It took Nord a long time to find the army hidden in the valley. Indeed, Nord is really good at hiding. If Nord hadn't found some survivors in a village just destroyed by them, Nord really didn't know their direction.

Even after looting a village, these troops in the East immediately find a place to take refuge. After a few days, they look for the next target action. They will not haunt at will in their spare time, and they will never approach the nearby village when lurking. They usually hide in the deserted wilderness.

Even if he knew the general direction, Nord spent a long time to find them, because Nord knew that if they wanted to hide their tracks, they would choose some more secret places, and there must be sufficient water source, because the water consumption of more than 1000 people a day is not a small amount.

So Nord found their tracks in a valley not far from a small river. It has to be said that these soldiers in the East are very hidden. This valley is more than 20 kilometers away from the nearest village. This area is basically deserted.

Nord, who found this eastern army, didn't give them too much preparation time and found traces, but anyway, the combat effectiveness of the Principality of Bethel is still very strong, especially the brothers of the bethel family of this generation. Their brothers have great talent and ambition and unparalleled combat effectiveness, but their two brothers have very deep feelings, Mellon had no intention of competing for power and profit with his brother.

And his brother, Archduke Bethel, also trusted him very much, gave half of the family territory to his brother, and also granted him Marquis, which is now the central region, which used to be the direct territory of the bethel family. It can be seen that Archduke Bethel also loved this brother very much.

After the two brothers of the bethel family gradually became famous, many people thought that the Principality of Bethel was about to embark on the road of rise, which was specifically reflected in the war with the Ximan kingdom. Since the contemporary Great Duke Bethel succeeded to the throne, the Principality of Bethel has gained more and more advantages in every war with the Ximan kingdom.

Until the last war with the Ximan Kingdom, it directly captured half of the territory of the Hilo plain, which was an unprecedented victory. In the confrontation between the Principality of Bethel and the Ximan Kingdom, although the Principality of Bethel has always had the upper hand, it is difficult to defeat the Ximan Kingdom, because the national strength of the Ximan Kingdom occupying the two plains of the mainland is too strong.

However, the battle made the Ximan Kingdom pay a painful price. Coupled with the rumors that the Principality of Bethel was about to rise, the Ximan kingdom had to use a lot of human and material resources to plan the revenge plan. The Ximan Kingdom did not expect that the plan would be so useful.

However, they did not miss the opportunity. After seeing the unexpected results, the Ximan Kingdom strengthened its efforts, which led to the disintegration of the Principality of Bethel. Sure enough, these big and rough mountain people are not the opponents of the Ximan Kingdom at all.

Although the nobles of the Principality of Bethel have the same virtue as the nobles outside, their analysis of the people's heart is still a little worse. Those big nobles outside are not experts who play with the people's heart, but the corresponding is the strong combat effectiveness of the army of the Principality of Bethel, especially the army controlled by the Marquis of Mellon.

The battle bear Knights of the bether family are controlled by the Marquis of Mellon. This is the strongest knights in the bether principality and the only heavy knights. Knights wear double armor, mount a horse to charge and walk into battle. Their combat effectiveness is not only strong, but also very balanced. Basically, they have no shortcomings. The only weakness may be compared with those light cavalry, Their mobility is somewhat inadequate.

However, in the face of their strong combat effectiveness, these are not problems. Some time ago, the soldiers in the East were defeated by the War Bear knights. Nearly 8000 soldiers in the East had less than 5000 people left after fighting with the Marquis of Mellon. After that, these soldiers in the East would no longer dare to fight with the Marquis of Mellon's troops in a flat place, and as long as they saw the War Bear flag, They have no intention of war.

The battle bear order had a total of 100 people, but Marquis Mellon had only 50 people, and the remaining half were stationed in Bellon city. Therefore, the 50 knights who took the lead in the charge could not lift their heads in the fight of 8000 soldiers, and the Knights under count Stilwell in the East were defeated by them.

Although the victory of the last battle was not entirely due to the War Bear knights, and thousands of soldiers under Marquis Mellon also played a very key role, the War Bear Knights must have played a very key role in it. They are like sharp blades on a long sword, which can bring the greatest harm to these soldiers in the East.

The soldiers in the East were relieved to see that the incoming people were not under the command of marquis Mellon. As long as they were not allowed to fight with Marquis Mellon's troops again, they were not afraid of the troops of other nobles. Especially when the count in the East saw that Nord had no more people than himself, he temporarily restored some confidence.

The count in the East did not choose to flee immediately, but ordered the soldiers to assemble and prepare for a war with Nord's troops. Although they have been looting these days, they are not very comfortable, and they are suffocated. It is not so easy for these noble people to hide in the deep mountains and forests all day.

The most important thing is that the plundering of these villages and towns is not as rich as they thought. The richness of the villages in the Duchy of Bethel is far from that in the Ximan Kingdom, and now is not the harvest season. Therefore, these soldiers in the East have been busy for so long, and they have not harvested as much as they plundered in the Ximan kingdom once.