Xiao Qin said with a dignified expression: "liver cancer!"

Huodongcheng's heart was buzzing, and thought Ming Wei could not accept the fact, his face sank down: "can you cure it?"

Xiao Qin shook his head: "late!"

Huodongcheng's eyebrows were tightened more tightly: "this is just found, how can it become late?"

"Many people work and rest badly and overdraw their bodies constantly," Xiao Qin said. Usually a little weak, they think it is their own inactivity caused. I don't know. It was sub-health at that time. After a long time of sub-health, it is easy to have various major diseases. "

"Can't it be removed? Can liver cancer be changed? " Huo Dongcheng asked.

"It doesn't work to change the liver when cancer cells spread and metastasize." Xiao Qin said.

"How long can I hold on?" Huo Dongcheng asked.

He doesn't know how to get Mingwei to accept the result?

After a year of love with Mingwei, he knew how important uncle Zhao was in Mingwei's heart. It is no less than a father born.

Xiao Qinqi sighed: "if you have good care, half a year to one year, if you don't have good care, three months."

"Good care, you can do it yourself!" Huo Dongcheng's voice sank.

Xiao Qin said: "I must be in care, I can also use medicine, the key he has to work with rest and diet. And it's also important that the patient's mood. "

"I'll accompany minvito with him." Huo Dongcheng said.

Xiao Qin nodded: "this is very important. There were cases in which patients in the middle of cancer went to the old forest of Sen mountain to live a seclusion life, and they did not die for many years. Later, they returned to the city for examination, and the cancer cells disappeared. There is a possibility of miracles in any field. "

"We will try to make him happy!"

Xiao Qin nodded: "that's fine!"

"What fruit can I have?" Huo Dongcheng asked.

Xiao Qin tore a note and wrote several fruits on it and handed it to huodongcheng.

Huodongcheng went to buy fruit himself.

Huodongcheng returned to Zhao uncle's ward. Uncle Zhao had already slept. Mingwei sat in front of her bed, quietly accompanied, holding uncle Zhao's hand.

Huodongcheng looked at this scene, thinking that uncle Zhao had only half a year to a year at most, and felt uncomfortable.

Hearing the footsteps, Mingwei turned her head and saw huodongcheng carrying fruit. She was warm in her heart. She hushed and reminded Huo Dongcheng to make a little noise.

Huodongcheng came in with his hands and feet, gently put the fruit on the cabinet, and led Mingwei out.

When he arrived in the next ward, huodongcheng and Mingwei said, "Xiao Qin just said to me about Uncle Zhao. Uncle Zhao is in sub-health state because of his long-term physical overdraft, so he is not well adjusted in three or two days."

Mingwei nodded bitterly and heartily: "well, I am so strange that I have always been treating my own things, and I have not cared about Uncle Zhao. Always feel like when he was a child, he will always be very strong, can easily lift me up. "

Huodongcheng felt Mingwei's head: "don't be sad, Zhao Shuhui is OK." Xiao Qin said that the mood of the patients is very important, once had miracles, perhaps, they make uncle Zhao happy, Zhao Shue will also happen miracle?

"Mood and work and rest are very important. We supervise uncle Zhao to work and rest, chat with him every day, tell jokes and talk about things that make him happy."

"Good." Mingwei answers.

"You have to be happy first, or you will have pressure in your heart," huodongcheng said

"Well." Mingwei pursed her lips.

"Yu Shi's affairs, temporarily handed over to me, you are relieved to accompany uncle Zhao in the hospital," huodongcheng said

Go to Yu Shi, just contact with allin in the work, and see what kind of person he is?

It was also in this way that I had been to see my uncle and grandfather in England.

"No, you're too tired. I can't get tired and pour you down after uncle Zhao. " Mingwei disagrees.

Huodongcheng felt Mingwei's head: "fool, MW system is sound and talented. I don't need to care. Huo has Nanming. Ji can give it to vice president. I will control the event. You think I have to do everything myself? I'm not an old cow. "

"When did Ji have a vice president?" Mingwei is surprised.

Huodongcheng picked his eyebrows: "to be boss, the most important thing is to employ people."


"From tomorrow, Yu Shi will give me a look!" Huo Dongcheng said.

"Good." Mingwei should come down.

Now, it's the best arrangement.

Uncle Zhao is alone, when he was young, he paid for Yu Shi, paid for his mother, and was old and paid for her. He has been paying for Yu family all his life.

If she is ill, she can not take care of Uncle Zhao wholeheartedly, she will have no conscience.

In the evening, Zhao shuwoke up, Mingwei used to chat with Uncle Zhao, and cut fruit for him.

Knowing that it was the fruit huodongcheng bought, Zhao Shulian said huodongcheng was hearty and laughed so that his mouth was closed. When it comes to Huo Dongcheng, his tone and eyes are like talking about his son-in-law.

In fact, he really takes Mingwei as his own daughter.

Mingwei always picks up happy things and says to Uncle Zhao:

"Uncle Zhao, you remember, when I was four or five years old, I was very talkative. I always ask you some strange questions. I see big ear Tutu catching a balloon and flying in the sky. I ask you, can I catch a balloon and fly in the sky? You said, that's no good. You're too old. I asked, "when I was young, could I fly with a balloon?"

Uncle Zhao burst out laughing.

Mingwei is happy to see Uncle Zhao and keeps on working hard.

She said: "when I was young, I lived in a tea garden. I first saw a train when I was six years old. I have been watching the train and refused to go. I count it one by one. When I count to more than 20, I think it's too much. Later, I counted the second one and found that there were more than 40 knots. I was shocked. I ask you, can the train stand up to the sky? You said no with a smile, and I asked you, what about the two trains standing up? You smile and say no, I say three? How about four? You can't say that either, because the sky is too high. I ask you how high the sky is. Ha ha, it was silly at that time! "

Zhao Shuchong said with a smile: "it's not stupid, it's pure and lovely, it's cute. When you were little, you were so cute. "

Mingwei immediately said, "ah ah, I'm disabled now?"

Zhao Shuxiao: "you are also lovely now."

"That's about the same. Uncle Zhao, you have to keep it in the hospital obediently, according to the doctor's work and rest every day. Well, it's time. Now let's get up and knock on the gallbladder Sutra. You knock yourself. I won't help you. " Mingwei tunes out the video of knocking on the gallbladder Sutra.

This is arranged by Xiao Qin. Let's not do it on behalf of others, nor use tools. We can directly knock with our fists, because we can knock the Houxi acupoint on our hands at the same time, which is good for our health. It's good for your body to swing your arm even if you knock yourself.

Uncle Zhao got up to knock on the classics.

Recently, I found that my health is poor. Mingwei is still so young, and his parents are gone. He has to take good care of her and protect her.

Mingwei reminded: "Uncle Zhao, force, Zhao with video, a place to knock twice, here, here, here, and here, everywhere!" As she said this, Mingwei suggested the correct position of Zhao Shu's Danjing.

Uncle Zhao started to knock with a smile.

Next door ward, Yue Jinlin handed Huo Dongcheng a sealed carton.

Huo Dongcheng did not hesitate, directly opened the carton.