"Good." AI Lian didn't force Ming Wei to smile and put the shrimp into her bowl.

Mingwei was relieved.

She changed the subject and asked with a smile, "today, what's the good news?"

AI Lian smiles and looks at Mingwei. The gentleman naturally pinches a chicken leg for Mingwei and says mysteriously, "why don't you guess?"

Mingwei thought, "your birthday?"

Ellen smiles and shakes her head: "my birthday is autumn. Besides, I'm just a birthday

"What's a good day?" Mingwei asked.

Ellen said with a smile, "guess again."


"No, guess again."


"I've never been in love, guess again!"

"When did you get the international professional manager certificate?"

"This is also memorable?" Looking at the way Mingwei tilts her head and stirs her brain, AI Lian's eyes are soft light, and he naturally peels a shrimp and puts it into Mingwei's bowl.

When Mingwei found out, the shrimp had already been put in the bowl, and she was not good enough to clip it back, which also seemed very bad. She just jokingly said: "Ellen, you don't peel me any more. I'm used to doing it myself."

"Well, I just can't remember." AI Lian smiles and peels a shrimp for himself. After dipping it in the sauce, he naturally puts it into his mouth. He says with a smile, "do you want a hint?"

"Well, give me a hint. It's hard to guess." Mingwei said, "is it the day when you are admitted to university?"

Ellen shook his head. "No."

"The days when I was admitted to graduate school?"


"I can't guess." Mingwei is helpless.


"About what?" Mingwei asked.

"Emotion." AI Lian said, with a trace of seclusion in her eyes, as if she was recalling something.

"Feelings? Engagement day? A day of secret love for a girl? " Mingwei asked.

"Ha ha!" AI Lian couldn't help laughing. He subconsciously reached out to touch Ming Wei's head. Thinking that his identity was not suitable, he took back his hand, peeled a shrimp and prepared to put it into Ming Wei's bowl. Thinking that Ming Wei wanted to come by himself, he had to dip it in the sauce and eat it.

"What day is it? I can't guess. " Mingwei said.

"Shall I tell you?" Ellen asked with a smile. His eyes are as gentle as spring water.

"Well, tell me!" Mingwei lowers her head to eat food, and doesn't see the tenderness in AI Lian's eyes.

"That year, I was fourteen years old!" Ellen said.

Ming Wei looked up at Ai Lian and saw the warm and clear light in his eyes.

Moved, she put down her chopsticks and listened carefully.

"Fourteen is the best age for many people, and it's the best age for me," Aileen said. That year, I met a Chinese on the street. His name was moles

"My uncle!" Mingwei exclaimed.

AI Lian nodded with a gentle smile: "yes, your uncle's English name is very nice to hear and remember. In fact, it's also a very common name. When I was performing in the street, he asked me, from China? I said yes! He asked me, can you sing rap? I said a little. He asked me if I was interested in making some extra money? Of course I was interested. At that time, I dreamed of making more money. I can't help it. Reading costs money. I'm all by myself. Moles asked me to practice a happy and positive energy rap to sing to his daughter on her birthday.

I still remember that it was a big and beautiful manor, full of grape and wine flavors, natural and beautiful.

It was too late to celebrate his daughter's birthday that day, so I stayed. There was a bonfire party in the evening and we had a good time. Bruce and his foreign wife were very easygoing. They danced bonfire with the farmers in the manor, and I joined them. That day is the happiest day since I was seven years old. "

I don't know why. Mingwei is very happy. Mingwei's heart is a little tight when she hears it. She always feels that Ailian's smiling and elegant appearance hides a broken heart that doesn't match his age.

Ellen recalled with a smile: "later, moles provided me with reading. We signed an agreement that we must work in his company after graduation. After 23 years old, I worked in his company. How old am I this year? "

"27 years old!" Mingwei said.

"It's almost 28." Ellen said.

"It's only 28 in autumn." Mingwei said.

"I feel that after 20 years old, life goes by very fast."

"Don't remind me!" Mingwei smiles and tries to make the atmosphere relaxed.


Mingwei's heart trembles.

"Moles is the biggest benefactor in my life. He's taught me from high school to college to graduate school," Aileen said. Later, he worked for me, and I worked as his assistant. He himself took me as a teacher and father. Ha ha, exaggeration. He's only 43 years old. He can't be my father. "

"This is the fate between people." Mingwei said.

Ellen nodded with a smile: "yes! This is fate. Because of him, my life will not be wandering. Perhaps, from the age of 14 to 27, I haven't been rich in the past 13 years. However, whenever I encounter setbacks and problems, I always think, once, I was so lonely and pitiful that I couldn't become indifferent to progress because of the support of Mr. Morales. Every time I think of him, I feel full of strength. I also think of rap, which is full of positive energy. It guides me to go up and be good! "

Mingwei moved, she asked: "uncle, how have you been these years?"

She knew that Ellen was a professional manager sent by her uncle. She also guessed that her uncle valued her, but she didn't know that there was such a distant story between her uncle and Ellen.

AI Lian nodded with a smile, and naturally put vegetables into Mingwei's bowl: "he's living a good life. His life is what many people want. Apart from working time, they just stay in the manor and have a family together. It's warm and beautiful. His wife, children and five children are also very good."

When it comes to moles' children, AI Lian's eyes are full of warmth: "the eldest is a girl. She's 19 years old and likes rap since childhood..."

Ming Wei laughs: "it's influenced by you."

Ellen also laughed: "no, she liked rap first, and then I got to know your uncle. The Chinese atmosphere in your uncle's manor is very strong, and each of them speaks Chinese very well. Moles' children recite poems since childhood, and you will know later that they may have more poems than you are familiar with. There is only one person in the manor who doesn't speak Chinese well. Guess what