After walking for about five minutes, Ji Xinqing suddenly stopped at the roadside.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Tang Huaishu raised his head.

Ji Xinqing stood for a moment, then shook her head and led Tang Huaishu to the depth of the cemetery.

At this time, the sky has been slightly dark, hazy.

Stopping in front of a tombstone, Ji Xinqing releases Tang Huaishu and puts the flowers in her hand in front of the tombstone.

She stared at the black-and-white picture on the tombstone for a long time, then whispered, "Xiao Wu, here It's the new home of little Langshan. "

With a smile, Ji Xinqing said to the little girl in the black-and-white photo again, "little Langshan, my mother has come to see you. Guess who my mother brought this time." as she said, she pulled Tang Huaishu to the tombstone. "It's brother five. Brother five has come to see you."

"Come on, Xiao Wu, say hello to my sister."

However, Tang Huaishu broke away from Ji Xinqing and trotted to Meng Lanshan's tombstone.

Looking at the smiling girl with curved eyebrows on the black-and-white photo, Tang Huaishu's eyes were full of steam all of a sudden.

"Xiao Liu, my brother has come to see you." He tried his best to hold back tears, "Xiao Liu, my brother misses you so much. Do you miss my brother?"

Tang Huaishu talks to the tombstone, while Ji Xinqing stands not far away and quietly looks at the scene.

"Auntie, is Xiao Liu afraid of sleeping alone at night?" Tang Huaishu suddenly turned his head.

Ji Xinqing blinked, covered the sadness of the flash at the bottom of her eyes, and tried to raise the corner of her mouth. She said, "no, Xiao Wu, Xiao Lanshan is very brave. She can sleep alone."

Tang Huaishu gently touched the little girl on the black-and-white photo, and tried to say easily, "Xiao Liu, my brother tells you something. Aunt Ji is my mother now, but you can rest assured that I won't rob my mother from you. It's just an hour. I just borrow an hour from you."

"Xiao Liu, will you agree?"

There was silence and no one answered him.

Ji Xinqing's eyes suddenly become a little astringent, she lowered her head.

"Xiao Liu, it's rare for my brother to come out. I can't stay with you for long, but you see, my brother has brought you a gift." With that, Tang Huaishu took out a folded square white paper from his pocket.

Unfolding, it's a picture.

The picture shows two villains, a woman holding a little girl.

The same white dress, the same smile curved eyebrows.

"Xiao Liu, it's not fun for you to live alone in the sky now. My brother has lived in the hospital since he was a child. He knows what it's like to be alone, so he helps you draw your mother. You can have a look when you miss your mother..."

Tang Huaishu carefully glanced at Ji Xinqing not far away, suddenly fell on the tombstone, lowered his voice and said, "Xiao Liu, my brother told you a secret. In fact, my brother has painted for ten days, because tomorrow is my mother's birthday, so my brother wants to take advantage of today to give her his painting. Xiao Liu, my brother will tell you another secret, you must not To be angry, the one my brother gave my mother is the best one. The one I gave you is the second best one... "

Muttering don't know what to say, Ji Xinqing helplessly shook her head and chuckled.

Are you talking about a little secret?

"Xiao Liu, don't tell your mother," Tang Huaishu put his hand into his pocket, felt another folded piece of paper inside and grinned.

But with a smile, Tang Huaishu frowned.

In front of the tombstone, apart from a few bouquets of flowers, the rest was full of dust. Looking at the clean paper in his hand, Tang Huaishu didn't know where to put the painting for a moment.


Ji Xinqing suddenly heard an aggrieved voice in her ear. She was stunned and looked at Tang Huaishu standing there with a wrinkled face. "Xiao Wu, what's the matter?"

Tang Huaishu raised the picture in his hand, "Mom, this is the picture I gave to Xiao Liu, but I don't know where to put it."

Ji Xinqing went over and took the painting in his hand, stunned for a second.

"Mom, where are the paintings?"

"Xiao Wu, you wait here. Mom will be back soon." Ji Xinqing shoves the painting back into Tang Huaishu's hands and turns to leave.

Before long, Ji Xinqing borrowed a lighter from the gatekeeper and came back.

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Lanshan lives in the sky now. She can't receive the gift you gave her, so shall we send her this painting?"

"How can I send it to her?" Tang Huaishu raised his head naively.

Ji Xinqing touched his head and laughed, "don't worry, mom has a way."

Bent down, Ji Xinqing carefully lit the painting in his hand, but in a few seconds, the tongue of fire rubbed the whole paper and turned into gray embers.

"Mom, will Xiao Liu really receive it?" Tang Huaishu raised his head, looked at the dark sky, very confused asked.

"Yes, don't worry, Xiao Wu. Xiao Lanshan will definitely receive the gift you gave her.""Mom, is that where she lives?" Tang Huaishu asked, pointing to the sky