Pangu jiubei still protested.

Feng Chu song had no way, got up and picked up the ears of Pangu nine steles. "I don't care. Send us away! Otherwise I'll throw you out now."

Pangu nine steles shed tears at the bottom of his heart

"Master, full moon night... Full moon night..."

"Why are you so weak? You have to wait until the night of the full moon." Feng Chuge left her lips helplessly.

"I'm not weak. In fact, I can go at ordinary times, but..." Pangu jiubei said and suddenly stopped his voice.

Feng Chu song didn't ignore the key points in its voice. "Just? Just what?"

"Just... Drop your blood on my rune, so that I can walk without moonlight."

"You said so!" Feng Chuge fainted.

It was just blood.

Blood! She has so many yes!

"Master, I'm not willing to let you get hurt..." Pangu nine steles answered.

Feng Chuge pulled her lips.

"Well, send us away. This time, work hard for you again. I promise that after this time, you will have a rest for at least a year." domineering is domineering. Feng Chuge still said this.

She knows that every time she shuttles, she will spend a lot of energy on Pangu nine steles.

"Really?" a light flashed in Pangu's nine steles.

"Of course, I won't cheat." Feng Chuge smiled.

"That's good!" Pangu's nine steles seemed to come to the spirit immediately. "Then master, you can go now."

"Now... Now?" Feng Chuge was stunned.

"Yes! Master, take me out quickly, find a space, and we'll leave in a moment." the voice of Pangu nine steles is especially different from the previous look of weakness.

Listen to this voice, Feng Chuge understands.

Love this guy has been pretending before!

There was still a smile on her face.

"OK, let's go!"

Pulling up the Pangu nine steles, a colorful space suddenly appeared.

"Boss, it's so cool. What's this?" nanliyou looked at the shrinking golden Monument and came forward in surprise and asked.

"Something that takes us home."

"Ah?" Nanli was frightened.

Feng Chuge just smiled at nanliyou. "You'll know later."

With that, she stretched out her hand and called the emperor juechen to let them stand beside her.

She bit a finger and a drop of fresh blood fell on the nine steles of Pangu.

In an instant, a strong golden light appeared around the nine monuments of Pangu!

Under the golden light, the three stepped into a vortex


It's green and sunny.

Nanliyou looked at everything around in surprise, and his eyes were full of incredible.

Just "whoosh", I went to a strange place.

"Boss, where is this?"

"This is the continent where I live now."

"Wow, boss, how cool!" nanliyou was surprised.

Looking at Nanli sorrow full of surprise, Feng Chuge just smiled.

"Come on, I'll take you back to my house."


Three people, go forward together.

But just as they were about to go out of the woods, there was a baby crying nearby.

Listening to the cry, all three stopped.

"Boss, it's a baby!" Nanli saw a child in the grass with sharp eyes. After picking her up, she found that it was a girl carved with powder and jade.

"Why is the baby here?" nanliyou murmured to himself.

Feng Chuge came forward and looked at the baby. A moment later, she was surprised.