"It's easy for people who practice Taoism to smell the evil smell on them, but if ordinary people don't be careful, they just can't smell anything."

Lu Sheng gently pinched his chin and said, "this magic demon likes fresh and sweet blood. It can be used as bait to lure them out and catch them all. But so far, we don't know how many magic demons there are. We dare not do it blindly."

Her blood should be able to attract those demons, but she and chusihan, together with the national teacher, are only three people.

If there were only ten or twenty monsters, she, chusihan and the three national teachers might be able to solve them.

But how about hundreds?

The magic demon itself has strong cooperation power. If they are grouped, the consequences will be unimaginable.

What's more, who can guarantee that there is no higher cultivation among those magic demons?

Although Chu Sihan had a thousand years of cultivation, the national teacher didn't know for a moment. She said that at most she had 20 years of cultivation.

Although she is gifted and has strong learning ability, she is just the top 100 year cultivation of ordinary people in 20 years.

If the magic demon on the opposite side has a cultivation of thousands of years, can they resist it?

There is no doubt about the answer.

The National Master said in a low voice, "I have informed your master, but he may not receive it for a while."

"I have a way to inform master more quickly."

Lu Sheng said and took out a amulet.


There was a little surprise in his voice.

Lu Sheng nodded, "not bad."

In addition to Chu Sihan and the national master, all the people present cooked gourd with stick noodles and daubed it with paste.

But they are all smart people. They don't ask about things like this involving blind areas.

Because, it will appear that they are ignorant.

Lu Sheng bit his finger and put his blood on the tone. A golden light gushed out. After a long silence, a calm voice came.

"Apprentice, what's the matter?"

"The sound How come it seems that I've heard it somewhere? "

Chen Shaoqing asked the teacher in a low voice.

The national teacher said in a light voice, "first listen to what the other side says."


Chen Shaoqing nodded and looked at Lu Sheng again.

People just think it's very mysterious. I've seen the national master walk in the air before, and I think it's incredible enough.

Now, the little girl can even use a piece of Rune paper as a medium for homophony, which is just too amazing.

Lu Sheng: "master, I'm in the capital."

Lu Zhou: "well, let that boy take you to have fun. Wait for master to go back."

Lu Sheng: "master, the capital can't play happily now."

Lu Zhou: "is it because of the phantom demon? Don't worry. On the way back to the fairyland, Shifu has killed a large group of people. Only a few red dogs and dozens of magic demons have escaped. With the cultivation of you and that boy, you can solve it. If you can't, you can ask the national master for help. "

Lu Sheng

It's easy to say, even the phantom demon, red dog

It's hard enough to take one of those. How many

She looked at the national master, "national master, can you deal with red dog?"

The national master nodded, "just a few red dogs, no matter."

"Oh, brother Bailian is here, too."

Lu Zhou's voice came from Tong notes.

Lu Sheng couldn't see the expression of the national teacher, but from his sudden pause, he should be speechless.

Lu Sheng forced himself to smile and cough, "master, please take a look for me. Are those monsters in the capital?"

"Look at me, teacher!"

After answering this sentence, there was a short silence.