But Ji Xinqing bite the lower lip, did not let himself cry.

She couldn't help it.

When I think of Meng Qinyue carrying her with other women, Ji Xinqing feels a pang in her heart.

"Miss Ji."

Tang Jinyao slowly put his hand on her shoulder.

Clothes were cold rain wet, but Ji Xinqing suddenly felt a hot shoulder.

She pushed Tang Jinyao away subconsciously.

Tang Jinyao was caught off guard when she pushed him. He didn't have a good figure, so he just sat on the ground, and the umbrella he was holding also fell on the ground.

The rain hit him mercilessly.

Hearing the news, Ji Xinqing looked up. Unexpectedly, her push would make Tang Jinyao so embarrassed.

Tang Jinyao is standing on the ground with one hand, all wet, but he looks at Ji Xinqing with his lips.

Ji Xinqing was scared, some at a loss.

"Mr. Tang, I, I didn't mean it."

Rao is in a mess, and Tang Jinyao has his own innate noble spirit.

He stood up calmly, raised his umbrella again, and then extended his hand to Ji Xinqing.

"Miss Ji, do you want to continue squatting? For your sake, are you Time to get up? " Tang Jinyao said with an eyebrow.

Ji Xinqing looks at him with her head raised. When she hears him, she laughs.

In my memory, every time Tang Jinyao appeared in front of her, he looked like a noble childe.

But this time, she killed me so badly.

Ji Xinqing's mouth is getting bigger and bigger. After a while, she still reaches out her hand.

Tang Jinyao helped her up.

After squatting for a long time, Ji Xinqing's legs felt numb. At this stop, she fell directly into Tang Jinyao's arms.

She struggled to get up. "I'm sorry, Mr. Tang."

But Tang Jinyao said with a smile, "Miss Ji, what is there to apologize for? I'm already wet, and I'm afraid you'll wet me again?"

Ji Xinqing didn't know whether he meant it or not, but she was in a better mood after listening to this joke.

Ji Xinqing had been in the rain for a long time. She didn't feel it just now, but when she was walking in the rain, she felt more and more cold.

"Ahoo, ahoo..." Ji Xinqing shrank into a ball and kept sneezing.

Tang Jinyao walked beside her, looking at the distance she deliberately separated from him, frowned. The next second, he took her waist directly.

Ji Xinqing instinctively began to resist, whispered, "Mr. Tang."

He held her tightly. "Don't move. Do you want me to lose my umbrella?"

Umbrella is not very big, one person is more than enough, but two people, but some reluctantly.

Knowing this, Ji Xinqing's struggle is getting smaller.

Can feel the touch on the waist, Ji Xinqing's look became unnatural.

"Miss Ji, it's not suitable for you to go back like this. There's a club in front of you. Let me take you to change your clothes."

Ji Xinqing slowly grabbed the soaked clothes and whispered back, "thank you, Mr. Tang."

She is not worried about meeting Wang Jianfen.

Wang Jianfen is fond of playing cards. Is this meeting in a room?

Ji Xinqing and Tang Jinyao walk into yundian.

Both of them had just been in the rain and were all wet through.

The rain ran down their trouser legs into the carpet.

Looking at the carpet soiled by himself, Ji Xinqing is a little nervous.

Yundian is an upscale club in the imperial capital, but she

"Young master."

Ji Xinqing was startled by the sudden voice.

Looking up, she saw a waiter standing beside Tang Jinyao.

The waiter is talking to Tang Jinyao in a low voice, and his attitude is very respectful.

Ji Xinqing was soon clear.

The influence of the Tang family in the imperial capital permeated every industry.

It's not surprising that the waiter's attitude towards Tang Jinyao.

Ji Xinqing stood in a daze.

I don't know how long it took to see a pair of shoes in front of me. Ji Xinqing looked up and said, "Mr. Tang."

"Come on, Miss Ji."

Ji Xinqing nodded, followed Tang Jinyao into the elevator, she saw him press the top number.

As the elevator slowly closes, Ji Xinqing sees the waiter standing there, staring at herself strangely.

It seems that What's wrong? Ji Xinqing frowned.

Without time to think about it, Ji Xinqing sneezed again.

Tang Jinyao stood aside and slowly raised his lips.

The top floor of yundian is similar to hotel service.

Ji Xinqing hardened her head and followed Tang Jinyao into a room.

"Miss Ji, you should take a hot bath first. I'll send the clothes to you later." Tang Jinyao said to Ji Xinqing.Ji Xinqing stood there in a hurry.

I vaguely remember that when she was drunk last night, she seemed to have heard it once

Not daring to think about what made her blush, Ji Xinqing said "thank you" to Tang Jinyao, then hurriedly entered the bathroom and locked the door.

Tang Jinyao laughs and calls Tang Han.

But a quarter of an hour, the door was knocked a few times, came Tang Han's voice, "young master, clothes have been bought."

"Come in."

Tang Han came in and saw Tang Jinyao standing by the window. He was startled.

"Young master, how can you..."

Tang Jinyao shook his head at him, and Tang Han did not dare to ask any more.

But he can guess that Tang Jinyao's appearance is related to the woman who just squatted in the corner crying.

"I'll go to another room later. You put down your clothes and stand outside."

Did he become the gatekeeper?

Tang Han nodded and said yes.

After Tang Han went out, Tang Jinyao went to the bathroom door and tapped the door a few times.

"Miss Ji." He cried.

The sound of the water stopped quickly. Tang Jinyao heard Ji Xinqing's voice as low as a mosquito. "What's the matter, Mr. Tang?"

Tang Jinyao shook his head in a funny way, and then said, "Miss Ji, the clothes are put on the bed for you. You can come out directly after taking a bath. Don't worry, no one will break in. Tang Han is outside the door."

"Thank you, Mr. Tang."

Tang Jinyao walked out of the bedroom and saw Tang Han outside the door. He said again, "after she has taken a bath, you can bring her to me."


After taking a hot bath, Ji Xinqing opens a crack in the door and takes a look at the bedroom. After confirming that there is no one, she is relieved and walks out of the bathroom.

The bedroom is fully heated. Ji Xinqing doesn't feel cold at all.

She saw a dress on the bed.

After careful calculation, Tang Jinyao should have bought it for her The third dress, right?

Ji Xinqing doesn't open her eyes naturally.

To Tang Jinyao, why does she owe more and more?

If this goes on, how can she get better?

With a sigh, Ji Xinqing quickly changed into women's clothes.

Out of the bedroom, see Tang Han, Ji Xinqing politely called, "assistant Tang."

It was her.

Tang Han lowered his head and thought of Tang Jinyao's command. He didn't dare to delay for a second. "Miss Ji, this way."

Ji Xinqing politely thanks again, "please, assistant Tang."

Tang Han takes Ji Xinqing into the innermost bedroom of the corridor.

Tap on the door a few times, inside came a man's "in.".

Tang Han opens the door and signals Ji Xinqing to go in.