At this time, Shi Fu, Qi Fu, and several people in Yun Fu were not calm.

Several people have received the letter, said to let them to the capital Lu restaurant together.

What shocked them most was that the signer was chusihan.

"What's the matter?"

Fu Sisi, who is playing with his children in Yunfu, suddenly sits up from the stone bench and looks shocked. He asks quickly.

"Brother Chu! It's brother Chu Yun Ting said excitedly, "he's back. Let's get together at Lu's restaurant."

He followed chusihan's classmate for many years, so he would not recognize his handwriting.


Fu Sisi suddenly got up and asked in disbelief, "do you mean cousin asked us to get together at Lu's restaurant? Is it the Lujia restaurant in Huangyang town or the Lujia restaurant in Beijing

"Lu's restaurant in the capital, he said, is waiting for us there!"

Yun Ting said happily, "come on, let's go now!"

It's been seven years since chushhan suddenly disappeared.

In the seventh grade, every time he and Shiyi got together, they would mention chusihan.

I thought I would never meet him again in my life. Unexpectedly, he came back!

"Come on Fu Sisi said with a tearful smile, "let's go now!"

"Father, mother! And huan'er

They said they would go, but left their five-year-old behind.

If the children didn't shout out to them, they would forget even the children.

"Yes! And let's have fun

Cloud Ting turned back, picked up his daughter and strode out.

After a few steps, I found that the carriage was not ready. I gave my daughter to Fu Sisi and asked someone to prepare the carriage.

"Niang, your hands are shaking. Are you sick?"

Cloud Huan son stretched out a small hand to cover on her forehead, small face was full of worry.


Fu Si Si sucked his nose, took down his daughter's hand with a smile, held it in his hand, and said with a tearful smile, "didn't my mother mention my cousin Sihan to you? When he comes back, my parents will take you to see Uncle Sihan. "


Although Yun huan'er was only five years old, from the age of three, he had been listening to his parents mention his cousin Sihan and his aunt who had died for many years.

However, for so many years, she had never seen uncle Sihan.


Yun Ting said with a smile, "your cousin Sihan is my father's confidant. His handwriting is not wrong."

Moreover, he didn't think that someone would be so boring to pass for chusihan to lead them.


this side of Shifu.

When Shiyi received the creed, he was stunned.

He stared at the signer and couldn't come back for a long time.

"What's the matter?"

At the same time, when I saw my brother receiving the letter from my servant, I was in a daze and asked.

For a long time, Shi Yi murmured: "brother, I have something very important. I'm afraid I can't continue to talk to you."

"What's the matter?"

Yu Mingyue also asked curiously.

Sitting by the side of time, Dongfang yuechu looks at Shiyi curiously.

"It's brother Chu!" "He said he was waiting for me at Lu's restaurant. I have to see him," she said

Seven years, these years, not to mention them, even the people of the Chu house did not know where Chu Sihan had gone.

He's like a human being. There's no news.

Unexpectedly, seven years later, he suddenly came back!

"Lord Chu?"

When he said this, several people were stunned.