The main plan that Nord arranged with lov this time is to let him do his business in other countries, especially the other two kingdoms that are very far away from the kingdom of Damon, the kingdom of kokilwa and the United Kingdom of Calvi. Of course, it is also necessary for the kingdom of Sinai.

Nord plans to buy a large number of war horses from the kingdom of Sinai, and just in the name of the kingdom. In any case, the kingdom of Damon can have a little relationship with the kingdom of Sinai. No matter Nord's previous identity, as the heir of the ISAAC family, he and the royal family of Sinai are the governor of the Eresin empire.

In addition, they are all enemies of the kingdom of oriro, and the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Moreover, according to the information obtained by love, Nord learned that the materials in the kingdom of Sinai are very scarce, especially various commodities are very rare. The main reason is that the kingdom of oriro excludes the kingdom of Sinai.

Businessmen from other countries on the mainland do not contact with the kingdom of Sinai in the open. They only do some smuggling business in the dark. However, with such a large kingdom of Sinai relying on this amount of smuggling, the goods are in short supply, and the kingdom of Sinai itself has no ability to manufacture goods.

It is absolutely a win-win thing for the kingdom of Damon to trade with the kingdom of Sinai. Nord doesn't even have to be responsible for sales. Just connect with the royal family of Sinai directly, so that Nord can get what he needs and the royal family of Sinai can make a lot of money.

Love is not responsible for the trade with the kingdom of Sinai. Nord plans to directly send an envoy to negotiate with the royal family of Sinai. Nord believes that with the origin of the kingdom of demang and the kingdom of Sinai, this opportunity is still very great. By the way, he can also discuss the coordinated attack on the kingdom of oriro.

Nord plans to hand it over to the diplomats of the kingdom. Over the past few years, Nord will go to the tavern to see the refresh and clean-up of NPC every time, but few talents will be refreshed after a few years. Only a few barely usable talents have been recruited by Nord.

The diplomat named Harper is one of the best. Nord even got a mathematician. Finally, Nord, who has thought for a long time, was recruited by his mathematician named goles, because Nord has accumulated a lot of merit and has no place to use.

Moreover, Nord's thinking about mathematicians is very useful. At least it can help Nord calculate a lot of data. Especially now, the kingdom of Damon has such a large land area and a centralized system, which makes the affairs of the Kingdom very busy. Therefore, a mathematician who is good at analyzing and calculating data is very important.

After a while, Nord plans to send Harper diplomats to the kingdom of Sinai to open up trade relations with the kingdom of Sinai and help the Kingdom obtain a large number of war horses. Nord believes that with Harper's eloquence and the situation faced by the two countries, this mission is still very successful.

As for the other two countries, the name of the kingdom of Damon has no effect. No, it may even play a negative role. Especially when the war between the kingdom of eurilo and the kingdom of Damon spread to the kingdom of kokilwa and the United Kingdom of Calvi over a period of time, the business of the Kingdom of Damon may be suppressed.

Therefore, Nord can't let lov reveal his identity from the kingdom of Damon. Before, lov's caravan walked in the name of other chambers of Commerce in the kingdom of euril. It was a chamber of Commerce in the kingdom of euril purchased by lov. Most of the people in the chamber of commerce were euril, and only a small part were lov's confidants.

The chamber of Commerce named flamingo was also named by Nord. At that time, Nord was in an excited period of restoring the glory of the ISAAC family. Nord, who was very excited, named the Flamingo for the chamber of Commerce, which implied the rebirth of the ISAAC family.

Nord's current plan is to do business with the kingdom of kokilwa and the United Kingdom of Calvi in the name of the Flamingo chamber of Commerce. The commodities are porcelain and wine. He doesn't even intend to sell these things in the kingdom of oriro, because Nord knows the benefits of these two fist commodities, nothing else, It was Gustav who controlled the wine business in bethel that made the twain family make a lot of money.

Nord believes that if these two commodities are sold in the kingdom of oriro, they will certainly be noticed by interested people, and the status of the kingdom of oriro will not be estimated too much. It is even possible to directly investigate the details of the Flamingo chamber of Commerce. In this way, even if Nord is self defeating, he has a great chance to expose the Flamingo chamber of Commerce.

However, there is no need to worry so much about selling these two commodities in the kingdom of kokilwa and the United Kingdom of Calvi. First, the works of art of the kingdom of oriro are wildly sought after in these two kingdoms. Secondly, as a chamber of Commerce of the kingdom of oriro, the nobles of the two kingdoms will always worry about it.

When they want to find news from the kingdom of euril, it is estimated that the kingdom of euril has been busy for a long time. At that time, the kingdom of Damon should have started a war with the kingdom of euril. If the plan goes well, the kingdom of Sinai is likely to join the war. At that time, where will the kingdom of euril worry about these little things, If they don't mind, their kingdom is in danger of collapse.

Nord intends to use this time difference to complete the layout operation in the kingdom of kokilwa and the United Kingdom of Calvi. When the war is going on, or not many people will pay attention to a chamber of Commerce, because the war involving the Three Kingdoms will certainly attract the attention of everyone on the whole continent.

The most noteworthy is the Calvary United Kingdom, because it is a country with a strong business atmosphere. People here are keen on business, and it is also the place with the most mercenaries, because where there are many businessmen, there is more oil and water, and there are also many robbers.

Therefore, in order to protect their safety, businessmen have to let mercenaries to protect their own safety. Over time, the number of mercenaries in Calvi United Kingdom has become more and more. Now Calvi United Kingdom will use a large number of mercenaries in combat, because their soldiers' ability to do business is stronger than their ability to fight.

This is also because 10000 heavy infantry of the kokilwa kingdom were able to defeat 30000 soldiers of the Calvi United Kingdom. Nord is very clear about the performance of mercenaries on the battlefield, and many of these mercenaries are from the original Bethel principality or descendants of the bethel people.

In the past, many mercenary regiments came to the Principality of Bethel every few years to recruit soldiers, because the mercenaries of the Principality of Bethel were very powerful, but this situation no longer existed after Nord established the kingdom. The civilians of the kingdom of Damon now prefer to become a glorious soldier rather than go to the distant United Kingdom of Calvi to be a mercenary.

After telling lov the whole plan, lov fully understood what Nord meant. Now LOV is no longer the leader of the caravan who didn't know anything at that time. After so many years of intelligence work, lov has grown into a qualified intelligence leader. What to do is more clear in lov's heart than Nord. Watching lov leave the study with firm steps, Nord felt he owed lov too much, but Nord kept this account in mind.