New Zealand.

Ellen sticks to Ruoxi every day.

Ruoxi insisted on working every day at first, but later he couldn't work at all. Because she, like Ellen, doesn't want to part.

She had been in different countries before, and she could only send videos when she missed them. She could restrain herself, thinking that she could deal with her work early and get tired of it when she returned home.

Now that Ellen is here, she can't work at ease just thinking that Ellen is waiting for her.

She made frequent mistakes in her work, so she simply picked out the key points, dealt with them, and threw everything else out. Even her father, who had a long rest, came back to work.

She's going to let her father work for another three years.

She and Ellen honeymoon for a month, and then she turns the headquarters back home, and then they have a wedding, and then they have children

There are so many things.

She thought that when she had children, she would give most of the work to Ellen and her father, and she would spend the most time on the children.

AI Lian saw Ruoxi finally put down his work, and immediately said the right thing, let Ruoxi take him to see his parents.

If you abduct someone's daughter quietly, you have to ask for a crime. This kind of crime, please as soon as possible. Otherwise, the father-in-law and mother-in-law should have opinions, and blame him for his insincerity.

Ruoxi readily agreed. In fact, for her, meeting her parents is not a matter at all.

What she likes, her parents like.

When she was a child, she liked to draw. Her parents let her learn.

She likes to play games, so her parents let her play them.

Because her parents supported her in everything, how could she refuse when her father told her that he wanted her to study business and develop Han family in the future?

In order to repay her parents' love for her, she worked hard to die.

A little older, she said to her parents, she likes Huo Dongcheng!

Parents said to her, like to pursue!

Later, she said, Huo Dongcheng married someone else, she wanted to change the person like.

Her parents said, that must change a person to like!

She said that person may be an illegitimate child, and his family may not be very good.

Her parents asked her, good character? Do you want to make progress?

She said that there is nothing to say, good character, self-improvement, personal ability is still very strong.

Her parents, like countless times before, held up their hands to support her. As long as the character is good, what else matters?

It's not his fault to have an illegitimate child. It's a dispute of the previous generation.

Good character, self-improvement, their Han family to invest money to him, let him work hard.

What pressure does Ruoxi have for such parents?

Ellen didn't mention it. She almost forgot to take Ellen to her parents.

Ruoxi had lunch with her parents at noon. At 9 am, Ailian took her out shopping.

He wants to buy clothes, which is no less than that in China. He has no new clothes.

Ruoxi said he didn't have to. He said he looked good no matter what he wore.

Ellen felt that Ruoxi was coaxing him to compliment him. He was even more nervous.

I've been choosing clothes for more than an hour, but I haven't changed into a suitable one.

Afraid that time would not allow him to make do with a white suit. Because Ruoxi said before that his white suit always makes people feel bright in front of their eyes, and he is especially gentle and elegant, which makes people feel especially warm.

After choosing clothes, he quickly went to buy gifts for his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and asked Ruoxi, what do his father-in-law and mother-in-law like?

Ruoxi looks at Ai Lian's nervous face. He can't laugh or cry, but also warms his heart.

She took Ellen to buy jewelry for her mother and purple clay teapot for her father.

Ellen chose the most expensive one. She spent nearly ten million on a set of jewelry and several million on a pot.

He also worried that things would not get into the eyes of his parents-in-law.

If Xi looking at Ai Lian this appearance, the smile of the corner of the lip can't suppress. She took Ellen's hand: "husband, you are so cute."

"Well?" Ellen was a little surprised.

"Very handsome! Don't worry, you are so good, my father and my mother like you too late If Xi sees AI Lian nervous, comfort him immediately.

"They really like it, don't they?" Ellen was still nervous.

"Don't worry, I like it." Ruoxi said firmly.

Ellen was relieved.

However, when he stepped into the restaurant with a gift, he began to get nervous again: "wife, is there any taboo for father-in-law and mother-in-law? Like something you hate? "

He doesn't think about flattering his father-in-law and mother-in-law. He has to avoid poison and thunder first.

"Don't like no three no four hook three build four in the outside of the men, you don't worry, these have nothing to do with you!" Ruoxi said.

"What else?" Ellen asked.

"Nothing else, don't worry!" Ruoxi is holding Ellen.

Seeing Ellen getting more and more nervous, she couldn't laugh or cry: "relax, relax, they are really very friendly, just like the Huo family. Birds of a feather flock together and people flock together. They are all the same kind of people. They have been friends for so many years. "

"Well, I'm not nervous!" Ellen said.

When I got to the door of the private room, I was nervous again.

"Relax, it's OK. They're really easy to talk. They've seen your photos for a long time, and they're very satisfied!" Ruoxi said.

AI even thought that before he got married, he didn't tell his parents about it, so he took Ruoxi's Hukou certificate, and the more he thought about it, the more guilty he felt.

Walking into the private room, he saw a middle-aged couple. He knew that this was Ruoxi's parents. He was even more nervous. His palms were sweating. But for the gift in his hand, he didn't know where to put his hand?

"Is Allen here?" Ruoxi's mother has a kind smile on her face.

When she saw the picture of AI Lian, she was stunned. She thought that AI Lian had a good bearing and was similar to Huo Dongcheng and Huo Nanming.

Later, she knew that Ailian was the second child of Huo family, born between Huo Jinyang and his first love. She once felt a little complicated.

After listening to Ruoxi's explanation of Ailian's life experience and the current situation of Huo's family, she immediately felt relieved. Also laments the Huo family gene's formidable, obviously AI Lian did not grow up in Huo family, actually equally outstanding.

"Ma! Hello AI Lian came in and bowed to Ruoxi's mother.

Ruoxi's mother is both happy and sad.

She immediately beamed: "don't mention it, don't mention it. It's a simple meal for the family."

"Hello, uncle!" AI Lian bowed to Han Zong, Ruoxi's father.

Han Zong

Looking at Ellen's nervous face, he was angry and funny.

We all know that his mother-in-law became an uncle when he came here.

He couldn't help thinking of seeing his parents in law many years ago. In fact, he and his wife can not be regarded as a powerful marriage. At that time, the Han family was already very famous, and his wife was still a little-known teacher's daughter. But when he came to see his parents, he was very nervous and cautious.

Nervous and careful, but because care, because heavy.

So, what is his dissatisfaction?

As a parent, who doesn't want his daughter to marry a man who takes care of his daughter in the palm of his hand?

"I... dad, I'm sorry, I..." Ellen was so nervous that her back was sweating.