It is often seen on the roads of the kingdom of Damon that a group of security teams holding black hounds patrol dutifully. They are very dutiful in maintaining the public order of the territory. They can be said to be reserves of the army of the kingdom of Damon.

Their instructors come from soldiers in the army. Nord actually treats these security teams as military reserves. Their training is exactly the same as that of the army, but their task is to protect the security of the territory.

In fact, this is the same as the responsibility of the army. The army also wants to protect national security. This is why Nord is confident that the army can expand rapidly in the future, because there are many security teams in the kingdom of Damon. They are a group of great young men and volunteer to join Nord's army.

With the implementation of these measures, the number of green robbers has been reduced from the root, and the public security in the kingdom of Damon has become much better. Now the civilians in the kingdom of Damon are not afraid even if they travel alone, because every day, the public security team patrols the road with black hounds and sees the boys of these public security teams, Both businessmen and civilians on their way are very relieved.

This practice has helped Nord brush a wave of prestige. Now Nord can be said to be the greatest king in the eyes of civilians, and there is no one. Nord is very satisfied with the development of the kingdom of Damon. Hill scholar and Lowell have done very well and managed this big country in an orderly manner.

Judge Matthew hasn't fallen behind. The rapid improvement of public security in the kingdom of Damon has a lot to do with judge Matthew's continuous running. All the public security teams were established by judge Matthew. Judge Matthew has traveled all over the kingdom of Damon in the past three years. When Nord saw judge Matthew again, he was a little surprised, This weather beaten middle-aged man is judge Matthew in his image.

Judge Matthew must be the most tired, but it doesn't mean that other people's work is very easy. For example, will, the chancellor of the exchequer of the kingdom of Damon, who was originally just a businessman, was pushed to the position of Chancellor of the exchequer by Nord, and all Nord's businesses should be under his control, In the past two or three years, Nord saw will, a businessman who had become fat, lose weight with the naked eye.

It is precisely because of everyone's hard work that the kingdom of Damon can achieve such brilliant achievements. After its national strength is strong, Nord looks to the outside world. Because Nord has been buried in development in the past two years, he has not paid too much attention to the outside world, especially the provocation of the Kingdom of eurillo to Nord.

The oriro kingdom is a kingdom in the center of Northen continent. It is one of the heirs of the Eresin Empire and the largest and most powerful kingdom at present. After the sudden collapse of the Eresin Empire, the oriro kingdom was suddenly established. No one knows what happened at that time.

However, according to the information collected by Nord in recent years, after the last eagle Archduke of the ISAAC family and the governors of the other two empires led their troops to the imperial capital, a shocking scuffle broke out there. According to the external news, the three governors fought each other because of their disagreement.

But Nord saw more than that from the family historical data, because Nord knew that the reason why the eagle governor rushed to the imperial capital was that he received the emperor's Secret instructions. Nord believed that the other two governors should be the same reason.

Nord didn't believe that the three governors would fight for no reason, because there was no conflict of interest between them. The three governors were far apart, and they were the most favorable supporters of the emperor of Eresin empire. In addition to the nominal emperor, these governors were the local snakes in all parts of the Empire, which could be said to be below one person and above ten thousand people, There is no need for them to rebel at all.

Therefore, Nord believes that the current version is simply to cover up some inside information, and the last governor of the Empire at that time, the royal family of the kingdom of Sinai, was very hostile to the kingdom of oriro. At that time, the governor in the west of the Empire claimed that the royal family of oriro was a traitor to the Empire.

However, the oriro royal family claimed to be the legal heir of the Eresin Empire, because the heir of the oriro royal family had the blood of the Eresin imperial family. At first, Nord speculated that such a tragedy might occur due to the rebellion, but then Nord rejected it.

Because the oriro royal family was just a collateral figure of the Eresin imperial family, almost the kind of person no one knew when he threw it on the street. The ancestors of the oriro royal family had no status and strength to launch a rebellion at that time, and the governors might not look at him in the right eye.

However, it is undeniable that the ancestor of oriro's royal family is the only survivor of the imperial capital Eresin city. He is the only survivor in the whole city. Hundreds of thousands of people in such a large imperial capital have disappeared, leaving only a broken ruins.

According to the claim of the oriro royal family, the fighting in the imperial capital was very fierce at that time, so the soldiers, including civilians, were buried in the war. However, this statement is illogical. How can all the soldiers die together? What makes Nord more confused is that the oriro royal family, which had no reputation, cheered up and established the oriro kingdom.

The nobles around him seemed to support him and recognized his identity as the heir to the royal family without any doubt. In just six months, the oriro kingdom was established, but Archduke hine, the governor of the western border of the Empire, was very hostile to the oriro Kingdom, and he was attacking the oriro kingdom all his life.

However, until the death of Archduke Sinie, he failed to gain the upper hand in the war with the kingdom of Europe. The new kingdom of Europe actually blocked the attack of an old Archduke. Hearing this news also surprised Nord, because Nord knew very well that the energy of an imperial governor was very great, Just like the governor of the ISAAC family can easily gather 100000 troops in the north of the Empire, the Grand Duke of Sinai in the West will not be much worse.

Later, after the death of Archduke Sinai, his descendants established the kingdom of Sinai, but what has not changed is that they have always been keen to attack the kingdom of oriro. Every few years, King Sinai will launch a war with the kingdom of oriro, just like a tradition of their kingdom.

However, the attitude of other countries on the continent towards the kingdom of eurilo is completely different from that of the kingdom of Sinai. After the collapse of the Eresin Empire, the whole continent was divided into several countries. It is interesting that except that the kingdom of Sinai was established by the governor in the west, other countries have nothing to do with the other governors.

All over the country as like as two peas as like as two peas, what the two governors' families are almost like the Isaac family, and the families of the three governors who go to the imperial capital have not come to a bad end. This is also what Nord doubts in his mind. This is very suspicious, very wrong.