow. Anyway, they have received my commission. Do they always have to do something? Let these mercenaries buy us some time."

King oriro nodded approvingly, and then asked the two commanders to inspire their troops. King oriro also wanted to urge the dawn knights to train some recruits as soon as possible, otherwise there would be no soldiers in the kingdom of oriro.

While the city of euriloresin was actively preparing for battle, Nord was asking loff about the Besser mercenaries in calvay United Kingdom, because Nord felt that these mercenaries would be the key to his capture of the city in front of him.

Lov told Nord all the information he got. In fact, lov didn't stay in calvay United Kingdom for a long time, but he was no stranger to this country. As a BESer and a businessman, lov was very familiar with this special country.

As long as it is a businessman, there is no one who doesn't know the Calvary United Kingdom, and there is a message in the mouth of the businessman, that is, those who haven't been to the Calvary United Kingdom can't be called businessmen. All businessmen yearn for the Calvary United Kingdom, which is the country of businessmen.

Although the commercial capital on the mainland is euriloresin City, many businessmen here are from the Calvary United Kingdom, or half of the businessmen on the whole continent are from the Calvary United Kingdom. Because of the Kingdom's preferential treatment for businessmen, many civilians have learned to do business, and their footsteps have traveled all over Northen continent.

The continent of this era is not so stable. There are so many robbers on all roads, which makes it a very important issue for businessmen to ensure their safety. Then the career of mercenary came into being.

Moreover, the businessmen who travel all over the country also know where the people are powerful, loyal and reliable. Then Bethel mercenaries gradually move to the stage. Before, large mercenaries would recruit soldiers in Bethel principality every few years, and then those Bethel people troubled by hunger were brought to the United Kingdom by calvey businessmen.

Later, Bethel mercenaries took root there and gradually occupied half of the mercenary scale. Moreover, due to the strong combat effectiveness of Bethel mercenaries, Calvi United Kingdom gradually regarded these mercenaries as a standing army, because they are not only cheap, but also very easy to use.

In particular, the Calvary United Kingdom does not need to face so many foreign wars. They believe in making money with peace. This means that the Calvary United Kingdom wants to establish friendly relations with other countries. As for the interests of making war money, the Calvary United Kingdom is not soft at all.