These two days, Emperor juechen still went to chiwanqun. Feng Chuge stayed alone in the yard and went into the colorful space to practice in his spare time. He spent the rest of his time either in the colorful space or outside in the sun. It was really pleasant.

Today, Emperor juechen went out again. As soon as he left the front foot, a maid came at the back foot.

"Miss Feng, our wife is looking for you."

Feng Chuge was leaning against one side to take a nap. Now she looked at the maid coming. She slightly raised her eyes and saw that she was chiyuling's confidant servant girl.

"Why? Going shopping again?" Feng Chuge raised her lips and sneered.

"No, our young master is coming back. Madam wants you to get together. Young master juechen will go directly later."

"Oh?" Feng Chuge said calmly, "will the dust go directly in a moment?"

"Of course," said the maid, urging. "Miss Feng, just go straight to the front yard."

"OK." Feng Chuge stood up, nodded and followed the maid out.

In the front yard, sure enough, chiyuling has been waiting there.

Looking at Feng Chuge, chiyuling eagerly went to hold Feng Chuge's arm. "Here comes the song," he said, looking at her up and down several times. "I was worried that you would be frightened last time. I think I thought more."

"Thank you for your concern." Feng Chuge's eyes flickered a little faint light.

Polite words, who won't say?

"Ha ha, come and sit down." chiyuling took Feng Chuge to one side, and then ordered the servant girl on the side. "What are you still waiting for? Go and make tea."

After a while, the maid brewed the tea.

Chiyuling pointed to the tea. "Ge'er, try this tea. It's made from the snow on the iceberg for thousands of years. It can refresh your mind and nourish your qi."

"Ten thousand year iceberg?" Feng Chuge was surprised.

She picked up the tea cup and sniffed at the tip of her nose. Sure enough, a faint fragrance came to her nose.

"Yes, this is my private treasure!" chiyuling pursed her red lips and smiled faintly. "Drink it quickly. Drink it while it's hot. The effect will be bad when it's cold."

"HMM." Feng Chuge gently lowered his eyelids and smelled the tea inside.

The tea is very fragrant and good, but between the aroma, there are other flavors

And this taste is not strange to Fengchu songs.

As a senior herbalist, she has a deep understanding of herbs and is particularly sensitive to the smell of various poisons.

Red lips light up

She knew that chiyuling had no good idea.

Chiyuling's eyes blinked at Feng Chuge. She had to see feng Chuge drink that cup of tea, but she didn't move.

"Song, what's the matter? Don't like this tea?" the heart suddenly mentioned, and chiyuling asked.

Feng Chu song heard the sound, collected all the strange looks at the bottom of her eyes, then raised her head and looked at chiyuling. "No, it's just that you have to taste such good things slowly. Where can you drink them all at once?"

Chiyuling smiled. "Ha ha, what am I supposed to be? It's because of this. Don't worry. I still have it there. If you like it, you can take it back. Drink this cup of tea while it's hot. It's a waste when it's cold."

Feng Chuge didn't hesitate and drank it at one breath.

Until watching Feng Chuge drink tea, chiyuling's heart was completely relaxed.