"If you delay one more day, you won't die. I always think it's worth it to change the integrity of Yan Sanniang in one day." Ji Li said and raised his eyes. "Or you don't want to save Yan Sanniang?"

"OK, I promise you." Feng Chuge gritted her teeth again.

For the sake of Yan Sanniang, she can't bear it!

Now she just prayed to go back quickly and had nothing to do with the so-called devil!

The vortex whirled at high speed. When I stepped into the vortex, I felt the strong pressure around me.

The cold breath and severe pressure made her feel suffocated.

This sense of suffocation has never been felt before.

Feng Chuge looked chilly. She was slightly absorbed and released her spiritual power to confront the swirling air flow.

In this way, the surrounding sense of oppression is slowly relieved.

She breathed a sigh of relief, looked up and smiled at the devil.

"What are you looking at?"

"Very good." Ji Li put his hands around his chest. If nothing had happened, it seemed that the vortex only worked on Feng Chuge.

Feng Chuge just glanced at him and didn't speak.

"Do you know what this vortex is?" silence left, but he opened his mouth.

"I don't want to know."

"This vortex is the gateway to the extremely dark place. Over the years, countless people have tried to come to this extremely dark place, but they all died under the oppression of this vortex. You are the first to pass through this vortex smoothly."


Everyone died here!

Feng Chuge understood this time. The devil of emotion pushed her to death!

She resisted the urge to swear and raised her eyes. "Oh, I'm not dead. Did I disappoint you?"

"Don't be disappointed. If you die like this, it's boring."

Feng Chuge glared fiercely.

If she can, she really wants to go up and beat him hundreds of times!

But... No

Not to mention that she can't compare with him.

That Yan Sanniang is still in his hands.

Her fists on both sides clenched tightly, trying to suppress the anger at the bottom of her heart.

After a while, the sense of oppression slowly dispersed, and the vortex finally withdrew.

Feng Chu song stepped out of the vortex, at the same time, into the darkness.

"Where is this?" there was darkness around, only a few lights were burning in the distance.

"The road to the human world, after passing here, is your human world."

"In the dark, you have to go through here? You might as well go back directly."

"Your whole day belongs to this seat, and you can't blame this seat for the night. It's you who came to my very dark place in the night." Ji Li shrugged and then walked forward. "Keep up."

He followed Ji Li behind him and soon reached the lights not far away.

When she arrived at the place where there was an open fire, Feng Chuge clearly saw three blood red characters engraved on a stone under the open fire——

Styx village.

The dark red words like blood donation are shocking in the light of fire.

That is, under the open fire, Feng Chuge was surprised to find that the red hair at the end of the devil's silence turned into black, and the silver clothes on his body turned into a blue, ordinary long shirt

"Don't ask or say anything. Just follow me. Styx village is where half demons and half human monsters stay. Neither the demon world nor the human world can accommodate them, so they hide here."