"Is it our reinforcements outside the city? Father, do you know which count is coming? Count Walton? Or who?"

Gustav chased after the Marquis of Twain and asked him. He had a very hard time in the past half a month. As soon as his front foot returned to Twain City, the three earls of his back foot surrounded Twain city. If he came back in two days at night, he might not be able to enter Twain city. If he stayed outside, the more than 100 people under him were not enough for these rebels to cram their teeth.

This frightened Gustav. He almost fell into a tiger's mouth with his sister Tina. Fortunately, they rushed back from isaacburg in advance, but Gustav was also worried during the siege, but as the heir of the twain family, he must not panic.

Like his father Marquis Twain, he has always been full of confidence and regarded the rebels outside the city as local chickens and dogs. He is simply vulnerable, but Gustav, who has not experienced a cruel war, does not have such a strong psychological quality. Although he is still confident in front of the soldiers, Gustav just pretends to be calm if he observes closely.

In fact, Gustaf was already desperate when he was behind the people. He felt that no one would rescue them at all. He still relied on the prestige of Marquis of the twain, and the soldiers had not failed. Gustaf relied on the Baijiu to dispel the despair and fear in his heart these days.

Until one day, his father, the Marquis of the twain, was discovered. Then two hundred barrels of Baijiu were all used. Because after Marquis tasting, he found himself very excited. Even the people who went to the wall were more powerful, so the Baijiu became military material and was confiscated by the Marquis of the special temperature.

When they were unable to resist or morale, the Marquis of the twain brought out the Baijiu to reward the soldiers. He did not think that they would get a good result. These soldiers actually stayed down. They knew that there were fewer than seven hundred soldiers in the city of Twain, and there were at least more than 3000 other rebels outside the city.

On the verge of death or destruction, the wall is almost five times the gap, and the city wall is almost at stake. But it is finally maintained. No matter because of the Baijiu or the prestige of the Marquis of Twain, it has been the most difficult period.

"I don't know."

Marquis Twain looked at the outside of the city and went down the wall without looking back. He should be well prepared. According to the experience gained in many years of war, tomorrow should be the time of decisive battle, because the rebels outside the city also understand that since there are reinforcements in twain City, it is useless to besiege it again. They will certainly give it a go.

Marquis Twain knew his old friend count Mandel very well. If he decided on something, he would not give up any chance. Just like their family's coat of arms, he was as cruel and forbearing as a lone wolf, but he did not lack the courage to fight to the death at the end of the road.

"But they certainly aren't with those rebellious guys outside the city. Just now you saw that guy Mandel fled in a panic. It's really interesting. I haven't seen him in such a panic for a long time. The last time was when we went to the battlefield together."

Marquis Twain became a little sad when he said that his old friends had become enemies of life and death. There were also some reasons for Marquis Twain, which led to the current situation, but Marquis Twain still didn't know the reason why the other two earls betrayed themselves. They didn't have any grudges with themselves, I was honest with myself before.

"Where on earth did those people outside the city come from? At this time, only count Walton can come to rescue us. There are no other counts in the whole North except him to save us."

Because at this time, only those who come have the strength of the count can rescue TEWIN city. If the Viscount comes alone, he will deliver vegetables to the rebels. If some Viscount come together, the team will become chaotic because there is no commander, and there will be no such great combat effectiveness at all.

The reason why Marquis TEWIN is so happy is not only that there are a number of reinforcements outside the city, but also that the reinforcements are very strong. As soon as they fight, the rebels outside the city suffer a heavy loss and severely frustrate the arrogance of the rebels. Although TEWIN city has not been defeated in recent days, these rebels are still very rampant because they press the masters in the north into the city, It greatly satisfied the psychology of the little people of the rebels.

"From the direction of their arrival, it should be the north, and count Walton's territory is in the south of Twain, so it can't be him, but who else in the North besides count Mandel?"

Marquis TEWIN was also a little confused. After all, there were only five earls. One died a few days ago, and three were outside the city. It was impossible to rule out one. Then where did the one under the city come from? Marquis TEWIN couldn't think of the answer if he wanted to break his scalp.

"Father, could it be cousin Nord's army?"

Gustav's eyes lit up when he heard that the reinforcements came from the north. The first idea that jumped out of his mind was Nord. In Gustav's eyes, Nord was the only one in the North who could save them. Although some people couldn't believe it, Nord really had this strength in Gustav's heart.

If he had never been to the ISAAC collar, Gustav would not have thought of Nord, because in the external impression, Nord was almost equal to the word "black sheep", but after actually contacting Nord, Gustav overturned this stereotype. Gustav even admired Nord, saying that the changes in isaacburg, In Gustav's eyes, it is a miracle, and Nord is a miracle maker.

"Nord? The black sheep? How much did you know about him this time? Was he used to living in that small mountain village? You didn't bring him back because..."

Because there was a rebellion just after Gustav came back, Marquis TEWIN had no time to understand Gustav and his party. He was very busy just dealing with the war every day. Now he can't protect himself, and he can take care of Nord there.

After Gustav's reminder, marquis Twain remembered that there was still a man in his territory, but Marquis Twain's eyes were full of questions. Could the people outside the city be the black sheep who came out of belon?

"Father, you must not be prejudiced against Nord's cousin. The Baijiu you are relying on is a specialty of Nord's cousin's territory. I haven't paid him yet, and I forgot to tell you. Nord's cousin had a conflict with the Christen family."

"Oh. What's the result? The strength of the collison family is not bad, but the people of this family are too smart and good at calculation, but they are too timid to become a climate. I remember that fat man is also a joke in the aristocratic circle. He has no popularity at all. He just works under the banner of our family, and no one cares about them at all, Only they themselves are still talking about it. "