Yamon mountains, Tami village.

With the war approaching, the whole Tami village became nervous. Even some well-informed villagers knew that Nord was about to go to war with the crison family.

However, they were not afraid and panic, but filled with righteous indignation, especially the immigrants from christenburg who had just arrived in Tami village. The happy and busy life in recent months has made them forget the difficult days in christenburg shack area.

However, as soon as the news of the war came, the villagers were very angry. They felt that the crimson family had been pestering them like a haunting ghost. Even if they had a good life now, the crimson family was still their lingering nightmare.

The villagers were angry about this. All the anger accumulated before erupted at this moment. When Nord was on the road, brave new immigrants expressed their determination to Nord. If the kreisen family really fought, they also asked to join the battle and fight for a better tomorrow.

Nord was very moved, because the villagers' behavior represents that the current Tami village is not only Nord's Tami village, but also the Tami village of more than 1000 villagers. Countless villagers will fight for it, and the big family of Tami village will gradually become more cohesive.

Nord knows that his efforts are not in vain. Tami village is getting better and better. More and more villagers begin to identify with Tami village and regard Tami village as their home.

Nord didn't want to attack the enthusiasm of the villagers, so he took advantage of the situation and recruited 50 more recruits among the new immigrants, but now I don't know whether he can participate in the battle in time, but it's good to be a reserve force, at least one more layer of support and one more layer of victory.

In fact, another more important reason is that during their free time in recent months, Fusen and DURU improved the crossbow technology. It turned out that this was the surprise that Fusen wanted to give Nord.

When he first saw the black iron wood, his eyes were glowing. The characteristics of these wood are very special. It not only has all the characteristics of other wood, but also is very tough and heavy. It is a treasure in the hands of carpenters.

Just using it to make a black wood spear is overqualified. Fusen and DURU are studying the use of black iron wood these days. They first made a long bow and spent a lot of effort to finally make a long bow, but no one can use it at all.

Because the strength of this bow is too heavy, it takes at least 300 kilograms of strength to pull the bow string down to the full moon. At present, only Lehman can barely do it, but it is still very difficult to use it normally, not to mention other ordinary people. Even Marco can only open half, but this is how powerful Lehman is now, Also let Marco know the gap between himself and Lehman again.

However, there is no doubt that the power of the black iron wood long bow is still very amazing. The longest range has reached three or four hundred meters, which is much longer than that of the previous crossbow, almost twice that of the current Bauhinia bow. What is more terrible is that the range has reached ten times that of the previous villagers.

What terrible data this is. The means of remote output such as bow and arrow, let alone doubling, is that more than ten meters is a huge advantage. Moreover, according to Nord, the long bow circulating in this era is no better than the previous hunting bow in Tami village. It is difficult to see a long bow with a range of 100 meters in the market.

Even if it appears, it will soon be paid by some big nobles to their own treasure house for careful maintenance. A long bow with a range of 150 meters, such as the Bauhinia bow, has never been seen in the Principality of Bethel.

However, the shortcomings of the black iron wood Longbow are also very obvious. While it has a long range and great power, the required strength is also very amazing. It is said that during the previous test, Lehman had to rest for half a day for each arrow to slow down. Therefore, now the black iron wood Longbow has only made one for Lehman, so it has stopped production indefinitely.

But Fusen didn't want the precious wood of black iron wood to be put on the shelf, nor did he want it to be simply and rudely used to make the long pole of black wood spear. Just when Fusen couldn't think of a clue, DURU suddenly thought that bow and arrow would not work, so why not try to make a crossbow with black iron wood.

Fossen suddenly realized that the long bow can't be used, so it can be used as a crossbow. Moreover, the sharp weapon of crossbow is much more labor-saving than the long bow. It doesn't mean that the crossbow has less force than the long bow, but the characteristics of crossbow are different from crossbow.

The most difficult thing for bows and arrows is to aim after pulling out the bowstring, which is why archers need a lot of time to cultivate, because experienced archers have aimed at the target while pulling out the bowstring, so they can save a lot of energy.

The crossbow is different. Due to the characteristics of the structure, as long as the string is finished, there is no need to spend strength to maintain the bow string, so it can aim better. Of course, Nord knows that the pulley composite bow in previous lives can also do this, but at the current technical level, this technology is still far from enough.

Soon, Fusen and DURU made a crossbow of black iron wood. The new crossbow showed a cold luster like black iron, full of bloodthirsty taste, and the arm bow was larger than the previous one, which looked very powerful.

The power is indeed as it shows. The range has reached an amazing 600 meters, but without the sight, the distance of 600 meters is not accurate. The falling of such a long-distance crossbow arrow can not be estimated. Whether it can hit the target depends on luck or large-scale volley.

Moreover, the power of close range is also very amazing. At a distance of 100 meters, not only the target is shot through, but also the ordinary wooden arrow rod behind the crossbow arrow bursts due to the impact force, which makes Fusen have to speed up the production of a batch of black iron wood crossbow arrows. The black iron wood crossbow arrows are matched with special cone head arrows. This time, even the specially prepared iron plate, Also shot through in a hundred steps.

However, although the black iron wooden crossbow arrow has amazing power and strong armor breaking ability, its range has also been reduced by half due to its heavy weight, and the falling of the black iron wooden crossbow arrow is more serious. It is basically difficult to hit the target from 100 meters away, but its shortcomings can not hide its strong armor breaking ability.

Nord likes the current black iron wood crossbow very much, which is another reason why Nord continues to recruit soldiers. Even if their training time is relatively short, I believe that with the black iron wood crossbow, they can also play a very key role in the war situation.

Yes, of the 50 recruits recruited this time, Nord plans to train them into crossbows. Originally, Nord did not intend to form a crossbow force so soon, because as mentioned earlier, the current archers alone are enough for Nord, but the plan can not keep up with the change. On the one hand, during the period of heavy snow closure, there was no occasional support from Nan Mountain stronghold, The strength of Tami village is somewhat weak, which is one of the reasons for Nord's expansion.

Another reason is that Nord had to admit that he was moved to see such a powerful black iron wood crossbow.